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  1. F

    Thrones to be on HBO (Fantasy)

    Don't get too attached to ANY character!!!:devil: I just wish Mr Martin would hurry up and write!:devil:
  2. F

    Teep homeworld

    So, Charley the Tuna is safe?:devil:
  3. F

    RIP: Majel Barrett

    Three cheers for a life well lived. I've always been amused by the emnity between some trekkies and B5 folk. So was she.:cool:
  4. F

    What are you watching now?

    What a wonderful quote:bolian: I may have to watch this.
  5. F

    Legend Of The Seeker

    Without Mord Sith, there is no Deanna: and no white sword. Remember, Deanna didn't just torture, she seduced.;) There would also be no Cara, and other integral characters essential if they hope to serialize the series.:devil: And no doubt that they would be eye candy.:p They REALLY need to get...
  6. F

    Legend Of The Seeker

    It's ok, so far. I'm waiting to see how they treat Deanna, and her "training":devil: of Richard. I missed the begining, are there any Mord Sith around Draken Rahl? Hopefully Scarlet will be done right.;) I've read the entire Sword of Truth series, enjoyed (most) of it, and am glad the story is...
  7. F

    What are you watching now?

    Did you see the 3D version?
  8. F

    Can't Remember Episode

  9. F

    Can't Remember Episode

    Can we add a "Poll"?:devil:
  10. F

    I think we've been hacked again.

    I noticed that one was checking out "callendars", a feature I was unaware of. I wonder if they aren't planting "time-bombs'? Nasty little buggers, eh?
  11. F

    The Big Bang Theory

    It is a great show. It took me forever to recognize the lead actor was "David" from "Roseanne".:lol:
  12. F

    Input Needed (Sci-Fi Discussion)

    Good Luck on your project. One thought on why SciFi is looked down on is the prose. In general fiction the writer is embellishing the familiar while in speculative fiction the writer is introducing alien ideas/creatures/tools. Everyone can visualize a tiger, takes work to describe a Kzin.:devil...
  13. F

    Email from babylon5scripts.com

    I'd be interested in a complete comic collection, hard bound.
  14. F

    What are you watching now?

    I've caught a few episodes through the years and kinda know the general direction of the story arc, aside from being a comic geek as a kid (back then we were just "weird":lol:) Gotta agree on "Freak of the Week":lol: Lex was ALWAYS bringing "the best doctors In Metropolis" to Smalleville...
  15. F

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    Yes we are (though I disagree about D3:devil:) ANYONE who would "ignore" Jan is ...stupid. :rolleyes: Whether you agree or disagree about her opinions, her facts are always spot on.:thumbsup:
  16. F

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    "snort" And what sort of Pun-ishment do you all deserve?:devil::lol:
  17. F

    JMS update on Lost Tales/Feature

    :bolian: :bolian: Welcome home.:bolian:
  18. F

    What are you watching now?

    Well, being recently retired I've availed myself to the Public Library, which has an incredible number of "TV on DVD" shows available. I now have "Heros" S1, Smallville S1, (which have to be watched in the next 21 days, or returned) and Witchblade on order (one I might possibly buy).
  19. F

    What are you watching now?

    Just watched "The Hogfather". Very good adaptation of Discworld. Highly recommended to any Pratchett fan.