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  1. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Not that I abject to either way ... but did you make up the elements about those languages or are they cannon and you just use them, channe? Like are Adranto and Fik two of the Minbari languages / dialects stated by JMS or your own creation? And is Beta Colony really Spanish speaking? I only...
  2. L

    Who would win?

    This thread has gotten me thinking ... the rabbit from "The Holy Grail" verses Bun-Bun from "Sluggy Freelance" ... Hmm ... Mr. Morden: What do you want? Bun-Bun: *click* Eat vacuum, shadow-boy!
  3. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    As much as we like reading it, no rush, channe. Hell, we've been waiting over three years for the rest of the "Crusade" story ... I think we can easily forgive a day or so delay between new text.
  4. L

    The Technomage Trilogy and Galen (spoilers)

    Yeah, I could ... except these are Spoilers for two items not of the Techno-mage trilogy so not everyone who's read those will have read what I'm "spoiling" ... Okay I could do the neat trick of changing the colour of text to the background colour ... but I have no idea how to do that so please...
  5. L

    Babylon 5 Themed Board Games!

    Heh, I first played "Clue" last winter and I got the idea of using B5 CCG cards to make a B5 Clue. As for Risk, the minitures game "Babylon 5 Wars" from Agents of Gaming (I think) has a map that shows positions of systems and territories and the major hyperspace becon routs in between. That...
  6. L

    General Leftcourt

    I might be mistaken ... but wasn't he also pulled out of retirement or semi-retirement by the time of that battle? I know he wasn't normally commander of that ship or that fleet but was picked by Clarke because he knew Sheriden. He might have been pretty much out of the action for alot of time...
  7. L

    The Technomage Trilogy and Galen (spoilers)

    Well, I had a really good comment for this thread ... but the blasted spoiler tags aren't working for me.
  8. L

    Gideon's Face

    Re: Gideon\'s Face Unsettling? Well not for me ... that just led to added beauty in the character.
  9. L

    Rangers Redux (fiction)

    Okay, I don't know how many times I've asked you questions like this ... sorry if I'm bothering the artist. Do you think the Liandra crew will ever encounter any of the characters from "Crusade"? Gideon and Mathenson (if you believe "Warzone") were out on a explorer-class ship so they could...
  10. L

    Liandra's Crew interactions

    Re: Liandra\'s Crew interactions Now, in my personal life, I'm all about romance. As I usually do with the characters I write. But, casual sex is a big factor in Human life. I no actually knowledge of this, but I'd imagine such things happen often on a co-ed naval ship (military or not)...
  11. L

    We're all looking for something...

    Re: We\'re all looking for something... It seems almost every Human (and many Minbari) who joined the Anla'shok before and during the Shadow War were looking for something. That makes sense since the only Humans who even knew of the existence of the Rangers were those looking for something...
  12. L

    Temporal Disruption

    I just want to know why Sol is going nova after only a million years time (what did we do to it?) and I always thought by the time our sun got too harsh for (at least the current standard of) life on our planet, if we were still around we'd have the ability to move Earth to a more favorable...
  13. L

    Who'd have died?

    Re: Who\'d have died? No! Tirk wasn't expendable! At the very end of the series Tirk would have walked through the ship and onto the bridge to find everyone dead and go "I ... not cleaning this up."
  14. L

    Why only one ship?

    I believe at the beginning of the first aired pilot (and second made) to "Crusade" - "Warzone" - when Gideon and Mattheson come out of hyperspace, they see a large debris of ships and I think the news broadcast we see somewhere in there (might have been before that or after, can't remember and...
  15. L

    So what's the difference...

    Re: So what\'s the difference... </font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr /> If it has a dragon, a vampire, or John Edwards, it is not science fiction. So "Dragonriders of Pern" series is not SF? I must say I'm often a fan of combining bits of both in my stories. The...
  16. L

    Why only one ship?

    Other facts for consideration are that the navy of Earth took a major hit during the Drakh attack - how many ships and lives lost did they say? So resources aren't at the best and ... guess what? No more supplies, material, or personale are coming from Earth - probably one of the biggest or...
  17. L

    What was the episode that got you hooked ?

    Yes, the Markab ... one of those early episodes that used to scream at me "This so ain't Star Trek" with it's always happy endings - a trait that did endear me to B5. The first episode like that I saw was the ending of first season's "Believers" where the parents feel that Franklin's operation...
  18. L

    Places where B5 is mentioned

    Okay ... so let's believe Jodie Foster is a B5 fan ... what kind of character could she play in a B5 theatrical picture? Like Human, alien, Psi Cop, etc? Hey, while we're at it, Ms. Foster has also put her hand at directing and producing. I'm sure an Oscar winning B5 fan can help convince...
  19. L

    Who would have lived and who would have died?

    Spoilers for the end of the unaired script "Value Judgements" . . . . . . . . . It's been awhile since I read this and don't have the script here ... but the episode was to be about Bester using Gideon and his crew to escape those that are hunting him. At the very end, it turns out those who...
  20. L

    drazi gender

    The whole red-fruit-looking-at-Sinclair at the cerimony red herring thing would have been much more amusing if that had happened.