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A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cast

Favorite recurring character: All seasons

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Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Read "a couple of weeks" as "a couple of months." That seems to be the way in which things work around here...

If the sound stages have been booked for April they cannot delay the film past them without having some very expensive costs. Say £1,000 a day.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Read "a couple of weeks" as "a couple of months." That seems to be the way in which things work around here...

If the sound stages have been booked for April they cannot delay the film past them without having some very expensive costs. Say £1,000 a day.

I thought that was only a rumor. I have not heard anyone of our insiders say a month had been fixed for sure yet.

It does sound like it's a bit hopeful. Let's hope. :LOL:
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

So, when was it that JMS said he thought there would be some significant developments in TMoS in the next coulple of weeks?

I was thinking it has been a couple of weeks, hasn't it? Is there some hope of hearing something soon?

I suppose no one knows.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

I was thinking it has been a couple of weeks, hasn't it?

Yes, he posted that on Sunday January 30th, so it will be two weeks tomorrow. But it has also been about a week since AOL blocked access to usenet, so a) he may not have found an alternative way of posting any news b) his estimate (probably contingent on the actions of others) may have been off and c) depending on the news, he may want to take some time in deciding what he is going to say and how he is going to say it. Win, lose or draw with regard to our efforts and their ultimate goal there are apt to be feathers that ought not be ruffled, egos that have to be cared for and fed, and business bridges that ought not be burned. If you lose a battle to someone you might end up working with again, you don't want to denounce him too strongly. But if you win such a battle, you also don't want to boast or belittle the other party. So I wouldn't read much, good or bad, into the matter if JMS doesn't post a new message at one minute past midnight on the West Coast tonight. :)


Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas


You read my mind, although I'll be asleep then, I was thinking "could there possibly be news Sunday morning?"


:LOL: If waiting longer means getting more of the old cast hired for the project, may it take as long as needed. But if we have good or bad news, at this point, I'd rather just know about it. The waiting is really frustrating.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

:LOL: If waiting longer means getting more of the old cast hired for the project, may it take as long as needed. But if we have good or bad news, at this point, I'd rather just know about it. The waiting is really frustrating.

It is, isn't it? And I hate to point it out, but JMS did seem to warn us not to expect to hear from him any time soon when he wrote:

AOL as some have noted is closing down its newsgroup system, so I'm going to
have to retrench. Consequently, I may be offline for a bit...though I'll
likely be off regardless for the next bit while the dust settles on TMoS.

Since his copyright notice is pretty important, he's not likely to just switch to Google to post. So...we wait.

Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Thanks for the info, Jan. I had no idea it was so complicated for him to find a service to post with again.

And I don't want the dust to settle on TMoS. :LOL:

I want it to be stirred up a lot as they move in the new sets and start to reherse. ;)
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

But it has also been about a week since AOL blocked access to usenet, so a) he may not have found an alternative way of posting any news b) his estimate (probably contingent on the actions of others) may have been off and c) depending on the news, he may want to take some time in deciding what he is going to say and how he is going to say it.

I lean more towards b or c. I'm sure that if JMS had something big to annouce, he could find a way to announce it. If nothing else, he could just contact Cinescape of Sci Fi Wire. I'm sure they'd take his call. :)
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

And I don't want the dust to settle on TMoS. :LOL:

Of course, he might have meant the dust from the "dust up" over casting / re-casting.

An extension of what Joe said earlier is that he may not want to just run out and publically announce the final results as soon as the fight is over, while the mental / emotional wounds are still a little bit bloody and sensitive.

Better to let a little time pass, let people get used to accepting the idea of the final result even if it wasn't their initial position, let the "dust settle" from the fight .... and then make the final cast announcement.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Very true, PR. I'd rather have good news a little later than bruised egos a little earlier. :)
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

Personally, at this point I'd almost just rather have ANYTHING. But I understand and can appreciate the purist view. Hell, screw the movies, just give us more books!! The Psi Corps trilogy, the Technomage trilogy, and the Centauri trilogy were just GOLDEN. There is sooooo much more to tell and so much more to explore.

