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  1. GeoKuutio

    Damn you JMS!

    Order placed. Now I will just sit here and wait. Wait, wait and wait. In about 10 days, I'll hopefully get my hands on the first book... Now that day will be indeed a great one!
  2. GeoKuutio

    Halo movie is a go....

    Executive Producer. Not a director.
  3. GeoKuutio

    New SciFi Series

    How about Eureka? Ok, it hasn't aired yet, but there are always means to watch something that is not supposed to *ahem*. Anyway, new SCIFI channel series I believe, or it will be in the near future. It was "fun". :cool:
  4. GeoKuutio

    Top 50 Sci-Fi shows of all time

    Yes, the new Battlestar Galactica is really that good. If I would compare it to Babylon 5, I would say that it is better, but since I shall leave B5 and BSG "all alone in the night" I will not compare them. Thus the two tv-shows can co-exist without harming each other. And to answer your...
  5. GeoKuutio

    Star Wreck: In The Pirkinning is coming to DVD

    And you can also download the dvd-image via the torrentservice later on. If I recall correctly. Anyway, 5.1 sounds, good picture etc. These guys deserve that 22 euros (23 for international orders). This was hilarious as... I don't know... Well it's like spaceballs but better.
  6. GeoKuutio

    Damn you JMS!

    Must have.... them all! No really, if JMS himself indeed concurs that they are shippable overseas, maybe event to Finland... Damn I'm going to be so happy. So damn happy! Yeh :cool: :eek:
  7. GeoKuutio

    Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set

    The price of that boxed set is 290 american dollars. 160.99 GBP = 290.599 USD.
  8. GeoKuutio

    Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set

    That's right. A box set which contains ALL seasons and ALL movies. I remember when Joe said a year or so ago that WB would never make anything like this, I'll guess that for the first time ever, he was wrong. Check this out! Babylon 5: The Complete Universe Box Set Now why did I bought all...
  9. GeoKuutio

    "Rangers" on DVD at last?

    Re: Bay13 - Synopsis of Rangers pilot *SPOILERS I've seen worse. And definetely better. The cover for the "In the Pirkinning" is much better. *jedi mind trick* You now want to pay a visit to the Star Wreck website.
  10. GeoKuutio

    Halo movie is a go....

    So basically this could be the first good game movie. I still think that MS should've financed the movie themselves though. Their comment about the financing was quite lame to be honest.
  11. GeoKuutio

    BSG First 5 eps of Season 2 tonight

    You will be surprised. I can assure you that. And when you add some great dialogue and fancy special effects with unexpected twists... Hey, it's better than S1.
  12. GeoKuutio

    New Serenity Trailer...

    Sweet! :D
  13. GeoKuutio

    NewbieQ: How is JMS prescient?

    You haven't read the Zahn's trilogy? Oh man, you're going to enjoy them so much. You know.. especially the moment when the Comm- ah I forgot, you haven't read them. Sorry :D
  14. GeoKuutio

    What do YOU Think? JMS, B5 and Ebay

    Re: Board image silliness He can do with his own things whatever he wants to. I don't understand why are even discussing about this matter.
  15. GeoKuutio

    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms I concur.
  16. GeoKuutio

    'Revenge of the Sith' reviews (Spoilers)

    Re: \'Revenge of the Sith\' reviews (Spoilers) It was good movie in my opinion. Better than I have hoped for. I enjoyed it. End of line.
  17. GeoKuutio

    "Brit"- comment from JMS

    Re: Racist comment from jms *sigh*
  18. GeoKuutio

    Star Wars III: The Official Hype, Bitch Thread

    Holy... shit. This is scary. Your roommate, I don't know, is losing all of his active brain cells? And he has a girlfriend? Is she maybe blind/deaf/braindead or something? I myself "collect" some figures you see, I don't buy SW toys and that, I just buy those that are "cool" in my opinion. So...
  19. GeoKuutio

    JMS signed on to a new ST series??

    Holy :eek:... I know that these are only rumours and speculations and nothing has been confirmed, but I shall restore my Star Wars altar and add some vital JMS elemnts to it and start praying. For starters, I shall sacrifice my Star Trek movie box!
  20. GeoKuutio

    Do these people not have lives?

    Holy shit. You know, when I see people like those, it makes me think that "wow, I'm doing well". No seriously, I understand if you come there, say a night before. That's okay. But more than one night? Weeks? MONTHS? That's just stupid, it is a film after all...