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What spoiler in 'the gathering'?


Beyond the rim
What spoiler in \'the gathering\'?

Somewhere on one of the topics (I forgot which one), I read a comment which envolves a 'major spoiler in the gathering'. I've watched B5 through it's entire 5 year arc and the Gathering a couple of times, yet I am unclear as to what this spoiler is.

Help anyone?
Re: What spoiler in \'the gathering\'?

Which version have you seen? The one originally aired, or the slightly altered version that came out a few years back?

[the spoiler in question is coming up]

In the latter version, when Kosh first comes aboard the ship, he sees the person he believes to be Sinclair and thinks to himself (indicated by lack of Vorlon sounds accompanying his voice), "Entil'zha, Valen."
Re: What spoiler in \'the gathering\'?

he sees the person he believes to be Sinclair and thinks to himself (indicated by lack of Vorlon sounds accompanying his voice), "Entil'zha, Valen."

Which, of course, isn't a spoiler. Most first-time viewers are not going to memorize that one line, consisting of two unfamiliar words, much less understand what they mean. This one is only a "spoiler" if you already know who "Valen" is, already know what an "Entil'zha" is, and understand that Kosh is thinking that because he recognizes Sinclair, and that it isn't come kind of Minbari blessing or greeting that is used when you come aboard a spacestation. In short the only way it is a spoiler is if you already know who Sinclair is. Otherwise it is an obscure line and you almost certainly won't still remember it by the time you first hear the term "Entil'Zha" explained, and finally see what happens in "WWE".

I've always regarded this as one of the silliest "spoiler warnings" that fans who have seen the whole show retrospectively project onto the TV movies. (In the Beginning isn't nearly as bad in this regard as most of its critics claim either.)


Re: What spoiler in \'the gathering\'?

Quite exact. For a new viewer, "Entil'zha Valen" might mean anything up to (and perhaps including) "your airlock is full of eels".
Re: What spoiler in \'the gathering\'?

Aha I see, thank you Koshfan for answering my question.

Indeed, I have ever only seen (and own on dvd) the original version of The Gathering. I live in the Netherlands, where the re-edited version never came out. But with the new dvd set of all the TV-movies coming out soon, I won't have too wait long to finally see it.