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What happened to Lennier?

Hi, I was just watching this S5 episode where Lennier leaves Sheridan alone while he is in live-danger. After he apologizes, he leaves the Whitestar. Does anyone know what happens to him? Does he see Sheridan and Delenn again?

(Spoiler) Lennier joins up with Lyta during the Telepath Crisis, and they both supposedly die together(Spoiler)
Back on 21 March I posted the following, about the Crusade episode, The Path of Sorrows:

I have a copy of the script. The cast list says "Lyta Alexander - TBA"

On page 25 when Matheson enters the cell it says:

"She slowly raises her head: it's LYTA ALEXANDER, looking dishevelled, dirty..."

On page 31,after the fighting starts we have:

"There's another blast, this time of sheer force, not explosives, blowing out the door to the cell, and in the smoke and ust we SEE Lyta emerge, eyes glowing brightly, a corona around her. She looks off...and in the melee we can just SEE a Minbari Ranger, but not seeing his face, fighting furiously, hand to hand, making his way to her.


That's all we see as Matheson is carried away by the crowd.

Hope that answers your main question.
that episode would have been so much better had it been that way instead of the way it was done.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />

"There's another blast, this time of sheer force, not explosives, blowing out the door to the cell, and in the smoke and ust we SEE Lyta emerge, eyes glowing brightly, a corona around her. She looks off...and in the melee we can just SEE a Minbari Ranger, but not seeing his face, fighting furiously, hand to hand, making his way to her.


Spoilers to the Techno-mage books.

If that corona is a shield, like Galen's, then Lyta and Lennier could have survived the destruction of the Psi Corps base. Particularly, if she destroyed the base using the telekinetic equivalent of Galen's Spell of Destruction.
that is what i always believed, i even had a dream about this once, it was when matheson is taking off in the shuttle and sees the base destroyed, this wasn't in this episode, but a new one that wasn't made, except in my mind, where he had a dream about it, and he woke up, a look of shock on his face, because he just remembered a blue dot flying in the air, and zooming off exremely fast, he zooms in on it in his dream, and he sees that it was her and lennier, surrounded in a blue field, similar to the one made in MindWar, this episode my mind made had matheson take over the ship, and take it to an old, deserted base made by vorlons a thousand years ago, where they find lyta and lennier, and get an upgrade by the vorlon tech there.
In the Psi-Corp trilogy didnt they say Lyta did some sort of big "Mind blast" or "Mind bomb" with her telepathic abilities that also fried herself? Wasnt it something like that?
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Recoil: </font color>
In the Psi-Corp trilogy didnt they say Lyta did some sort of big "Mind blast" or "Mind bomb" with her telepathic abilities that also fried herself? Wasnt it something like that?


I don't remember that from the Psi Corps trilogy, or anywhere else.

<font color="red">Don't read below if you haven't read Final Reckoning yet.</font color>

Bester did mention that for all her power Lyta was easy to detect, infact is was because of her power that she was easy to detect. Remember though, the plan was that Lyta would let herself be captured.

Final Reckoning - The Fate of Bester

pg. 212 (mid page) thru pg. 213 (top half)

Bester felt a sudden flash of heat that had nothing to do with the kung pao sitting uneasily in his stomach. It felt more like a hot wind in his skull, followed by a contrasting cold that lingered. He'd felt it before, just before walking into Lyta's trap. He'd felt it on Mars, seconds before a terrorist bomb had depressurized his office.

There was an old exercise for picturing how gravity worked. You imagine space as a sheet of rubber extending in all directions. You put a ballbearing on that sheet and it creates a small dimple. You place a cannonball on that sheet and it makes a large one. ...

He had felt Lyta that day. Her Vorlon-enhanced abilities had made a huge dent in the fabric of psi-space, and his backbrain had fairly shrieked "Get Out!"
If memory serves (I watched Crusade in 1998 with the lousiest antenna on this planet, over an extremely garbled channel) the base pretty much blew up.

That an evacuation took place... suggests that people knew what would happen. This may suggest that it was not Lytas direct handiwork. Perhaps she simply used telekinetic abilities to push the main reactor beyond its safe operating range, thus causing a nuclear explosion.

Whatever the circumstances and type of explosion, neither of them was seen later. Given that both had unfinished business, perhaps even something left to live for, the most likely explanation to disappearance seems death.
The thing is that since Lyta and Lennier were not shown in The Path of Sorrows, that explosion may not have been where they both died. It all depends on the moods of JMS, Pat Tallman, and Bill Mumy, and whether The Telepath Crisis ever gets filmed.
Also if JMS wants to write a new series about a red headed telepath.

There are many places Lyta could have gone, other than the grave. Bringing Lennier back would be harder but not impossible.
lennier, in the actual show, which didn't have lyta in it, matheson hit the emergency evac button or something like that, because the blip just showed him the bomb, and if i remember correctly, Crusade's 13 episodes didn't hit the airwaves until january '99.
Because the episode as filmed was altered from what was originally written, JMS does indeed have other options for dealing with the fates of Lennier and Lyta. But I doubt he is going to change his mind about the final outcome, even if he alters the details, anymore than he did with Marcus. He mapped out the lives of all of the characters, and they are part of the thread of his story. In any event, the Psi Corps trilogy makes it pretty clear that Lyta did not survive the Teep War, and "Sleeping in Light" makes it abundantly clear that Lennier is dead by 2281. And, of course, the Crusade writer's guide warned that the two characters were "not available" except for flashbacks during the proposed timeframe of the series.

I doubt that JMS has any interest in doing The Adventures of Lyta and G'Kar as a series, because I don't think it has enough story potential to sustain a five year arc, and short of that there is no series the could regularly involve Lyta.

I'm just hoping that the next batch of SF/Fantasy films and the B5 DVDs do well enough to get Warner Bros. interested in B5 feature film, which is our last, best hope for seeing the fate of these two characters once and for all.





Crusade debuted June 9, 1999, nearly six months after production was halted for the second and final time.