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Would you have believed it?

<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bester:
<font color=yellow>I'm sure that the original arc that jms had for Talia would have proved to be verrrrry interesting. It's just a shame that the actress decided to leave the show /ubbthreads/images/icons/frown.gif</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
Keep in mind the ORIGINAL arc was to have Lyta who read Kosh's mind in "The Gathering" be given powers by the Vorlons (just as she did but perhaps not in the same way). Pat Tallman wasn't available when the series started filming so they got Talia as a replacement for Lyta, but the original story had Lyta since the Pilot. When Talia left, Pat Tallman was free and Lyta made her return, which I think was best for the series as I liked her character better than Talia.
Yeah....I forgot about that.

I preferred Lyta too. Talia spent way too much time just screaming at things! But I still think it's a shame that Jason Lionheart's gift was (ultimately) given in vain.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bester:
<font color=yellow>...and what about Kosh's crystal? I wonder what would have happened with that.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
One theory I heard (sorry, I don't remember from whom): Talia's "Talia" personality might have been brought back by that crystal and Kosh somehow.

I thought I had heard though that it was going to be Ivanova who was the hidden personality. /ubbthreads/images/icons/confused.gif So, obviously I don't know anything. But I have always assumed that when Ivanova was discovered with the programmed personality, she would have to leave the series. Perhaps there would have been a way to keep her on, I don't know.

We'll never know, it seems, unless someone finds an old JMS quote out there.
The most interesting theory I have heard says that the crystal could have been used to replace the original personality within the body of a convicted criminal (as explained in The Quality of Mercy). Therefore, Talia could have returned to the B5 story played by a different actor.
<blockquote><font class="small">Quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Bester:
<font color=yellow>...and what about Kosh's crystal? I wonder what would have happened with that.</font color=yellow><hr></blockquote>
I think this was a JMS failsafe. A way to bring the character back if the story called for it. With that crystal her original personality could be restored. Just as he had trapdoors to explain a character leaving the series, I think he made ways to bring some back if need be. This one, just didnt happen to get used.

Another example of a "failsafe" was the healing device. He put that into existance in the story in Season 1. He may not have had its final use in mind at that time, but it could have been there for any number of ideas he could have come up with. A way to bring a character back from almost the dead.
Well no, Ivanova was never planned to have a hidden personality. From 'The Gathering' and JMS posts that came out later you can see Takashima being set up as being a traitor and perhaps having a hidden personality. When Ivanova came in to replace Takashima as second in command many people assumed she would encompas all of Takashima's plot threads. Instead Talia picked up aspects of both Lyta and Takashima.
Suffice to say I'm glad that Ivonova never had the hidden personality. Her charcter was complex enough without loading somthing like that on her.