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  1. F

    El Alamo

    Dude, don't give me that, its bordering the personal attack. I think i made it clear what I meant. I just think he was a cool bad guy, and it was clear that he was a loser from SOB-like things he did (such as calling the life of his soldiers as valuable as "lifes of chickens"), finding time for...
  2. F

    El Alamo

    Just watched it. Man, what is the problem with people and "sad" endings? They always find time for 20 or 30 more minutes so they can insert another battle and the good guys can score one. The movie reminded me of Pearl Harbor. Damn, the ending was good as it was. They died protecting the fort...
  3. F

    i framed it :)

    I disagree. It would depress me as hell to see that all the time on my wall. I hate the bastards who cancelled it.
  4. F

    Family Guy back in 2005

    In March 2005. Or so says IGN, it will be on FOX apparently. Great news obviously. Here's a short list of episodes: #4ACX01 - North by North Quahog #4ACX02 - Fast Times at Buddy Cianci High #4ACX03 - Don't Make Me Over #4ACX04 - Blind Ambition #4ACX05 - Stewie B. Goode (Part I) #4ACX06 - Bango...
  5. F

    Season 1 question

    We can all jump with explanations like Star Wars fans do to explain all the inconsistencies of George Lucas, or cut to the point: JMS messed up. Doesn't matter anyway. Good series, don't have to worry over every little detail ;)
  6. F

    EpDis: Soul Hunter

    Yes, i know. But I like my shows realistic ;) That's why I was pissed when SeaQuest started having ghosts in haunted ships, man-eating plants, etc. Oh well. I guess one day we'll find out the soul hunters have Sheridan's soul stored somewhere lol
  7. F

    EpDis: Soul Hunter

    I think the idea of capturing a soul is just stupid. Besides souls don't exist, and no the episode didn't leave it up to you- the things floated around and wanted to take their revenge on the soul hunter.
  8. F

    Were Ivanova and Winters lovers?

    Sex and violence are good, adult, realistic things if not done for the shock factor. I know a few shows that do it right.
  9. F

    Were Ivanova and Winters lovers?

    Then he might as well have not made them lovers in the first place. Not cool. I'll just assume Talia was her cuddle bitch.
  10. F

    What about a B5 Video Game?

    I've Found Her. ;)
  11. F

    Were Ivanova and Winters lovers?

    If they were, JMS was kinda cowardly not to say it more explicitly in the show. The hetero relationships didn't get that treatment. Kinda like the torture episode. If some retoric, starvation and destroyed reputation is the worst the fascist Earth could do, what a laughable dictatorship.
  12. F

    JMS denies Star Wars TV series

    Who's Berman and Braga?
  13. F

    JMS denies Star Wars TV series

    huh? the tv series would not be set in the current star wars timeframe, it would be expanded universe stuff, and lucas stays clear of that.
  14. F

    JMS denies Star Wars TV series

    Yeah right. Like that would ever happen. Lucas will give the series to a friend of his, not a stranger, no matter how good he is.
  15. F

    "I get no respect!"

    Re: \"I get no respect!\" :( This is getting depressing now. I should have been born in the b5 universe, where you get 100 or 120 years to live. Or forever if you are a Vorlon.
  16. F

    Anna Sheridan

    *sigh* not again.
  17. F

    The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Please

    Re: The No Speculation Thread - News Posts Only Pl I'm loosing respect for JMS. Like that time he made fun of a fan's fan fiction. He is an asshole sometimes.
  18. F

    Star Wars Sept 21st release

    Isn't Jar Jar dead? How long are gungan lifespans anyways?
  19. F

    Interesting Link: Starship Size Comparisan Site

    Re: Interesting Link: Starship Size Comparisan Si If it were a ship, it would be hard as hell to move it around. And slow too.
  20. F

    Movies Set - UK

    Why? BTW welcome to the boards