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Who destroyed Babylon 1, 2 and 3?

I think it was the Homeguard after all look at all the trouble they caused on the station after it was constructed.......finally.After all homeguard is all for humans keeping human jobs and stopping alien migration to Earth so destroying the Babylon stations would be there main interest.I dont see any one else who could have done it .
See above for all the reasons it almost certainly wasn't the Homeguard. (Like, there weren't very many aliens taking jobs away from Humans at the time, and therefore no reason for the Homeguard - who seem to be a new group when Sinclair encounters them) to have existed back then.

It is possible for people to do evil things without being part of a conspiracy, and not everything that ever happened in the B5 universe was the work of some individual or group we saw on screen. Just as in Tolkein's universe not every evil thing was working for Sauron, so the in B5 universe not ever evil individual is tied in to something else in the story.


Yeah, Joe, I'm saying the Babylon stations were built to defend Earth. The idea was that the Babylon station could defuse conflicts like the Earth-Minbari War. In other words, protecting Earth by making sure Earth didn't get involved in another devastating war while it was so weak. It's what generally happens these days; diplomacy prevails before the missiles start flying.
You're all forgetting the obvious factor ... it actually was Jinxo! Everytime he left, a station blew up or disapeared. Regardless of who sabotaged the stations, it wouldn't have worked if Jinxo had stayed. Heck, even he admits that! The only reason B5 was spared was because he decided to stop being the person he was before. /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif
In other words, protecting Earth by making sure Earth didn't get involved in another devastating war while it was so weak. It's what generally happens these days; diplomacy prevails before the missiles start flying.

Diplomacy only works as long as it works. (See WWI, WWII, Korea, Bosnia, etc., etc., etc.) Then you need an actual defense. And B5 was at least as much for the purpose of keeping other worlds from becoming embroiled in war as it was to protect Earth.

Nor is it clear that most of Earth's forces were destroyed at the Line. Nearly every ship that fought there was, but we're never told what percentage of Earth's total fleet that represented, nor how far in advance Earth knew about the Minbari advance. Substantial forces must have been guarding the primarily civilian colonies (which hadn't been hit yet.) And the only ones the could have joined the final defense were those close enough to answer Earth's last desparate call for help. Lexington certainly wasn't among them, and we're never told that she was unusual in this respect. Certainly all of the Earth ships without rotating grav sections that we see in the series are Minbari-war vintage, which suggests that most of them survived the conflict. (Some would have been under construction during the war.) A fair number of ships were also in Earth orbit to act as a final defense. "The Line" proper was further out, probably between Mars and Jupiter.

Under these circumstances it doesn't seem that Earth would be in such desparate shape that it would build the Babylon Station as a primarily defensive outpost, nor that Earth would divert huge amount of resources to build it instead of new warships. I suspect Earth diverted resources from other things entirely in order to build both the spacestation and as many new ships as the yards could turn out. Carrot and stick, rather than trying to use a carrot as if it were a stick until actual sticks could be found. /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif (I suspect that one of the areas that was cut back to pay for all of this was support for the Mars colony, which may have helped increase tensions there.)


I guess I was trying to say that, because Earth was out of sticks they tossed out a big carrot instead, to hold attention while other sticks were being produced. But as you say, they may still have had some sticks lying around. Also, I should have made it clearer that this is why EarthForce backed B5. The rest of the EA may very well have had other reasons.

Good point about Mars. Mars always seemed to have a fairly ambivilent attitude towards B5, even when the Army of Light was helping them in the civil war. I wonder if they remembered Sheridan's participation in the riots?
The line can't have been that far out, because Franklin makes a point of saying in "TLTS" that the Minbari skipped Io and Mars because they were ready for something big, to hit the homeworld itself. nopt only this, but the invasion force appears to be quite close to Earth if the holographic tactical projection in the Minbari cruisers is anything to go by. I am sure we also see Starfuries sweeping over the moon just as the 1st wave of attackers comes in during In the Beginning.
I am sure we also see Starfuries sweeping over the moon just as the 1st wave of attackers comes in during In the Beginning.

yup. We also see earth in the background as well right after the minbari blow up the first fighter near the moon.

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