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Will not keep me logged in

AnthonyF said:
Use IE 6.

Hmmm, I use IE6 under 98SE (office) and XP (home) as well as Opera 6.0.5 (both) and the problem is exactly the same in all three situations - sometimes it remembers me and sometimes it doesn't, whether I have emptied cache, cookies etc. or not.

Like others here, I go to a few other discussion boards, which have no problem remembering me every time I visit. On one of them, it is so long since I actually had to login, I'm not sure I could even remember my password if I had to do it again!!

It strikes me that the problem probably lies in how UBBThreads handles cookies - perhaps they automatically expire after a period of time?

Slightly annoying but certainly not life or death.

On a related note. When I am not logged in I am presented with a long list of threads under the various forums, whereas when logged in I only see those that fit within my set preferences.

For the most part my preferences are fine and I don't want to change them, but I would occasionally like to be able to look at older threads, but I can't see an easy way of doing that without either logging out (so I can't post) or changing prefs. What am I missing?
I have found that as long as I post each time I log in it remembers me, but if I just lurk for a day or two I have to log in before I can post.
I was having a similar problem. Mostly it wasn't keeping logged in at all. Sometimes I would arrive at the forum apparently not logged in (no moderator's forum, NC-17 or Premium Forum available) - all available fora showing new messages - as they would for a first time visitor. But when I went to the log-in screen I would find at my home screen, already logged in and with my private messages displayed. Returning to the Forums index would show the proper fora and message counts for unread messages and the like. Very odd.

This happened on three different computers, starting around mid-January, running three different operating systems (Win98, 2000, and WinXP) and two different versions of IE (5.5 and 6.0) It is important to note that I've always used a shortcut to access the forum page directly, by-passing the main page on all of these machines. And therein lay the problem.

My shortcut started with "www.b5tv.com" and then included a pointer to the forum index. However when I looked at the address line in my browser after getting properly logged in I saw that it now read "http://forums.b5tv.com/ubbthreads.php?Cat="

I edited my shortcut to the text above. Now when I leave and return to the site I remain logged in. Evidently the old shortcut was no longer quite valid and although it got me to the right place its syntax no longer matched what was in the cookie, resulting in an odd ball result. I assume the URL changed at some point in January, and that it may change again when we go to the new board. Anyone who experiences a similar problem then will need to edit (or delete and recreate) their shortcut and that should take care of it.


try just going to the main page and work your way to the forums from there then ... I don`t know if anyone else had said it but , cookie problem ? do you any ad aware programmes installed - maybe it is blocking the cookie ..
Hey Antony, that whole red folder thingy is messing up for me again. After about 10 posts, they don't turn back to yellow. So, I have to log out and back in frequently. Any ideas?
Has it ever occured to you that you post so much you overload the server and CAUSE an error?