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    Star Wars III: The Official Hype, Bitch Thread

    Re: Star Wars III: The Official Hype, Bitch Threa That, I'm sorry to say does not happen. :mad: On the RotJ DVD turn the captions at the very end when they show Naboo for a second, it says Jar Jar: "We'sa free!" :mad:
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    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms It must be great having to live your life in a "glass house" where people can see, point, and prod everything about about you. So if you don't *dot* every "i" and *cross* every "t", LOOK OUT! :rolleyes:
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    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms Oh, totally! It's a complete BS double standard.
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    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms Well said. I'd say it was just a poor choice of words. And as Jan said we all should read the "whole story" first. Paul is using one poorly made comment by JMS to turn everyone who was not on *his side* of his original posts about JMS not having the right the sell...
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    The end of 'Enterprise'

    Re: The end of \'Enterprise\' *claps* Bravo. I can't even add to that. *claps*
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    The end of 'Enterprise'

    Re: The end of \'Enterprise\' Oh no no no no no, ol' Rick Berman made it quite clear what the *real* problem is, "franchise fatigue". :rolleyes: Oh BTW, yes that is VAST amounts of sarcasm you just smelt coming out of your computer as you read my above statement. JMS said it right...
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    The end of 'Enterprise'

    Re: The end of \'Enterprise\' That's the one alright. The really funny thing is I didn't even like that episode that much in DS9, much less the Enterprise remake. But want to know what the post ST:TNG Treks have been really missing IMHO? ST:TOS, ST:TNG, and B5 had one thing in common (well...
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    The end of 'Enterprise'

    Re: The end of \'Enterprise\' Sadly, one could almost say the last episode was the ultimate culmination of the show. One of the few I saw was one with a holographic community. I Remember thinking to myself, "Haven't I seen this somewhere else in Trek?" :rolleyes:
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    The end of 'Enterprise'

    Re: The end of \'Enterprise\' What I'm about to say is no joke. I've seen 9, yes NINE episodes of Enterprise. This one was one of them. I don't want to sound like a troll but, HOW THE BLOODLY HELL did this show last as long as it did? I loved ST:TOS and ST:TNG. I felt DS9 was a "pretty"...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    As do I. It's man the Bible teaches was created 6,000 ago. Nor (just for the record) do not I believe Genesis 1:1-31 is talking about days in the context of 24 hours any more then referring "back in my fathers day" means a literal 24 hours, but instead six creative periods of times lasting for...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    Well, what about Einstein? It's well known he believed in God. He even had a saying against Quantum Mechanics "God doesn't throw dice!" Now I'm not sure if he discounted evolution or not. But I do know for a fact that even hard core evolutionist Carl Sagan made it clear in the show Cosmos that...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    I think you may be right in about being a Christain makes you see *it* more then if you weren't. I guess it's kinda' like how two "objective"(I don't believe ANYONE is 100% objective BTW) scientists (one being pro-creation, and the other being an evolutionist) can look at the same data and see...
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    More info on Star Wars TV series'

    Re: More info on Star Wars TV series\' Robert Sanchez from IESB.net has done a video interview with Timothy Zahn. In it he talks about how he got the chance to write the "Thrawn Trilogy", a little bit about the other authors he knows, and about SW:RotS. I'm really gald he asks TZ about the...
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    Kevin Smith reviews Star Wars III (spoilers)

    Maybe GL's goal was to make the first two so bad you couldn't help but think the one last is good. Sort of lowering "the bar" so it's easier to hurdle.
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    I was in 6th grade when PBS put them on the air here in the States. They didn't work for me back then. Maybe now that I'm 25 I should give them a second try. Just be sure to stay clear of old style wardrobes and funny old Professors and you should be ok :D
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    I guess this is a matter of how *we* all see the world through different eyes. I understand where you are coming from, but from from where I stand all the things you've pointed out (save for the point about the pope and no I'm not Catholic) are real turn offs for me. IMHO I feel many people are...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    SPOLIER WARNING!!!!! VERY "Christian" (being a Christian myself). In the LWW: 1)Aslan's willing death/rebrith to save sinful Edmond, 2) the boys are called Son's of Adam and the girls are called Daughters of Eve In the MN: 1)There is the corruption of early creation, 2) The two trees...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    And I agree with what you are saying as well. The porblem I see (this IS a generalization and MHO) is that there is a slow but growing discontent with religion as a whole, in that too many bad things have been done in the name of religion, 9-11 for example. This (again IMHO) kind of makes...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    There's an old saying "A picture is worth a thousand words". So by that logic it would seem to stand to reason that a motion picture would be worth hundreds of millions of words. But as I’m sure we all here know that just ain’t the case. When it comes to books like The Chronicles of Narnia, or...
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    The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.

    I think with the movie *they* are going with this order.