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Would anyone be interested in...


...helping me create a website dedicated purely to the new B5 movie: The Memory of Shadows?

You may say, "hang on, we already have B5TV.com" - exactly, it's "TV." Also, this site seems to focus mainly on articles, interviews etc.. not every bit of TMoS news, rumours etc we can possibly dig up.

I'm thinking of a website more in the mold of TheOneRing.net - as in, not a website dedicated to the entire franchise, but the movie itself.

As TMoS seems to be fairly definite now, I think it would be good to get a website going which would offer the latest news and info on the project - and cover its official announcement, whenever that may arrive.

I am capable of producing a good, professional looking website (I would show you some of my work, unfortunately, my main website is down currently). But, suffice to say, I can get something together no problem - with graphics, scripts and so on.

What I am really looking for is people who could help out with everything from news posting, to helping pay the bills, writing articles etc..

I know there's a lot of people out there who would be up for helping out with something of this magnitude, but obviously I need the support before I can really begin.

I see this as a fairly big gap in the B5 fan world at the moment. We are seeing the beginnings of a Babylon 5 feature film, and there is no site currently that is really following its development.

So, there's my pitch. Who's in? :p
What I am really looking for is people who could help out with everything from news posting, to helping pay the bills, writing articles etc..
Sounds like you also need a good host for the webpage as yours is down. :p

I also like how you slipped "help pay the bills" in the middle. ;)

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