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Whatever Happened to Brother Theo?

Brad Dourif plays the EXACT SAME CHARACTER in everything he does. He is always that guy who you take one look at him and you know he is a bit psycho and twisted.

Rather than "psycho and twisted," I would say damaged and in pain, usually shy. But I think you should see him in Wise Blood, a John Huston film. He's not 'normal' there either, but rather different from his other roles.
There's a bit of an exaggeration here. Dourif has played many psychotic and strange characters, true enough. And I can see the similarities between characters like Grima Wormtongue, Piter de Vries from Dune, and the serial killer he played on Voyager's crew, for example. But his (absolutely brilliant) portrayal as the innocent and vulnerable Billy from "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" and the tragic and gentle Brother Edward from B5 are totally different.

The fact that he still looks like a bit of an oddball even when he's not playing one isn't exactly his fault.

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