What\'s up with no B5 on Sci-fi Channel?
I turned on my set this week (I work from home) and there was no B5 on Sci-fi Channel at the usual time. I checked out the broadcast schedules on scifi.com and they're replacing their daily lineup with marathons of various shows - this week it's 1960's "Outer Limits" every single day from morning 'til night
. In the coming weeks, they'll be running daytime marathons of Hercules, Incredible Hulk, and Farscape. After searching through several of weeks of programming, I found that B5 is returning to its usual timeslot on Monday morning, Oct. 27. I've quit trying to understand why Sci-fi Channel does anything that they do, but for those who have not... Why in the world would they screw up their whole daytime schedule for weeks in a row like that and then go back to the way it was before???
I don't know where they're buying whatever it is that they're smokin', but I think they got a bad batch!
I turned on my set this week (I work from home) and there was no B5 on Sci-fi Channel at the usual time. I checked out the broadcast schedules on scifi.com and they're replacing their daily lineup with marathons of various shows - this week it's 1960's "Outer Limits" every single day from morning 'til night
I don't know where they're buying whatever it is that they're smokin', but I think they got a bad batch!