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A small goof

Isn't this a bit like comparing apples to oranges? A 1.7 for a TV movie that is trying to sell a series and a 1.7 for an established show in it's sixth season are quite different in my view.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
According to JMS TLaDiS received 3.2 to 3.6 in west coast markets, with viewers coming in and staying once they saw the movie.


Actually JMS quote ratings from two or three individual west coast markets - he never said that the average west coast rating was in that range. Ratings can vary enormously from city to city, so the movie could have pulled a 3.6 in San Diego and a 1.0 in Burbank. The fact is that we don't have enough data to attempt any kind of meaningful analysis of the nationwide ratings.

I still suspect that the Universal-Vivendi deal was more of a factor than Sci-Fi is willing to admit. Their preference is probably to go with properties owned by Universal, but they didn't want to burn any bridges with JMS and whatever studio he may be working with on a given project like Polaris. If they can't fill their schedule with Universal-owned material they will have to buy series owned by other studios, and announcing their preference might only make those studios less inclined to pitch their shows to Sci-Fi. While they may want to move away from high-budget space shows like Rangers, they may still be interested in something from JMS with a more contemporary setting, if their Universal properties like Battlestar don't pan out.


Joseph DeMartino wrote: "Actually JMS quote ratings from two or three individual west coast markets - he never said that the average west coast rating was in that range. Ratings can vary enormously from city to city, so the movie could have pulled a 3.6 in San Diego and a 1.0 in Burbank. The fact is that we don't have enough data to attempt any kind of meaningful analysis of the nationwide ratings."

Thanks for the clarification.

And, of the wall, do you know anything about "Polaris?"
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
And, of the wall, do you know anything about "Polaris?"


Nothing beyond what has been known for ages: It is a series proposal for Sci-Fi, JMS has written a couple of sample scripts, he was awaiting a decision. No idea at all what the current status of the project is, or what it is about.

Now that X-Files is over I'd be far more interested to know whether or not JMS and Chris Carter have any plans to revive their World on Fire idea, which came within inches of becoming a CBS series a couple of years ago. The rights reverted back to JMS (it was his original idea) at some point, but given his various commitments he might consider working with the folks from TenThirteen again, assuming they can interest and studio and/or network in it.



What was that "World on Fire" supposed to be about? Never heard of it. Was there any ideas or info released on it?
No details ever released. The closest JMS ever got to a description was to say that it was about 90% mainstream and 10% speculative fiction, and in some respects unlike anything previously done on American television. He and Chris Carter got to talking about a project they could work on together (this was just after the Crusade mess) and Carter picked World on Fire when JMS described it. They made a deal with Fox and I believe that JMS wrote a pilot script. They were in final negotiations with CBS (settling on a per episode license fee for the first network run) expecting signed contracts back in a few days. Then Carter's Harsh Realm series was abruptly cancelled after only a handful of episodes had aired in several different timeslots. (The network seemed to have moved the show every week - except for those weeks when it pre-empted it for something else entirely. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif) Fox decided that the show failed because it wasn't "100% Chris Carter" in that he had adapted it from a comic book produced by others. (Makes you wonder how they explained The Lone Gunmen a couple of years later.) Anyway, they pulled out of the World on Fire deal because the original idea was JMS's, not Carter's. By that time it was too late in the TV "buying season" for Carter and Straczynski to take it to another studio, and the project lapsed. A few months later TenThirteen's option expired and all rights reverted to JMS. Haven't really heard anything about it since.

I do sometimes wonder if Polaris isn't a code name or new title for the same concept. But I tend to doubt it. If JMS came that close to selling the show to one of the major broadcast networks, I don't think he'd offer it to Sci-Fi. A mostly mainstream show would have a better chance with the big four, and the money, for writer's fees, producers fees and everything else, is a lot better for network broadcast shows than it is for basic cable originals. (UPN and The WB are still not considered "networks" according to the Writer's Guild Mininmum Basic Agreement, and I think they may have the same exemption from SAG. Fox only became big enough to count as a network according to the Guild agreements in the last round of contracts. I think everything produced for Fox since last June is now paid at full network rates, while earlier stuff and UPN/WB shows are still paid at basic cable rates.)


