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Woo hoo - finally S4 DVD arrives in the UK!

I'm not too fussed about the packaging, I was just getting it for the content. And the content is so unbelievably good. Although I feel the last episode was a bit rubbish - prob needs a rewatch.
Although I feel the last episode was a bit rubbish - prob needs a rewatch.
Deconstruction? That's because it replaced SiL as the Season Four finale. And probably the first season finale that didn't leave me going "Holy F**k!" If only they hadn't had the uncertainty about whether season five was go...
I always liked DoFS precisely because of its quirkiness, and difference to the previous season finales ... but you are quite right, it would have been very different if JMS had known that S5 was a goer earlier on.

The original plan was for Intersections in Real Time to be the final ep of S4. Again that would have been different to the previous ones, but would still have had the "Holy f**k" factor.

As you so eloquently described it :D
I also really liked Deconstruction. It was just unlike anything else and it was great to see whathappened over the next million years :)
Deconstruction of Falling Stars is an epical enough to be a season finale. It's very different when compared to other episoded. I like it.

P.S Into the Fire - that episode... well it sucks. Not the episode itself, but mastering of it. It's like it has a mono only and a lot of scrathes etc. It's horrible...