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What does the Vivendi takeover mean to SciFi



I was just reading about a French company called Vivendi Universal which is buying all the assets of USA Networks for 10.3 Billion. I hope this will turn out to be good for the Sci-Fi Channel. Unfortunately it is too early to know what changes Vivendi will eventually make but I am sure there will be some. Sci-Fi Channel has been(IMHO) somewhat dissappointing but in the past couple of years I feel that Bonnie Hammer has put them on a track that I thought they should have had from the beginning. And given what I have come to expect from the networks in terms of sci-fi programming, I think the Sci-Fi Channel is our last best hope for good, intelligent programs. Vivendi also aquired Universal Studios last year. Below I have attached a release I got the the Vivendi web site

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
As a result of this transaction, the companies believe there will be improved content offerings on USA cable networks, which will drive ratings and per-subscriber fees. Also, this is the opportunity to fully monetize Universal franchise content, such as Dr. Seuss' How The Grinch Stole Christmas and Erin Brockovich) through improved TV distribution. While immediate revenue synergies are estimated to be approximately about $60 million, these opportunities are expected to represent more than $100 million of additional EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) - approximately $40 million from cost savings, in addition to the new revenue generation. Other cost saving opportunities may arise through information technology and real estate integration.

Moving to general discussion.

"You're going to die screaming and I'm going to watch."
-- Charlie, The Long Kiss Goodnight.
Let's hope that it doesn't go badly for B5 (B5/Crusade/Rangers), like the Havas/Sierra thing did.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM & 11PM EST, January 20, 2002 at 5PM on The Sci-Fi Channel (US).
noooooo their the guys who ruined space quest!!!!

Does Universal have any science fiction programs?
Does the French channel?

If they have their own SiFi programmes the new top management will want to show those. If they do not have any SiFi then the new top management will not understand science fiction and its audience.

Since it will be the middle of March before the take over is complete there may be managerial disorder for the next few months. Unless the development budget is controlled within Sci-Fi this is unlikely to be good for B5LR. Confused managerial structures normally produced poor and decisions and delay.

From personal experience, after a take over things carry on the same as before for about 2 years. Then the changers start.

If the new owners know nothing about science fiction there may be room for a managerial buyout, in the next 2 or 3 years. Providing the station remains profitable and keeps its audience.

Andrew Swallow
Hopefully nothing will come of the takeover and B5 especially will remain the same


[This message has been edited by Shaal Mayan (edited December 18, 2001).]
Why are you all worried? Nothing will happen. Then frech company bought it for a better profit. They dont care Sci-fi is doing as long its making money.

Webmaster for B5:A2
Babylon 5: Armada II
A MOD for Star Trek: Armada II
Unfortunately, neither Hollywood nor France have a reputation for hands off management.

Andrew Swallow
Take-overs almost always mean layoffs and "restructuring" I thought. I hope this isn't part of the reason that a Rangers series isn't getting the sudden silent treatment.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."—Galileo

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
Take-overs almost always mean layoffs and "restructuring" I thought. I hope this isn't part of the reason that a Rangers series isn't getting the sudden silent treatment.


Whether or not the merger will have any eventual impact on B5 -- and I doubt it will, but you never know -- it's way too early for anything to be happening at this time. It's likely to be several months before the details of the merger are even fully implemented.

-- Marty
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
Take-overs almost always mean layoffs and "restructuring" I thought. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"Almost"? More like "Always".

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 19, 2002 at 9PM & 11PM EST, January 20, 2002 at 5PM on The Sci-Fi Channel (US).
My worry is that the merger could effectively put everything on hold, with current staff reluctant to start the ball rolling on something new that incoming new management might not approve of. Meaning a longer wait for a possible new B5 series.

You're speaking treason! Olivia De Havilland as Maid Marian
Fluently! Errol Flynn as Robin Hood
You're talking treason! Olivia De Havilland as Arabella Bishop
I trust I'm not obscure. Errol Flynn as Dr. Peter Blood

Pallindromes of the month: Snug was I, ere I saw guns.
Doom an evil deed, liven a mood.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jade Jaguar:
My worry is that the merger could effectively put everything on hold, with current staff reluctant to start the ball rolling on something new that incoming new management might not approve of. Meaning a longer wait for a possible new B5 series.


Which would be one argument for them waiting for the rating numbers. (Damn

It's not an exact way of measuring effectiveness, but it's pretty much the only quantifiable way they've got.


A ship in a port is safe, but that's not what ships are for.

Rear Admiral Grace Murray Hopper

[This message has been edited by Technomage Roanna (edited December 22, 2001).]