Here's an idea - contact Steven Grimm, who ran / runs the Lurker's Guide and start a dialog. I've never met him, and only emailed several times, but it seems he doesn't have the time to do it anymore. If you recall, the site was unavailable for a long, long time - almost a year if I remember correctly - when he had some type of major server crash (I don't remember if a server crashed, or the dot-com company hosting the server crashed... but you get the point).
In addition, if you look at the Lurker's Guide "Episodes" section, its pretty much fantastic... however, it really slipped in the 4th and 5th season. The details and analysis just weren't up to par with what is available for 1-3... although, S4/5 were still better than 99% of the "show episode guides" out there. I don't know myself, but my guess is that due to personal obligations, a new job, or something, the time wasn't there to keep it up to the high standards we had become used to.
Perhaps he's be willing to "pass the torch" to b5tv, which is currently much more active and always updated. I've done this with sites I've run in the past where I just don't have the time anymore and someone else does.
Again, just an idea, but it could avoid reinventing the wheel and allow someone to really spruce up the parts of the Lurker's Guide that are lacking.
Take care,