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Search results

  1. Wanderer

    Deep Space Nine

    That does not make sense. The only reason holograms can even intract with matter is by using forcefields, so why use holograms? Just use a automated machine that uses forcefields to rip apart the rock, and totally skip the hologram part, not to mention the AI. The only reason Voyager had...
  2. Wanderer

    Deep Space Nine

    Why would they use holograms?
  3. Wanderer

    Deep Space Nine

    Well, I will dig up the link later. Morlock, thats from LOTR?
  4. Wanderer

    Deep Space Nine

    I read somewhere that the human system of gov pictured in StarTrek is communism....
  5. Wanderer

    It really is that bad

    Well, if you have any more please share in nc-17... ;) :D Yes, I have also heard the movie sucks very much....
  6. Wanderer

    The Red Green Show : "The Fishing Derby"

    Re: The Red Green Show : \"The Fishing Derby\" Thats a good qoute, but I like the following best... Or
  7. Wanderer

    Starge SG-1

    From what I have heard, thats a good thing...
  8. Wanderer

    The Red Green Show : "The Fishing Derby"

    Re: The Red Green Show : \"The Fishing Derby\" Very nice show.....
  9. Wanderer

    Tremors (spoilers)

    S P O I L E R S P O I L E R Well, I caught the last 30 minutes of the second ep, and they had a plaot thing to take care of that. Seems a bacteria that sucks water from anything excaped, and started killing people. It came from a secret underground biotech lab (somehow known by burt and a...
  10. Wanderer

    JMS Life and Art

    I wonder if he really an agent of the psi-corp..... ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. Wanderer

    Seeing if their is any interest in an RPG thread..

    Well, there is about 2 dozen+ spots available, and thats just for station personel. There is room for an unlimited number of standard characters....
  12. Wanderer

    Seeing if their is any interest in an RPG thread..

    If you have absolutly no intrest in RPG's, stop reading now, if you do have some intrest keep reading. The action takes place on StarNight Station, this is where most characters interact, and is where parties are formed for quests. The quest for the Scrolls of Valen is a good example of this...
  13. Wanderer

    Riverworld spoilers

    There's a good chance.
  14. Wanderer


    Just how much would it cost ? Too bad we could have not set up something that would take controbutions from Farscape fans to make up for the deflict....And I know, wishful thinking agian...
  15. Wanderer


    Hmm, mabey another station could pick up the rights, and hopefully piss off scifi in the process.....
  16. Wanderer


    Well, we can always hope.... :(
  17. Wanderer


    S P O I L E R S P O I L E R They just could'nt leave them in peace, instead they had to leave us in angst. The alien was told to neutralize and retrive for study, and they have been turned into stautes before......Just wishfull thinking, but they had to have left it open ended for a...
  18. Wanderer

    subliminal message?

    Just one part of the growing ignorence in the world, about the same level as beliving irradiated food is itself radioactive. Lets try a little experiment with subliminal messages, shall we? lets have the women on the board veiw a message stating the phrase "sol5 is hot" , and see if their...
  19. Wanderer

    sam & jack??? possible spoilers??

    s p o i l e r They explane this as that "the stargate network was designed to transport beings close to humans, therefore most planets are similar to earth ecology". The actual reason is that most of the alien planets are shot on the canadian coast (not sure if its east or west) near the studio...
  20. Wanderer

    Seeing if their is any interest in an RPG thread..

    RPG Test Thread in Babbleon Please check it out, we need to get enough people to sign up if we are to proceed....