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A few words from your weapons officer

Fun but difficult. While I was in the bathroom, dreaming up the next installment, you took off in a different direction. By the time my addled brain thinks up another one, it will probably happen again.

If ya snooze, ya lose!

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair

Warren has a good point - because not only did we step right into the Story Ideas, we're already writing fanfic (is this the first real Rangers fanfic ever? :p )

Renaming the characters is a good idea also because most of us have no idea how Martel would act in such a situation. The best we could do was G'Kar. And maybe the Minbari Grey Council.

So, if I may, let's continue this - I'm having a lot of fun. This way, we can discover how this guy reacts ourselves. Can I indulge myself by calling him Capt. James Daly?

They are, however, still Rangers. Same situation, different names...

I've got to run off to run a photoshoot now (arg!) so I'll resume sometime this evening...

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Great idea Channe!

Captain James Daly of the Starship Titan...

I am not sure that these guys should be Rangers though...I think that the "Rangers" stories should be kept with "JMS"...(I kind of got myself carried away...as you can all see...)

It might be funny to have something similiar to these historical warriors though...That would be quite interesting...

I like the idea of what kind of creatures are inhabitable to the planet "Ishnu"...

Anyways...we shall see where all this leads...Cheers! -Warren-


Ext. Ishnu -Cemetary -Day

It is a sunny morning on the surface of Ishnu. Clear Green-blue sky above. Fresh dew on the many headstones strewn around the burial ground. All is quiet...

Off to the side, the aftermath of last nights terror is evident by the thousands of broken branches and trampled grass...What was once a beautiful forest around the parameter of the cemetary, is now a war-torn cluster of bent stricken greenery...

We come in close to the burial hole we saw earlier at the ceremony...What was once a filled in hole with headstone (the name inscribed on the headstone not seen)...is now unearthed once again...and the casket that was placed inside is now gone!

Strange tracks all around the freshly dug hole is everwhere...the tracks are definitely a boot of some sort...but not of a human form...there are two splits that make up the foot...one looks like a big toe and then the rest are molded into each other to make up the rest of the foot...but, whatever made the tracks still walks upright on both legs...

The many tracks suggest there were at least a dozen or so creatures...

The tracks lead off into the forest...

Ext. -Starship Titan -Day

The starship Titan lay idle in space. The ship is definitely parked in place. Anchored and not even suggesting a move. A blue-green tinge is reflected off the shiny hull from the planet Ishnu below...

We come in closer to one of the many cabin windows. We catch a glimpse of someone pacing back and forth...We enter the window and are now in the Captain's quarters...

Introducing Captain James Daly of the Starship Titan...

Mid to late 30's. Handsome in a rugged sort of way. (Think Ed Harris)

For those of you that wish to participate in this online creative writing thread...we can continue under our own message board posting subject titled "Titans"...

Hopefully, we can continue the thread under this "Ranger Discussion Forum"...it will be easier to address other issues that may come up while we are composing the story...

It might be better to get out of "Myriam's" original thread posting...since, the story has nothing to do with what she originally posted...we...or I, really went off on a tangent...Oops!

Sorry Myriam! Cheers! -Warren-

Don't you worry honey! Infact I was enjoying the story greatly and I hope that it continues

As for deviating off the original idea. I have been very happy to read something positive, happy and fun. Thank you both.

Ciao for now, Myriam

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> Dylan -
Headstones are implacable. They are not hilarious or jolly, nor do they smirk - thus, they are implacable.
Dear Channe,

First of all implacable does not mean the opposite of hilarious or jolly. It means - that which cannot be appeased; inexorable. Now if you're a fan of anthropomorphism, which I am not, there are far more appropriate adjectives for describing a headstone. Here are some bad examples: stoic, sad, stationary, imperturbable etc.

To call a headstone implacable suggests it is charging head long toward you and cannot be appeased (for example). Not exactly the impression Warren was going for I do believe.

Now you'll have to excuse me because my chair has a question for me....

Dylan -

I concede yet again. (This board's making me do a lot of that these days.) I call myself a competent speaker and writer of English, and yet I totally misused the word "implacable." Whoa. I think I was somehow thinking of the word "placid," as in "she assumed a placid face," and went from there.

Of course, some might have an issue with my usage of the word "placid..." A lake can be placid as well as a face or a demeanor... egh, it's been too many years since I studied this in Logic class...

