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Which "B5" Character are You?

Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

#1 Lennier
#2 Marcus Cole
#3 Talia Winters
#4 Stephen Franklin
#5 Vir Cotto

Woo .. I had guessed that I'd be Lennier. Damn I'm good :D ;)
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

1. Lennier
2. Delenn
3. Dr. Franklin
4. Reefa
5. Neroon

Say WHA? How did Reefa get in there? Oh, and Sheridan was LAST. Does that mean I have to change my avatar now? :)
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

Would'nt load for me, oh well.
For one time, it did a similar trick to me. The browser just mysteriously exited (as if some error control routine would have decided it better than trying to recover). Are you by any chance using Mozilla 1.3.1?
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

#1 Lord Reefa
#2 Delenn
#3 Lenier
#4 Mr. Morden
#5 Vir Cotto
#6 Bester

Reefa, Delenn and Bester all walk into a bar.....
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

Nope, internet explorer. Might try it agian...

2:Jeffrey Sinclair
4:Vir Cotto
5:Lord Reefa
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

I wanted to come up G'Kar, but figured I'd come up Londo. Well, G'kar was #16, and Londo was 20!
1. Bester
2. Sinclair
3. Refa
4. Garibaldi
5. Talia

And I got
1. Bester
2. Sinclair
3. Delenn
4. Refa
5. Garibaldi

17. G'kar
18. Londo

Not many Besters out there it seems. Perhaps that's a good thing. :)
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

Sup, I just took the test and here are my results:
top 5
Mr. Morden

Bottom 5:
Jeff Sinclair

Maybe I should have chosen Kosh as a nic..lol
Re: Which \"B5\" Character are You?

top 6:
Jeffrey Sinclair
Michael Garibaldi
Lord Reefa

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