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Adios Futurama


Well, Futurama aired its final episode last night. It's sad to see such a great show like this dragged through the mud by FOX during its entire run (i.e. terrible timeslot, constant pre-emptions & no advertising) and then burned off in the middle of the summer when everyone is expecting repeats. I didn't see one TV spot mentioning the finale on FOX and when they listed their Sunday night lineup, it wasn't even mentioned.

I can only conclude that someone high up at FOX really hated the show. (Oh yeah, Banzai - now that's entertainment.)


Well, it wasn't exactly a finale, per se. I don't think the producers had intended it it be the end of the run. But it did have all the singing and dancing crap that people seem to think makes for a great show.

The story was funny though - Fry makes a deal with the Robot Devil to get robot hands so he can play his holophoner to impress Leela. An ironic twist gives Fry the Robot Devil's hands (the robot was picked randomly) and it dissolves into a case of "The Gift of the Magii" when Leela goes deaf and then ends up betrothed to the Robot Devil. But in the end, we're given the impression that Fry and Leela finally get together.

I'm really gonna miss this show. *sniff* Oh well, all of them will be out on DVD soon enough.
I watch fox pretty often, and I had no idea that Futurama was ending. I've watched it from time to time, and found it to be a nice funny show.
Yea, I love the show. I'm taping it now when it is repeated in the morning. I had no idea the robot hand episode was their very last. :(

More and more I am coming to the conclusion that I should just watch DVD's and forget this thing called television ever existed. Other than the news and Meet the Press, I just can't find anything I like on tv anymore.

I did just by "Yes, Minister" on DVD. I had a great time Sunday night watching the first disk.

Why are British shows so good and yet so very short-lived? :confused:
The fact that Futurama is ending is a sad one. I remember watching it when it premiered and as others have mentioned, Fox made no indication that this was the end. Damn them..they let it go quietely when no one was watching or expecting it. :mad:

More and more I am coming to the conclusion that I should just watch DVD's and forget this thing called television ever existed.
I have a friend of mine who does this. He hasn't watched TV in years. All he does is watch movies. Of course he has also missed out on B5, Dark Angel, Jeremiah and scores of others. Right now I've got him watching my Dark Angel DVD's and I've got him talked into watching the B5 DVD's soon.
Actually, I'm ordering more series on DVD than anything else right now. I'm about half way through Deep Space 9's season 3 (and I'll have season 4 soon) as well as "Yes, Minister" and B5 Season 3, as well as Rumpole of the Baily (sorry, spelling?) which I've never seen an episode of, but have heard good things about.

I had an expendable income this summer, and I kind of went crazy. :eek: "Secret Agent/Danger Man" is very entertaining, though. :D
I've been going a little crazy with my dvd purchases the last month or so. I think I've bought about 15 or 20 of them so far. I must stop before I put myself into bankruptcy. The only is..(and I don't want to offend anyone) I can't bring myself to buy DVD's of a tv series if it is still on tv such as TNG or DS9. Plus they are soo expensive. Of course I know this doesn't apply to everyone. Not everyone has cable tv or the chance to see them. But I do watch them. I just rent them on Netflix and listen to commentary and watch the special features. One of these days I'll get all of B5 and TNG on dvd.
Is DS9 on tv? I have not been able to find it. What channel?

I admit, though, I also have not bought TNG for the reasons you state. I can see it for free, or tape it, twice a day if I want to.

I can't bring myself to buy DVD's of a tv series if it is still on tv such as TNG or DS9.

So far I have only bought TV series that have a longer term story, as opposed to the typical purely episodic. I have bought B5, Farscape, and The Sandbaggers on DVD.
Farscape is one I'll have to start getting soon. Who knows how long they will continue to run it on Sci Fi since now it's on just once a week instead of the 5 days. Plus I have seen a few of the episodes on DVD and love the commentary of both Ben and Claudia.
I did just by "Yes, Minister" on DVD. I had a great time Sunday night watching the first disk.

Why are British shows so good and yet so very short-lived? :confused:
In the UK there are 4 seasons in the tv year 52/4 = 13 episodes.

Many of the shows you mentioned are 20 to 30 years old. You are only seeing the best.
Yes, indeed. I am sure British television has its share of junk on it, too. :LOL:

I do wish some of these shows could have gone on longer, though.
In terms of the shows having gone on longer:

Some of them did go on for several years. It's just that if you are only making 6, 8, or 10 episodes per year; they don't add up to nearly as many episodes.

AMS: 13 weeks? How many shows actually debut a new episode for all 13 weeks of one of those seasons? I would be hard pressed to come up with British shows that had that many episodes in a series, although I guess there are only a few that I really know those numbers for. Coupling's 3 series have been 6, 9, and 7 episodes respectively. Waking the Dead was 8 one hour episodes (4 two part stories), although BBC America showed them as 4 two hour TV movies. Fawlty Towers was two 6 episode series. I guess 13 *is* the number of episodes in I, Claudius (which was shown here on PBS stations, I believe as part of the Masterpiece Theater anthology series).
The nuber of episodes is less than 13 because special programs are made for Christmass, Easter, New Year and during major sporting events.

Also 6 = 13/2 rounded down.
I thought the same thing when I first read that, Anlashok. But I think they mean the repeats are returning, not new episodes. *cries*
Gosh, I thought I was on to something. Well, I guess you can't believe half the stuff you read these days; except on this forum. :D
Oh, please, please please tell me I'm wrong. But I'm pretty sure it would have been much bigger news if they really did reverse their decision.

As silly as it was, Futurama really was a fun series. And clever. Gaaaaaa! I think hypatia is the kiss of death for any series on television.

Hypatia thinks it's great = cancellation before you can say "hells bells". :rolleyes:
Out of curiosity, did you like the Rangers pilot? Because i´m still pissed about that and i´m looking for someone to blame... :p ;)

O.K. Tough question here.

I liked the idea of a Rangers series a lot more than I liked the pilot, I admit. I also hated, really hated, the scenes with that weapons thing. No disrespect to the actress, but it just came off horribly.

Why was G'kar there is a valid question, but I'm a fan so I'm glad he was. The idea of the rusty bucket in space and having to cope with that I loved (I adore Deep Space 9 even though I know the whole controversy with that).

I'd love another sci-fi space-based JMS series.

But I'd rather have Crusade. :eek: