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Who here is sick of a reflecting music montage...

The Paragon Of Animals

  • Hell yea! They are so lame, and tired, and way overdone. Sappy too.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No way, they just make the ending of every episode hip!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Well, it was kinda cool when Alias started doing it...5 years ago.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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Re: Who here is sick of a reflecting music montage

I made that post after watching 2 episodes of CSI last night and was foremost on my mind. Anyway it does seem to be overdone in many shows. Especially on the WB, I guess the CW now, where after Smallville they would tell you what artists did the music for tonight's episode.
Re: Who here is sick of a reflecting music montage

Back when they were relatively rare, and used pretty exclusively in places where it maximized their effect ...... and when their rarity meant that the directors / producers could get music that both fit perfectly and was pretty unique to their episode .......

They could be extremely effective at eliciting emotional responses.

And I'm not talking only 5 years ago on Alias. Memorable musical montage scenes include the end of the very last episode of China Beach at "The Wall" at dawn, and the "Nights in White Satin" scene in the last episode of the Sonny Steelegrave arc on Wiseguy (which doesn't work nearly as well on the DVD because they couldn't get the same music for the DVD that they had used in the aired version of the episode). Those are both from the late 1980's. The Wiseguy one wasn't right at the very end of the episode, but about as close to it as it could be, considering .......
Re: Who here is sick of a reflecting music montage

I dont by all means think that all of them are bad. Some of them work out really nicely. Over the years I have always had this scene in my head from the miniseries The Stand. Towards the end they did a montage of all the people they had lost and it's forever stuck in my brain.
Re: Who here is sick of a reflecting music montage

I think a lot of you as associating music playing in the background in just about any part of a show or movie. That's not what I was describing at the start of this thread. Its a very specific thing. Antony hit it on the head. Watch the last 5 minutes of ANY Lost episode in the last 2 and a half seasons, and you will see they all end with the same thing --- and its just not cool or meaningful anymore. Then turn the TV to other shows these days, and watch the same thing in the last 5 minutes of those shows. They serve no point but to "reflect" on stuff and have become such a cliche. But what I was talking about specifically deals more with TV shows these days, and that they take place in the last 5min and are utterly pointless.

As someone else said above, I wish they would retire them for good, and give us 5 minutes more of plot and story.