But although I think that for her to have children with John she MUST be completely human (though she'll never get rid of that bone on her head), she is obviously NOT human evidenced by her living hundreds of years.
What makes you think Delenn (or any other MInbari, for that mattter) "lived hundreds of years"? There's certainly nothing in the series that suggests this. Delenn is
alive, but clearly very old and frail, about 100 years after her Chrysalis transformation, true enough. But that only makes her about 150 human years old and it is hard to tell what effect living as a Minbari for the first third of her life, not to mention the Chrysalis transformation itself, had on her over-all lifespan. Maybe switching speices, in either direction, "recharges" you a bit, the "new" cellls being somewhat younger than the ones they replaced. (Valen also lived about 100 years after his transformation - in part because the Minbari did everything they could to extend the life of so revered a figure, according to JMS. This would surely apply to Delenn as well.) So while there are indications that the Minbari live
somewhat longer than Humans, there is nothing to suggest that they live several times as long as Humans. I forget how old the Minbari leader in
To Dream in the City of Sorrows is, but I know that he is (a) not
that much more than 100 years old and (b) is unusually old even for a Minbari. On average I suspect they may live 20 or 30 Earth years lojnger than a Human.
Humans routinely live to 100 according to Franklin in the 2260s. (Hell, in the industiralized countries reaching 100 isn't rare even today, and it will probably come close to being routine for Baby Boomers who were pretty much the best-fed, best-immunized and beat-cared-for generation in human history, and are entering middle age in the midst of great technological advances. I have a great aunt who had none of those advantages except for the recent technology. She celebrated her 103rd birthday a couple of weeks ago. Hell, even Willard Scott has raised the age for on-air birthday greetings because there are too many 100-year-olds around.
) Ordinary advances in Human medical technology and theory probably would have increased the typical lifespan in the years between 2262 and 2362, when the aged Delenn interupts the educational broadcast. Add in knowledge acquired through membership in the IA and (perhaps) through the efforts to cure the Drakh plague and even a 150-year-old Delenn might not be unusal for either a Human or a Minbari.
Hard to tell what Delenn's eventual lifespan would have been. JMS's tatalizing hint about "her final journey, a quest involving Valen, though no one believes her" suggests to me that she pulls a Sinclair/Sheridan and disappears without leaving a corpse, perhaps to join John behind the Rim (in the place where no Shadows Fall), as the last of The One.