... on a side note, hypatia. 17,562 posts!! WOW!! That's just PAST amazing! I'm seriously impressed! I need to go back and read what you have to say from the beginning but I'm not sure if I have that much time left to live. If I read two of your posts a day, every day, it would still take me 24 YEARS to read all your posts!! (and that's only if you stopped posting today). I'm not sure how long this board has been around, maybe 4 years if my review of the posts is correct. So that means you have posted, on the average, 12 posts per day every day, for 4 years! Dude I don't even pee 12 times a day! You are one seriously dedicated dude (or dudette)!! You can't help but admire that.

So..... uh.... any chance I could get the Reader's Digest version? Maybe the Cliff's Notes or something? I know it sounds like I'm making fun but I'm not, I really do admire your dedication and deep interest in B5! Even though I’m a B5 nut I don't have ANY friends that like B5 so I've never had anyone to talk to about it. I wish I'd hooked up with this board way back when, before all you serious fans were pretty much exhausted.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas


Ugh, Reader's Digest version:

"Blah, blah blah... Patrick Stewart..." pretty much makes up for most of the second year's worth of posts. ;)
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas


Ugh, Reader's Digest version:

"Blah, blah blah... Patrick Stewart..." pretty much makes up for most of the second year's worth of posts. ;)

You have to understand that Hyp has the hots for Patty-boy. :D

Bald head and all...she's moist for him. :eek:

Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

I'm just saying keep your dirty hands away from the News only thread. That one has to stay out of NC-17. Unless JMS goes into the pr0n business or something...

For the record: The deal for TMoS has now fallen through. But JMS is still not at liberty to tell us wether our letter writing campaign had an effect. His indications so far is that it actually helped. Taimeh veel shove.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas


Yes, wanting to look better for Patrick Stewart makes me swim laps more often. See? Very simple and innocent explanation for what was really meant there. :D

The letter writing campaign: all he's said, that I know of, is that it would be incorrect to assume that there was never a recasting issue and/or that the letter writing didn't help somehow. Vague enough it's difficult to tell what he meant.

It could mean many things. But it wasn't a huge effort for most of us (the War Council not included here) and if nothing else, it must have shown a dedication of the fan base.

If I helped to kill a very ill-conceived idea for this B5 movie, I'm extremely glad. I'm sorry, but new characters or (whenever possible) the original actors. To a great extent these people made me fall in love with the series (which I initially ignored, much to my regret now).

It would have been horrible watching "name" actors take up on "original" characters. I comprehend a need to recast from time to time, but really admire JMS for not doing so unless absolutely necessary.
Re: A Call to Arms: Fighting for the original cas

The letter writing campaign: all he's said, that I know of, is that it would be incorrect to assume that there was never a recasting issue and/or that the letter writing didn't help somehow. Vague enough it's difficult to tell what he meant.

I don't have the usenet post JMS replied to in front of me, but this is a pretty close paraphrase of the essential point:

"WB was never involved in the film [premise] therefore the letter-writing campaign was pointless."

What JMS said in response was "your premise is mistaken". To wit: WB wasn't totally out of the loop on the film. So the conclusion that the letter writing campaing was pointless - or any other conclusion based on the premise that WB was not involved at all was necessarily also mistaken. Since WB was involved in some fashion it made sense to direct letters to them - which is one reason why JMS, who certainly knew what was going on from the newsgroup if not from Warner Bros., never e-mailed me, or Jan, or Amy to say, "Knock it off, you're barking up the wrong tree." Which he certainly could have done. He wasn't shy about contacting me (andraising the specter of legal action) the last time he thought I was responsible for posting something that might interfere with a deal of his. (I hasten to add that he was mistaken about my involvement and dropped all mention of lawyers the minute a mutual acquaintance at TNT convinced him of my innocence. Apologized, even. Sort of. ;))

