The original Doctor Who was made by the BBC children's department. One of the aims was to teach history. Then they found out they had better viewing figures for the episodes set in the future with monsters.
Well that makes sense then for why it's still thought of as connected to children's programming today. I've never seen any of the show before Eccleston. I'm surprised BBC America doesn't show any of the older classic episodes, but they don't. I noticed yesterday that at least some of the older stuff is out on DVD, so I might try checking out the older stuff that way. For those more knowledgable about the older Doctor Who, are there any particular storylines that you recommend more highly than others?
"The Aztecs", the first doctor, William Hartnell
"Mind Robber" and "The War Games" , the second doctor, Patrick Troughton
"Terror of the Autons", "Inferno", or really any of the third doctor, Jon Pertwee
It's been awhile since I've seen the Tom Baker years, but the second Romana episodes are all excellent.
But I'm a really big fan of the early years of British sci-fi.

I think it's all worth watching and much of it is surprisingly good, even with the cardboard sets!