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Which RANGERS cast member are you most looking forward to?

According to JMS, the cast consists of:

David Martel - "our lead character, a Ranger who's come through some especially rough times"

Dulann - "a Minbari, his second"

Sarah Cantrell - "of Mars Dome One, weapons specialist"

Firell - "Minbari, a healer"

Kitaro Sasaki - "of Earth, communication and translations"

Malcolm Bridges - "covert intelligence and infiltration"

Tafeek - "Minbari, a political and first contact guy" (may only be in the TV movie and not the series)

Na'Feel - "a Narn...a recent recruit"

Tirk - "a Drazi...a recent recruit"

Which one sounds most interesting to you? For me it would have to be Sarah Cantrell, since the Mars issue was one that I always wanted to see more of on B5, and it'll be interesting to see a native of the newly independent Mars in this show. I'm also interested in seeing Tafeek, and hope that he'll make it to the series.

Now that you asked... all of them.

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.
I am so glad they had a League character. How can you go wrong with a Drazi main character? As a race they are such great comic relief. They are always wrong and never afforded dignity. Well except that really cool one in "Intersections in Real Time".

We are fighting to save one another and some of us must be sacrificed, if all of us are to be saved.- Kosh as G'Lan
That is a difficult question to answer! Maybe it is because I met some of the cast and like most of them already.

Still, perhaps my personal favorite will be Kitaro simply because I am half-Japanese and I love seeing Asians in SciFi (althogh, I did not like Harry Kim of Voyager). I really dug Matheson in Crusade but not just because he was a sexy Asian man, but his character had some really interesting things to deal with as well. Finally, I am always pleased when an actor plays a character of the same heritage. It makes it more believable to me. Time will tell if I will remain intrigued with Kitaro besides his heritage.

My gut tells me that Tirk will be like Zathras and JMS will have a lot of fun with him. I dont think Tirk will have much to say but when he does I think it will draw us to him and make us laugh.

Cantrell and Na'Feel have the possiblity of being strong female chars which is always appealing to me. I miss Na'Toth and I hope Na'Feel will fill that void. Cantrell has the possibility of developing the "Queen Ice Bitch" persona but like Ivonova, we will see much more to her personality than that.

Dulann and Firell give us the opportunity to learn more about the Minbari culture which is always interesting to me. I love Enid-Ray's wacky sense of humor and I can only hope that she will be able to bring that out in her char as well.

The only characters I have mixed feelings about are Martel, Bridges and Tafeek. I just don't think I have seen them enough to make a decision one way or the other.

I know you said to pick one ... but I couldnt help myself!

Monica Hübinette | http://monica.hubbe.net/ | http://abyss.hubbe.net/b5/

Find what excites you, and do it. Follow your joy; the rest will take care of itself.
--J. Michael Straczynski--
I really want to see if Na'Feel is 'starstruck' with G'Kar and how they interact. Just remember not to look to closely at any books he's holding.

"Authorities say the phony pope can be recognized by his high-top sneakers and increadibly foul mouth." Kent Brockman
One of the things JMS insited on during B5 was as much ethnic diversity as possible in both characters AND extras. He actually changed casting agencies at one point during B5 because they kept sending him the same limited mix of actors to choose from even after he'd told them he needed more Variety.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
I really don't know. But after I will see the movie, then I will know, who is my favourite.
All of them.

With so little to go on, I can't really say right now. I'm just looking forward to the movie!!

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."
G'Kar .... ive missed his speaches
lol he was always such an intresting character but it will be intresting to see how he goes with out londo

i cant say about the new cast til i seee what there like

G'kar " No dictator no invader can hold an imprissioned population by force of arms .forever.. there is no greater power in the universe than the need for freedom...against that power goverments and tirants and armies Cannot stand... The centuri learned this lession once ... We will teach it to them again... though it take a thousand years... We will be Free!"
I have to admit, I am hoping one of the Minbari is a member of the Worker Caste. After Delenn and Neroon, I am very, very curious to see what their ideas/hopes are.

"So where does the power come from to see the race to its end? It comes from within."
I was actually looking forward to having a Minbari from the Warrior Caste. After all, the only Warrior Caste members we've seen so far have been jerks and scum. And Neroon only redeemed himself at the end. Before that he was yet another jerk. I think it'd be pretty cool to have one as a regular cast member. But judging from their bone crests, no such luck. Worker Caste would be cool, too, but it looks as if we may end up with nothing but Religious Caste members.

