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  1. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! Well, I was writing a long post about this all, but I won't bother...
  2. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! I didn't call you an idiot. I didn't call no one idiot. It's not my problem that you don't want to play any B5 games/mods available. It's not my loss. What bothers me is the lack of support. I came here to seek a coder. Instead of, I end up talking about...
  3. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! Ok. All those who have C++ programming skills, have the time and interest, AND are NOT lawyers, contact us. :)
  4. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! Not true. If they would have a problem, they would first contact us saying stop. But, there are tons of mods/freeware games of diffirent movies and series and whatnot, AFAIK no one got sued. So, are there any programmers available here? :)
  5. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! We won't sell it. We don't get profit out of it. No one gets paid. No money is involved. There's alot of B5 mods/games out there. No one got sued. It is not illegal. :rolleyes:
  6. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! Exactly, that means it's totally legal. As Jan pointed out it's not canon - that means it cant be approved and wont need to be licensed
  7. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

    Re: B5:SD Needs A Programmer! Other free, non-profit B5 games, haven't had any trouble...
  8. Primus

    Nuttin to see here, move along...

  9. Primus

    Severed Dreams - A B5 Game (WIP)

    I wasn't around when the project leader, Foxer, contacted IFH. But I heard that they rejected co-operation. Hopefully you have visited the SD forums. :) I haven't been around for awhile, so I haven't been that active on the project. Any help is welcome. Thanks. :)
  10. Primus

    Few Ship Images

    Yep. Those images are awesome. :p
  11. Primus

    Severed Dreams - A B5 Game (WIP)

    Well, in SD you will. ;)
  12. Primus

    Severed Dreams - A B5 Game (WIP)

    More info... The multiplayer will be definently in the Prequel. Which should keep people busy until the main campaign is made. The prequel itself shows how a rookie Alpha 6 changes into ace Alpha 1 and is later reassigned to Io transfer point. The full game will take place a year after the...
  13. Primus

    Severed Dreams - A B5 Game (WIP)

    There's going to be a Severed Dreams prequel. When it and the game is done? That can only be calculated when we have the engine, then we will set release date depending on our progress More members are needed to work on the project. Especially programmers.
  14. Primus

    Severed Dreams - A B5 Game (WIP)

    Listen up everybody. There's a Babylon 5 game under development. It's called Severed Dreams. And really worth of checking, although the game is in it's early stages, but it is also very promising. Foxer is the main developer and I'm an "advisor" of some sort, but now I'm doing a promoting tour...
  15. Primus

    Few Ship Images

    They'll just be used as reference. :) And on the side note, TBP release 3.2 is closing. ;) EDIT I just noticed the attachment. :o Thank you very much. :)
  16. Primus

    Few Ship Images

    Would you be a friend and share them? :D I'm looking the images for a modeller, who's trying to make the mothership for TBP. I could give the images to him, if that's ok with you. :)
  17. Primus

    Few Ship Images

    Thanks, I know that site and the image of the DH Mothership. I'm hoping there's a better one somewhere. I've tried googling it too, but without good results. :)
  18. Primus

    Few Ship Images

    Does anyone know any good pics of Drakh Mothership and PSI Transport? Thanks. :)
  19. Primus

    Hello and a Promotion

    Hi. Thanks for registering. :) Sorry, I don't know any good guides. But start on very easy difficulty level. Aim carefully and then shoot couple of shots. Don't shoot all the time (meaning don't hold the shoot button down) as it will consume the weapon energy. Also, use 'match target speed'...
  20. Primus

    Hello and a Promotion

    Nice to see replies. Our main site is under construction, but hopefully it's done soon. There other things to do as well before the club is fully set up. Hopefully here there are people here with interest in joining. ;) Feel free to ask questions at this topic or in guest forum at PF forum. :)