I think the word I might have been looking for was definitely imperturbable, or a variant thereof.

It comes from writing too many lines of press-release copy. You get a very limited vocabulary. (If you don't believe me, try it. You'll soon have a plethora of synonyms for "renowned," "author," and "excellence.")

Now. Ahem. Onwards. Where was I? Oh, yes.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Int. Titan Bridge -Night

All is quiet on the bridge. The crew sits silence waiting for any response from Lieutenant Henderson and her crew...Nothing. The intercom sounds silence...We see Captain Bazzar...hands rubbing his temples...pacing about nervously...he has no words...

Captain Bazzar: (to the communications officer) Try to contact Henderson again...

God damn it! Whatever the source of that probe is...it is safe to assume that the data it was collecting has been beamed back to its' origin...and whatever, or whoever is responsible...is sure to know that we are here...

The communication officer shoots the Captain a look---no contact with Henderson or her crew!

Captain: God Damn it! Find them! Do your job and find them!

The Captain storms off the bridge...frustrated with all that has transpired...His position will clearly be in jeopardy if questions aren't answered...

Int. Liandra Bridge -Night

Captain David Martel is addressing his crew...various Rangers work on the parameter of the main ships console...the lower part is reserved for the upper echelon...Kitaro, Sarah, Na'Feel and Dulann are all at their seats...Tirk and Malcolm enter the bridge's briefing and proceed to their places...Firell is standing by at her med-bay post...

Captain Martel: Okay, we have stood by much too long...and I will not watch this blood-shed any longer. We are taking the Liandra down to the surface of Ishnu...30,000 feet above the surface, we shall decend, zero sound...from there, we shall find a landing area...and a patrol lead by me will commence!

Now, we don't really know who or what we are dealing with here, but it is clear that our assistance is neccessary...Sarah, standby in the weapon pod...we are moving out!

Kit, make the appropriate calculations...remember, 30,000 feet to the surface...zero sound...work in conjunction with Na'Feell...Okay...let's do it...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitaro Sasaki:
Int. Titan Stardestroyer

Stardestroyer? Wrong show.

Vorlon Empire

"To Live and Die in Starlight"
pilot movie for "Babylon 5 - The Legend of the Rangers"
January 2002 on The Sci-Fi Channel.
(Warren once again keeps me on my toes.)



Martel leads the patrol. Small lights, moving slowly through the woods. He indicates a few directions; his crew fans out a bit.

In the distance, something howls. CLOSE on Na'feel, who stops to listen for one moment, and Dulann, solid-faced and typically Minbari. They move. Silently. You almost don't even know they're there. Everything is quiet until -

CLOSE ON MARTEL - a PPG shot from the underbrush, nearly grazing his ear. He reacts quickly, finding the source of the problem laying on the ground. Covered in dirt, mud, and blood, the thing screeches, high-pitched and human. It's only then that we - and Martel - realize the thing is human. It's Henderson.

HENDERSON (snarling)
You goddamned -

Martel clamps a hand over Henderson's mouth. She fights well, for a person who is bleeding in fifteen places. Her eyes open, and she screams into Martel's hand.

The others, who heard the commotion, come running - first Dulann, who carries the Ranger cloak we saw before, bloodstained and rent.

We found this.

Martel looks up, sees the bloodstained cloak with shock-filled eyes. He looks back down at Henderson.


Y- yes- get outta here, get outta here, before, before-

Na'feel, get her to the Liandra.

Na'feel moves forward when - there's a sound - like the middle of a tornado - gathering - all around them -

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.
Durned good thing JMS isn't reading this thread.

Channe, the next JMS, who lives for the One and dies for the chocolate cheesecake
OnlineDude: I suppose now would not be the time to bring up the old one about the starlet who was so new to Hollywood she slept with the writer...
JMS: But that was only because she heard that in Hollywood, *everyone* screws the writer.

[This message has been edited by channe (edited October 19, 2001).]

Ext. Ishnu -forest -Night

Their back! And in full force. The trees come to life once again! What a racket! Screams fill the air. This time, the howling can be heard throughout the entire forest...They are everywhere!

Captain Martel: Move!

Something swoops down just above David's head. He ducks and tumbles over to the side. Whatever it was missed him, but barely. The group navigates through the dark dense forest...when suddenly, David looses his footing...as if the ground beneath him vanishes...he falls and discovers that he is sliding down a hill...