Lochley: You know what you are?

Gideon: Ruggedly handsome?

Lochley: A control freak!

Gideon: Can't I be both?
There are Rangers from All Three castes. We've already seen both Religious & Warrior caste Rangers featured. Remember a certain lesson in Terror?

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu:
Interesting idea, Jimmy.

Why not? Especially since Delenn obviously decided (by late season 4) that the Worker caste should be paid more attention than previously (they seemed to be all but invisible before). I can't see any reason why some wouldn't have joined the Rangers.


Aye well when Sinclair went to Minbar and became Ranger one that is when he oppened the ranks of the rangers to allow Worker caste to join up as well..prior to that it was only Warrior and religious caste that were allowed to join the rangers.

Yes you can tell that they were trying to make up for lost time with the worker caste like how Delenn when she reformed the grey councel stacked it in the worker cast favour by making 5 worker? 2 warrior and 2 religious cast.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Captain Matthew Gideon:
I was actually looking forward to having a Minbari from the Warrior Caste. After all, the only Warrior Caste members we've seen so far have been jerks and scum. And Neroon only redeemed himself at the end. Before that he was yet another jerk.

I thought Neroon was rather honorable he alwasy did what he thought was best for the Minbari. But yes he has done some horrible things but even then I think he thought it was best.

I like how he changed casts as he died ..wish he hadn't have died but woulda liked how he changed.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
There are Rangers from All Three castes. We've already seen both Religious & Warrior caste Rangers featured. Remember a certain lesson in Terror?


Thats was a warrior caste and religious cast right?

I seem to think we have seen a ranger from the worker cast but can't think where.

Anyone know?


[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited June 25, 2001).]
Interesting idea, Jimmy.

Why not? Especially since Delenn obviously decided (by late season 4) that the Worker caste should be paid more attention than previously (they seemed to be all but invisible before). I can't see any reason why some wouldn't have joined the Rangers.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."
<--- The pic to the left should explain my rather extreme prejudice towards Neroon, He of the Short Tempered.

In Learning Curve we get to see the younger generation from the Warrior and Religious Castes. Rastenn from the warrior's side, and Tannier from the Religious side. Also, Sech Turval, in spite of being a teacher for the Rangers, I believe is from Religious originally and, of course, Sech Durhan from the Warrior Caste.

The other Minbari I do remember was the one who carried the message to Delenn in Severed Dreams and I thought he was Religious.

And then there is Branmer who was a high priest in the Religious Caste, but became warrior for the Earth Minbari War.

It's amazing. I forget to buy paper napkins and eggs for groceries but can rattle off fictional characters and their castes at the drop of a hat ...

"So where does the power come from to see the race to its end? It comes from within."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jimmy:
<--- The pic to the left should explain my rather extreme prejudice towards Neroon, He of the Short Tempered.


Hmm... Prejudice against or prejudice in favour of??

That young Minbari ranger recruit in season 5 who was on the same training mission as Lennier - in the first episode with Montoya (something's wrong with my brain today, I can't remember any names) - was he Warrior caste?
He looked Warrior caste to my untrained eyes but he certainly didn't act like one.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kribu:
That young Minbari ranger recruit in season 5 who was on the same training mission as Lennier - in the first episode with Montoya (something's wrong with my brain today, I can't remember any names) - was he Warrior caste?
He looked Warrior caste to my untrained eyes but he certainly didn't act like one.

His name was Findell and I do believe he was from the Warrior Caste. Of course, I don't remember if he identified himself as one, but I thought he was because of his headbone.

I also believe Neroon, Delenn, even Lennier, are the exceptions to the rule in their own castes. And that Shakiri is more of the representative of the Warriors while the Religious crew featured in Rumors, Bargains and Lies and Ashan in There All Honor Lies are more representative of the Religious Caste.

I think I just scared myself silly.

"So where does the power come from to see the race to its end? It comes from within."
So what you're saying is that the Warrior caste were actually more like spineless cowards?

That would make Neroon an exception indeed... not that I liked him or anything, but he at least seemed to have a spine.

"It's animal magnetism. What can I say."

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