Re: Who\'s Been Around Longer?
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I inferred from that the Narn's sell the EA Centauri weapons research, not actual weapons.
Earth didn't need research, they needed guns they could point at the enemy today. I think the Narn were selling acutal weapons, based on Centauri tech but built in Narn factories. The Narn were, it seems from ItB, already well-known arms dealers, as they would remain for some time (see The Gathering, "Narns will sell to anyone".)
JMS has compared the Narn to abused children who grow up to become abusive themselves. The notion that they threw off the Centauri yoke is itself something of an exaggeration. The Centauri took Narn in the first place primarily because of its strategic position near several existing conquered worlds. It made a good supply and repair base, which is whey the Centauri built factories there. Another, secondary, reason was the G'Quon'Eth plant, which could only grow on Narn, and which the Centauri used to create a potent recreational drug.
As the Centauri grew decadent and too lazy to hold what their ancestors had conquered, they began abandoning the colonies that were more trouble than they were worth. This included several in the vicinity of Narn. They kept fighting the Narn themselves, mostly out of pride, but at certain point they realized that Narn was no longer in the middle of a cluster of colonies. It was the only colony left, and was now at the end of a long supply line, instead of being a transfer point for a more elaborate supply line serving other conquered worlds. They had also found a way to synthesize the G'Quon'Eth drug, albeit in a weaker form, because supplies had been greatly reduced during the Narn rebellion.
The Narn region of space was simply costing the Centauri more (in treasure as well as in blood) than it was worth, and they left. Had they not already abandoned the surrounding colonies, they probably would have fought harder and longer to keep Narn. The Narn resistance certainly played a part in all this, but they didn't single-handedly drive the Centauri off their planet. It was more like they pushed the Centauri out the front door while they were already putting on their collective coat. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
The Centauri commanders took everything portable with them, and destroyed whatever they could, but they left a fair amount behind when they skipped town. (In addition to all the weapons and data the Narn had simply captured in the course of the war itself.) But they didn't leave that much. The Narn were able to build spaceships with jump-engines, and learned to use jump-points, but those ships don't have artificial gravity and their weapons are probably somewhat inferior.