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  1. F

    Season 3 R2 release date delayed

    I've just got to send out my heart to non-R1 people... this sucks. I'm a dual citizen (US/UK) and have gotten emails from many of my friends on the other side of the pond complaining about having no S3. -Tim
  2. F

    Season 3 US DVD is region-free?

    None of the Farscape DVDs that I own have either region coding of CSS encryption protection. I found that kind of odd, but they are put out by a smaller DVD warehouse. Regards, -tim
  3. F

    Severed Dreams Battle Annoyance

    Quite well put, Kalen. As far as the name glitch goes... although it is clearly an effects mistake, it can easily be explained as part of the story. Sheridan hit his head, was in the middle of battle, and at a far off vantage point. He could have easily mistaken one of the destroyers for the...
  4. F

    B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain't It Cool

    Re: B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain\'t It Cool Yeah, as a web programmer, the design does tend to offend quite a bit... not to mention the abuse of the exclamation point! Good design is hard to come by, especially with advertising online getting more and more obnoxious!
  5. F

    B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain't It Cool

    Re: B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain\'t It Cool Thanks, Dave. You also summed up my major feelings about AICN... Glen really gave his opinion, and viewed as a critic. He tried to put everything he heard and all preconceptions behind him when writing for AICN. Of course, I'm skewed, because he was...
  6. F

    B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain't It Cool

    Re: B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain\'t It Cool I really hate AICN as well. I can't stand Hercules, who I swear is the alter-ego of Joss Whedon's publicist. Harry Knowles is a shamless self-promoter. However, there was a time a few years ago when there was a guy named Glenn (I forget his last...
  7. F

    Interesting Contrast

    For those of us who have been lucky enough to see the bloopers - probably at a con, or maybe if you're a friend of JMS, but definitely NOT through bootlegging... One of my favorite moments is when Bruce Boxleitner, Sheridan himself, during the taping of Soul Mates... hits his link... and...
  8. F

    B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain't It Cool

    B5 S3 DVD Review over at Ain\'t It Cool Okay, so Hercules is a schmuck, but Moriarty has gotten hooked on B5 from the DVDs after never seeing a single episode during the airing or reruns... and he's hooked. Check out his nice blurb about half way down the page...
  9. F

    Sleeping in Light

    I really hope I never heard this phrase again! ;-) It hits a bit too close to home... wait, that wasn't much better. -Tim
  10. F

    B5 S3 Still Topping Charts

    And American fans like me who like to a) get the cheaper price and b) support the weak Canadian dollar to keep Canadian hockey teams alive. ;-) -Tim
  11. F


    JMS stated that if you look at when the Shadows come to B5, they decloak and swarm around the station, making it impossible for Draal to fire without taking out the station as well. Don't forget, the Shadows probably knew Draal and the machine were there (Voices of Authority) and most likely...
  12. F

    The Little Things

    Here is a link to a page dedicated to all of the Ranger sightings in season 2, before The Coming of Shadows... there are quite a few! http://webhome.idirect.com/~trudya/Babylon5/Rangers2.html Enjoy, -Tim
  13. F

    B5 Season 4 and 5 DVD sets CANCELLED!

    I'm going to tell all the Drazi on this newsgroup that you have stolen the holiest relic of Droshalla! EVIL! I like it. -Tim
  14. F

    B5 Miniseries DVD Fan Art (Possible Spoilers)

    Absolutely outstanding work. You should send a resume to the design department at WB!
  15. F

    Season 5

    The telepath arc was rushed and written on the fly; several things happened which made S5 a bit weaker in the beginning of the season. I believe they've been discussed, at length, in other threads. Firstly, Intersections in Real Time would have been the S4 finale should a fifth season have been...
  16. F

    Goddammit, that does it!!!

    Man, I don't get the Firefly cult audiance. I'm a big Buffy/Angel fan, but never took to Firefly. Frankly, I thought it was pretty bad. I think its more of a cult audiance of a couple members of aint-it-cool-news than an actual cult following that are making all the noise. -Tim
  17. F

    Props and memorabilia for sale or trade...

    I have an actual psi-corp prop pin and a PPG (not one of the ones used by the main cast... one of the ones for the masses) both from S4... however, I'm not getting rid of them. ;-) Hang on to your stuff or you'll regret it someday... that's always been my advice. You can make more money, you...
  18. F

    "Messages from Earth": my favourite (spoilers)

    Re: \"Messages from Earth\": my favourite (spoilers) One of my favorite moments from the episode is during the Night Watch meeting. I used to watch the episodes during the first PTEN run with a bunch of friends in college. When the black female Night Watch officer says, "Has anyone seen the...
  19. F

    Vir, Founlder, 25 Years Later...

    Darn! I really wish I hadn't missed that... I'm going to check TiVo to see if they're re-airing it. What a brilliant film... -Tim
  20. F

    B5 & DS9 - hand in hand?

    You're probably right. I was trying to make it sound like "med", I guess since he's the doctor and all. I can deal with most technobabble... but that term, for some reason, just REALLY irked me. I can't put my finger on why. Over and out, -Tim