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Why Minbari Tech Wears out Fast (minor TLADIS spoilers)

There WERE no physical models used in B5.
It was All CGI.

And, no, the stuff on the net isn't good enough.
The models used in the series were fully fleshed out 3D renderings that took weeks to build, some of them months.

Babylon 5 itself, the CGI artists kept adding detail to in their spare time All Through the 5 years of the series.

The space backgrounds can be replaced faily easily, though.
Most of Them came straight from the Hubble Telescope courtesy of NASA & JPL.

Do not ascribe your own motivations to others:
At best, it will break your heart.
At worst, it will get you dead."
Wow, first post. I've been sort of a lurker around these parts. Anyways, I thought this might be a good time to jump into this discussion. A number of you seem to have been indicating that you think that the models available online are not as good as the show ones.

Here's another perspective. According to a number of people that render these things and based on a few of the compairisons that I've seen done (sadly, none I can provide), im quite confident that many of the models available online are just as good if not BETTER than those seen in the show.

The modelers have spent literally weeks and months putting together highly detailed models that at the very least look just like their show equivalents. So don't be so quick to dismiss the ability of the "amatures" or the viability of these models.

It'd probably be alot of legal work to use them if the new series comes along, but I don't think thats the point. I think the point is that given time, the GVFX (got that right yes?) guys could pull it off and get the new models right.

-- IceFire
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Talathanar:
I think I ruptured something laughing so hard at the first post.


My job here is done.

"We are (not) all Kosh."
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IceFire:
Wow, first post. I've been sort of a lurker around these parts. Anyways, I thought this might be a good time to jump into this discussion. A number of you seem to have been indicating that you think that the models available online are not as good as the show ones.

Here's another perspective. According to a number of people that render these things and based on a few of the compairisons that I've seen done (sadly, none I can provide), im quite confident that many of the models available online are just as good if not BETTER than those seen in the show.

The modelers have spent literally weeks and months putting together highly detailed models that at the very least look just like their show equivalents. So don't be so quick to dismiss the ability of the "amatures" or the viability of these models.

It'd probably be alot of legal work to use them if the new series comes along, but I don't think thats the point. I think the point is that given time, the GVFX (got that right yes?) guys could pull it off and get the new models right.


All hail lord Icefire.
(points to DOA 6)

Usually takes me months to get the title of Lord

Did I mention how great this board is?

-- IceFire
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by IceFire:

Did I mention how great this board is?


Welcome to the site Icefire and glad you enjoy !

wow....so...incredibly annoyed. OMGORI>YDANTudns.

*deep breath*

WTH. i swear, it must be a conspiracy.

and besides, if i were on that CGI team, i would have found a way to keep archived/backup copies on my home computer so i could work at home. (or just backup copies at home, with the excuse that i need something to add to my resume)
Re: Why Minbari Tech Wears out Fast (minor TLADIS

All of which would be just, ever so slightly ... a breach of contract, and guaranteed to ensure that you probably wouldn't get to work on any major studios FX ever again when they found out that you had done it.

When this first blew up, JMS was quoted as saying that there were no backup copies around precisely because Foundation & Netter were required to hand over all the files for the CGI at the end of each season, as they were legally the property of WB, not the FX house.

With the benefit of hindsight (God's most wonderful gift), the short-sightedness of this approach is plain for all (presumably even WB) to see, but this is not the kind of contract term you just ignore - if you ever want to work again.

Re: Why Minbari Tech Wears out Fast (minor TLADIS

im quite confident that many of the models available online are just as good if not BETTER than those seen in the show.
I completely agree. Many online models are:

A) Newer, made with more advanced tools.
B) Made with no deadline, and therefore complex.

The downside: Warner cannot simply go and use them (although I am certain that if asked, most authors of such models would gladly permit their use).

Likewise, fan-made models are constructed in a variety of different formats, using a variety of different work customs... which may pose a notable (but not overwhelming) technical obstacle to bringing them together.

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