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What timeline problem?(spoilers)

I think I have a possible explanation to why the Hand wasn't mentioned before.

I agree with what GKE said, people don't go around constantly talking about everything in their past.

What if the Hand was kept secret from the other alliance races? Look what it took to get the different races working together for the Shadow War, something even worse than that, and the ISA could fall into dissention.

Of course, a possibility on the origin of the Hand is that they are from another dimension (like Species 8472 from Star Trek). The first ones may never have known about their existence. It is possible that the Hand are just coming around now because the First Ones are gone. Maybe they were a threat to the Hand, but now that they are gone, the Hand think they are free to roam.

I have a feeling that Kafta's race is being used to "scope out" the galaxy and see if it is safe for the Hand. Chances are they aren't as powerful as Kafta boasted.

"We live for the one, we die for the one."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Of course, a possibility on the origin of the Hand is that they are from another dimension (like Species 8472 from Star Trek). The first ones may never have known about their existence. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, it was stated that the Hand were from This Galaxy.
They were Exiled by the First Ones and tossed into another universe.
They have somehow made contact with a couple Sucker races and have them working on a way to open whatever Door will allow the hand to Return to our universe.

Personally, I didn't notice any timeline problems and it appears that most of the people who thought there IS a problem are working from incomplete knowledge and mistaken assumptions about what takes/took place When.

As far as Why no one (like ISN) mentioned the Hand previously, if the Rangers solved the problem without the Hand ever getting close to Earth, ISN probably Wouldn't consider them important 6 weeks later, no matter How Many people died stopping them.

Parochial attitude, but typical of news organizations and Earth Gov in general.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Parochial attitude, but typical of news organizations and Earth Gov in general.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Absolutely, we see it all the time. Dig hard enough and you can find out that Western forces are still actively attacking parts of Afghanistan, but it is a good 4-5 weeks since this was reported in any meaningful way, certainly in the UK.

It is also a fact that we have only ever seen snippets of ISN bulletins containing the reports pertinent to the episode/TVM we are watching. We never see the story that comes next !!


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