The rest of the group is now without the Captain. David Martel is alone...and has no idea where he is...The darkness seems to have favoured his chosen path...chosen!? Or deliberate...controlled by someone or something? Maybe something wants David alone...singled out...but why!?

David composes himself and does a check...no bones broken...he has lost his phaser gun! Great...Out in nowhere...some strange forest...alone...dark...no protection...a campers nightmare indeed!

David: Will this is just great isn't it...

Silence surrounds him...again...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Kitaro Sasaki:

Hopefully, we can continue the thread under this "Ranger Discussion Forum"...it will be easier to address other issues that may come up while we are composing the story...


Ok I will not move the Titan's story over to Fandom, fun & fanfic if it makes life easier for you guys. Unless Antony has a problem with it but I do not think he does


[This message has been edited by Deviot (edited October 20, 2001).]
Phaser gun? This is a job for the Narn Bat Squad!

"When something we value is destroyed, we rebuild it. If it's destroyed again we rebuild it again. And again, and again, and again. Until it stays. "
~Jeffrey Sinclair
Well, I decided that I should change the character's names as to get away from "The Legend of the Rangers"...

It is probably better this way as...

It was all out of fun anyways...but, if we continue...the names can be changed with whomever you would like...but, I will now steer away from the "Ranger" characters!

Thanks...This has been quite fun! It is a pleasure sharing this creative game with all of you!

Cheers! -Warren-

BTW-This could be quite an interesting innovation that we have come up with...Online story telling! Interesting!

Thanks guys! (Deviot) It is much appreciated (letting us post here)...But if it does become a problem...then I will accept the consequences...whatever they may be...

Don't punish us to hard guys!?...(pause)


Kitaro shows abit of uncomfortablility with this thought...and with this, he continues about his work...

Then: (close on the console)

Oh shit...I pressed the wrong button! Oh my...I wasn't suppose to press that one...

All goes black:

Back to the "Titans" -Warriors of Virtue

Planetside, Midmorning: A massively muscled figure stands over a human corpse. The body is covered with small wounds and is pale. There is almost no blood.

The figure speaks:

Tried to warn them. Did. Never listen.
Too afraid of large beings.
Never listen to large beings.

Like small beings. Call small beings "Cute".
What means "Cute", "Cuddly"?
Small beings Deadly. Sharp teeth. Drink much blood.
Come back tonight. Eat flesh.

Tried to warn them. Did. Never listen.

Humans never listen.
Not understand. Teeth tell story.
Large beings have teeth for eating plants.
Small beings have teeth for eating other beings.

Humans never listen.

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>
Little Fuzzy Animals by Frank Hayes

When you land on Baily's 7, you may not like what you see.
There are monsters back of every rock and up in every tree.
There are Demon Flies up in the skies and manticores beneath.
And, There's Little Fuzzy Animals With Big Sharp Teeth!

There are Little Fuzzy Animals,
Little Furry Animals,
Little Fuzzy Animals With Big Sharp Teeth!

Now, not all of the monsters there should fill you full of dread.
For the Demon Flies speak English and they love to scout ahead.
And the Manticores will pull you through the swamp and through the mud.
But, the Little Fuzzy Animals will drink your Blood!

Yes, the Little Fuzzy Animals,
Little Furry Animals,
Little Fuzzy Animals Will Drink Your Blood!

When nightfall comes to Baily's, with the darkness growing deep,
The music of the jungle night will lull you into sleep.
It's so restfull and so peaceful that you'll never feel the pain,
Of the Little Fuzzy Telepaths that eat your Brain!

Yes, the Little Fuzzy Telepaths,
Little Furry Telepaths,
Little Fuzzy Telepaths That Eat Your Brain!

So, when you go to Baily's now, you'll know what lies in store.
There are hordes of friendly fiends and gentle monsters there galore.
But, with all the cute and furry ones, you know what you must do.
Get those Little Fuzzy Buggers before they get you!

Get those Little Fuzzy Buggers,
Get those Little Furry Buggers,
Get those Little Fuzzy Buggers Before They Get You!

The 3 most common elements in the Universe:
Hydrogen, Greed, Stupidity!

[This message has been edited by bakana (edited October 20, 2001).]