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A small goof

Long before that...

The ship that allowed Marcus to escape the Centauri blockade of the secret Ranger base was a Drazi, so perhaps they were involved with the Rangers for longer than proposed.
You're right. Now that you mention it I remember that scene and Marcus's escape took place about six years before TLaDiS.
Maybe TLaDIS really was made just a bit too quickly.

From time to time it really does sound as if it was not thought through in terms of B5.
Hypatia wrote: "Maybe TLaDIS really was made just a bit too quickly.

From time to time it really does sound as if it was not thought through in terms of B5."

It could have followed B5 a little more closely but it was (as I understand it) intended to be a whole new series with only minimal background ties to Babylon 5. An example was when the Liandra delivered G'Kar to B5 at the end of the show and Martel said (more or less,) when G'Kar asked if he was coming aboard, that he would visit some time in the future. Of course it would have been expensive to remake the CGI for B5, which they would have had to do if Martel had gone aboard because too many people would notice differences if they tried to wing it.
as for thought through - B5 was in the works since the late 80's /forums/images/icons/smile.gif

i don't think jms will be doing something quite so thorough again
LightNZ wrote: "as for thought through - B5 was in the works since the late 80's

i don't think jms will be doing something quite so thorough again"

I believe he would, if given the opportunity. I also believe that if Rangers had gotten the go-ahead we would have seen characters & threads within the series develop and take on life like those in B5.
Actually, didn't JMS himself say he'd never do anything like B5 again? Even he could see it was practically killing him. I forget what percentage of the episodes he wrote himself. But it really was taking its toll on his health.

I see nothing wrong with having him share some of the burden. I just wish I could get Showtime without breaking the bank. Or giving up local news.
I was thinking more along the lines that with JMS at the helm of an extended series the plots and threads would follow a coherent arc even though he didn't write all the eps himself.
Yes, I think that is what he's doing with Jerimiah.

If old "Andromeda" is still popular with its anti-arc mentality, though, I just don't know if there is even hope anymore. /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif /forums/images/icons/mad.gif
Hypatia wrote: "If old "Andromeda" is still popular with its anti-arc mentality, though, I just don't know if there is even hope anymore."

I believe there is a place for a Scifi series that follows an "arc." I wish I could find out more about "Polaris" because that might just be the next. But, who knows?????
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by hypatia: </font color>
Maybe TLaDIS really was made just a bit too quickly.


That's what I thought, but JMS denies it and says it wasn't rushed.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by ElScorcho: </font color>
Long before that...

The ship that allowed Marcus to escape the Centauri blockade of the secret Ranger base was a Drazi, so perhaps they were involved with the Rangers for longer than proposed.


Matters of Honor, January 2260. However, there wasn't any indication that the Drazi was a Ranger, merely that he was giving Marcus a ride off of Zagros 7 before the Shadows claimed the planet.

Lennier's scar from the Drazi recruit would have been in mid-2262. That's when the Rangers opened up to recruiting from the other races (e.g. the Pak'ma'ra).
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by gangster: </font color>
It could have followed B5 a little more closely but it was (as I understand it) intended to be a whole new series with only minimal background ties to Babylon 5.


Gees, shades of Crusade, and how TNT wanted minimal ties to the B5 universe. It was ridiculous then, and it's even more ridiculous with respect to TLaDiS.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by gangster: </font color>
An example was when the Liandra delivered G'Kar to B5 at the end of the show and Martel said (more or less,) when G'Kar asked if he was coming aboard, that he would visit some time in the future. Of course it would have been expensive to remake the CGI for B5, which they would have had to do if Martel had gone aboard because too many people would notice differences if they tried to wing it.


No time. No money. No sets. Gees, sounds like a rushed production to me. They weren't ready, and weren't given enough time and money to get ready.
KoshN wrote: "No time. No money. No sets. Gees, sounds like a rushed production to me. They weren't ready, and weren't given enough time and money to get ready."

While only supposition, I think it was Scifi didn't want to spend big bucks on sets/CGI until they saw how the pilot went. Which, of course, made the pilot seem cheap & rushed to B5 fans.
I understand that concept ... but there's also the saying "You have to spend money to make money."

Gee, they cut budgets and didn't put wings on the play ... I wonder why it didn't get off the ground. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by Loadhan: </font color>
I understand that concept ... but there's also the saying "You have to spend money to make money."

Gee, they cut budgets and didn't put wings on the play ... I wonder why it didn't get off the ground. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif


Well, maybe not "cut budgets" but rather didn't establish a sufficient budget in the first place. In any case, it's a self-fulfilling prophesy. /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif
KoshN wrote: "Well, maybe not "cut budgets" but rather didn't establish a sufficient budget in the first place. In any case, it's a self-fulfilling prophesy."

Agree to an extent. There was also that TLaDiS ran against the NFL playoff game. Even so, TLaDiS received an overall rating (IIFC) of 1.7, with it receiving a 2.6 in Pacific time zones after the game was over. The 1.7 is about what SG-1 receives and Scifi is crowing about it being the best rated show on their channel. This makes me think that someone high up at Scifi didn't (for whatever reasons) want B5Rangers in the first place.
It sometimes seems like there are two heads at Sci-Fi, like it's some sort of split-personality. On one hand they promote Rangers, and on the other hand they kill it for a 1.7 (with mitigating circumstances).

BTW, on the west coast, didn't it get a 3.2 or 3.4?
KoshN wrote: "BTW, on the west coast, didn't it get a 3.2 or 3.4?"

I had to go back and check but you are right. According to JMS TLaDiS received 3.2 to 3.6 in west coast markets, with viewers coming in and staying once they saw the movie. However, the East & Central markets were so poor because of the game the overall average was only 1.7. Based on the numbers, Scifi had a winner that they let get away and we are losers for it. Dumb, dumb, dumb!
Haven't we done this debate to death already ???

Sci-Fi said in their April announcements that they wanted to move away from space-based SF shows which, regardless of quality, ratings or whatever more or less signed the death warrant for Rangers far as I can see - it just didn't fit their overall strategy.

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