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Who is the one???

The One is the leader of the Anla`Shok and I do believe it refers to the Entil`Zha. Anla`Shok Na is the step before Entil`Zha

We live for the one, we die for the one
Teekas Dragon, if you were speaking aloud, I'd tell you to stop to Breathe once in a while.

As it is, that post would have been much easier to read if you'd put in a little bit of punctuation between thoughts.

Yes, All Minbari know that Valen is The One. About Current Events, they are a bit less informed. As far as respect for Delenn & Sheridan, have you never heard the phrase: "A prophet is without honor in his own time" ??

That sums up their attitude toward Delenn. She is a Very Annoying person who persists in being RIGHT.

And, you have to remember that the average Minbari will Never Know that Sinclair became Valen. Everyone on the White Star at the time agreed to keep it secret. I'm not sure Delenn even told the new Grey Council. She might have decided not to "burden" them with it. After all, it would have only made most of them Unhappy, particularly the Warrior Caste members.

The Minbari tell you only what you Need To Know. Even Delenn complained about this.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Maybe we'll find the answer in the new movie.
As for the Ranger mantra, just remember when you pledge allegiance to the flag it's not just a piece of cloth, it's a symbol of the greater whole. The Rangers may have started out meaning Valen but they kept it up for 1,000 years when there was no ONE so it has just become a saying. We know they are still saying it 1000 years later in DoFS long after Delenn and Sheridan are gone.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> The Rangers may have started out meaning Valen but they kept it up for 1,000 years when there was no ONE so it has just become a saying. We know they are still saying it 1000 years later in DoFS long after Delenn and Sheridan are gone.

Disagree. Valen may have been Dead for 1000 years, but the Rangers were still willing to die for his Principles. His spirit is still The ONE.

Remember that Minbari believe their spirits are Reborn. So, like several Eastern religions, they believe that Valen's Soul is living in some Minbari's body somewhere.

BTW, that raises an interesting possibility: Some of the Eastern religions which believe similarly also Search for the reborn souls of their Saints and venerate the soul's New host body.

Suppose that there is a group of Minbari who dedicate themselves to Finding Valen's soul in it's current incarnation??

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Suppose that there is a group of Minbari who dedicate themselves to Finding Valen's soul in it's current incarnation?? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wouldn't they necessarily come up snake eyes, since currently (early season 4) the incarnation of Valen't soul is in Valen?

"Even I am not a Marxist" —— Karl Marx.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Wouldn't they necessarily come up snake eyes, since currently (early season 4) the incarnation of Valen's soul is in Valen?

That is where the Fun would come in. The Quest!

And, it might tie in with the hints about Delenn going on a quest for Valen late in Her life. Is she looking for Valen's Body. Or his Soul?

Interesting thing about this: Because Sinclair was Valen, at one point, his soul was, like his body, in two places at the same time. The more interesting question, though, is what happened to that Soul after teh time loop? It was born into Sinclair's body, then traveled back 1000 years where it Died in Valen's body.

At what point in time does that Soul manage to find it's way back to its proper place in the Time stream? IOW, how soon after Sinclair travels back in time does his soul get born into a New body??

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
I just thought of an answer to my own question from last week.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> does anyone know why Sheriden gets to be the One that will be, when he dies in 20 years and Delenn lives to be over 100? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

All the stuff about whose turn it is to be Entil'zha makes sense, but it's too short sighted. Sinclair, the One who Was, lead the Rangers 1000 years ago and then he died. But the Rangers still said "we live for the One, we die for the One" before Delenn became Entil'zha. My theory is that their devotion to Sinclair/Valen was literally in a religious sense. Even though their great leader is gone, they still fight for him and his ideals.

Skip ahead 1000 years to B5. Delenn is the chosen of Dukhat, unofficial leader of the religious caste, and wants to personally be in charge of making sure humans and minbarri are together for the next great war. She takes apart the government (set up by Sinclair/Valen) and creates a new one. By the time the Rangers want to declare her Entil'zha, Marcus is ready to live and die for her as the One. (Remember Marcus left the room when Zathras gave his speech about the three Ones.) Delenn obviously holds much power with the Rangers and the whole Minbarri society.

Skip ahead another 1000 years to the monks that we see briefly at the end of season 4 (sorry, I don't remember the title). These guys refer to "the Blessed Sheriden who dissappeared beyond the stars." (If I misremember this part, hear's where you would shoot down my theory) Sheriden's Oneness doesn't refer to his leading of the rangers, it refers to the time in which he Will become a spiritual icon, just like Valen.

I don't know how much sense that makes, but at least there is symmetry.

Peace be with you
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by John:
I just thought of an answer to my own question from last week.

All the stuff about whose turn it is to be Entil'zha makes sense, but it's too short sighted. Sinclair, the One who Was, lead the Rangers 1000 years ago and then he died. But the Rangers still said "we live for the One, we die for the One" before Delenn became Entil'zha. My theory is that their devotion to Sinclair/Valen was literally in a religious sense. Even though their great leader is gone, they still fight for him and his ideals.

Skip ahead 1000 years to B5. Delenn is the chosen of Dukhat, unofficial leader of the religious caste, and wants to personally be in charge of making sure humans and minbarri are together for the next great war. She takes apart the government (set up by Sinclair/Valen) and creates a new one. By the time the Rangers want to declare her Entil'zha, Marcus is ready to live and die for her as the One. (Remember Marcus left the room when Zathras gave his speech about the three Ones.) Delenn obviously holds much power with the Rangers and the whole Minbarri society.

Skip ahead another 1000 years to the monks that we see briefly at the end of season 4 (sorry, I don't remember the title). These guys refer to "the Blessed Sheriden who dissappeared beyond the stars." (If I misremember this part, hear's where you would shoot down my theory) Sheriden's Oneness doesn't refer to his leading of the rangers, it refers to the time in which he Will become a spiritual icon, just like Valen.

I don't know how much sense that makes, but at least there is symmetry.


It makes good sense to me. I'm not saying that's a GOOD thing, but....

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
Yeah, i've gotten into a bad habit of running all of my thoughts together when i type posts and emails. I usually just seperate stuff with these.........
But thanks for reminding me to breathe though, i was wondering y i was beginning to feel light headed