Okay, I know there are many "X-Files" fans ... but I never liked the show and I'm not bashing Chris Carter here but I still think it was foolish to say they didn't want a show because it was written by JMS and not Carter ... Did they ever actually compare the writings?! If they were worried about fans not knowing JMS ... well those fans that cared would ignore the JMS name attached and listen to the Carter name anyway ... *sigh* stupid TV execs ...

And, though I think I would agree that "Polaris" is not that series and I'm not sure JMS would do it ... something that is "90% mainstream" sounds like what SciFi wants right now anyway. /forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
...and those fans that knew better would ignore the Carter name and pay attention to the JMS name. /forums/images/icons/grin.gif /forums/images/icons/wink.gif /forums/images/icons/grin.gif
The trouble is, I would guess, the money-makers are looking at the names.

I began watching the X-files with the very first episode. I knew this series was going to be fun. I honestly can't remember when I found myself not taping it anymore. When a friend of mine asked me why, I couldn't really say. Other than "I know they'll never get closer to resolving anything, the whole thing just got boring to me. And Cliche."

But let's face it, fellow B5 and JMS fans: the X-files made money. Many, many, truckloads of it. If I had money to spare, yea I'd rather back JMS. But if I had to make money back, why wouldn't I look at the moolah the X-files make and think that Carter is the better risk.

NO, I do NOT think he's the better writer/producer/originator. But everyone knows that it is the almighty buck which rules these little things. /forums/images/icons/frown.gif /forums/images/icons/frown.gif /forums/images/icons/frown.gif
Speaking of small goofs in "TLaDiS", did any hear if JMS finally admitted that there was an editing screw-up? Remember that bit about the alien ambassador's image being broadcast for just a few frames? A shot of him that was apparantly from later in the film? I remember that JMS said initially "look at your tapes, it is NOT THERE". And fans kept posting "oh, yes it IS. I've seen it." Someone here even captured it and posted a picture.

Did JMS ever come back and comment "oops, yea, it is there"? Just curious. I know JMS's temper isn't always even. If he's really pissed about it, probably better that it just die down as a topic. /forums/images/icons/wink.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by hypatia: </font color>
Speaking of small goofs in "TLaDiS", did any hear if JMS finally admitted that there was an editing screw-up? Remember that bit about the alien ambassador's image being broadcast for just a few frames? A shot of him that was apparently from later in the film? I remember that JMS said initially "look at your tapes, it is NOT THERE". And fans kept posting "oh, yes it IS. I've seen it." Someone here even captured it and posted a picture.


That was me who did the screen capture strip of six consecutive frames:


</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by hypatia: </font color>
Did JMS ever come back and comment "oops, yea, it is there"? Just curious.


Of course not. He'll probably be forever pissed at me about it. /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif Guess I embarrassed him. /forums/images/icons/blush.gif /forums/images/icons/frown.gif It's just that when somebody says I'm wrong, especially publicly, and I KNOW I'm not wrong and have proof, I HAVE TO defend it as a point of honor, no matter who's saying it.

</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
<font color="yellow"> Originally posted by hypatia: </font color>
I know JMS's temper isn't always even. If he's really pissed about it, probably better that it just die down as a topic.


I did, long ago. /forums/images/icons/smile.gif
Well, artists are "supposed" to be tempermental, eh? /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

He has admitted, long ago, that in one scene of B5 Garibaldi's eyes really are glowing red for a very brief moment. Someone from "behind the scenes" was bored and thought they'd throw that in (then forgot to remove it) IIRC. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif

So maybe he'll fess up to this one, too, someday. You are right, though, KoshN. Best to just let it die. /forums/images/icons/rolleyes.gif

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