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Ain't It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Deviot:
hmmn I dunno about this review it makes this B5LR sound like it not very good and I also feel this guy has a hudge unreliable streak...HEH I guess I am not trusting of it cause he seems to be misinformed about B5. Example his comment about Crusade music.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't see how his comment about Crusade can bare any reflection to his review of B5LR. His Crusade comment was born out of a lack of knowledge, but he viewed B5LR with his own eyes.

Overall, I thought the review was favourable - the reviewer appeared to enjoy B5LR. And it does sound good. However, generally, I just don't like "alternate dimension" stories.


[This message has been edited by Bester (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

First - neither do I have a particular fondness for alternate dimensions (except hyperspace) but everything depends on how it's presented. Unlike "Byron", "Thirdspace" is *not* an offensive term for me.

When discussing the storyline, you have to take into account what a pilot movie has to do:

<UL TYPE=SQUARE><LI>Introduce the characters.<LI>Introduce the universe.<LI>Introduce the history/races/organisations.<LI>Do the aforementioned without hurting the story itself.<LI>Have a plot that doesn't require a new viewer to know about Babylon 5 and Crusade like many of us.<LI>Still relate to B5, Crusade and the coming series as much as reasonable.<LI>After all that is done, stay on budget and still have good CGI.[/list]

There are, of course, plenty of other factors which make creating a pilot for a series that has *both* a history and a future... quite a task. If anyone can pull this of, it's JMS...

To sum it up, I expect it to be a *lot* better than B5's pilot: the Gathering. And if Booji is favourable to us, the series might be on par with B5.

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.

[This message has been edited by Lennier (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

Has anyone ever seen the movie 'Event Horizon' This seems like a cross between Thirdspace and that movie. I didn't think there were that many spoilers in the review however. Basic plot premise, which would come out in the first 20 minutes or so, and pointing out when battles happen (its not very suprising that there are battles, or knowing JMS that he would have them come up with a clever way to win rather than just blow there way through) I'm interested to see how the dead crew ties into the ancient race plot line and whether they keep the Liandra at the end of the movie or get a new ship.
Anyway that my 2 cents.


[This message has been edited by Jobuca (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

LoL @ Shadow vessels

What overly thourough discussion usually leads to is disregarding the most simple possibilities.

I bet that if the one who wrote the review would see our lengthy debate about it... he'd feel a bit like Londo being nibbled to death by cats.

Canned flarn is a sacrilege.
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

I read the AICN. All things considered, I'd bet the reviewer is probably wrong about half the time. He/she reads like someone who started watching with a mind half made up. And who is confusing what was in This movie with things from other shows. IMO.

For instance, lumping G'Kar in with "other ambassadors" might just be a case of remembering Ambassador G'Kar and assuming that's who he Still is.
Personally, I doubt G'Kar would accept another appointment from the Narn government.
Been There, Lost an Eye, See things so much better now.

Although I did see one thing that a previous poster here apparently missed: The reference to Ambassadors wasn't (if I read it right) to ambassadors from the various races, but ambassadors from the Alliance.

And, as far as the "shadow ship" appearance of certain ships in this movie, we have a Huge Clue in Crusade. The "mysterious" ships that destroyed Gidean's ship when he was an Ensign and left him stranded until Galen eventually rescued him.
Of course, I could be totally wrong about that, too.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The One Who Was:
LOL, good, now go edit the first


Why put into spoiler quotes what we are just speculating about? I doubt its much of a spoiler now that shadow vessels have been seen in B5.

"Why not? Only 1 Human captain has ever survived battle with the Minbari fleet. He is behind me, you are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else."
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>The reference to Ambassadors wasn't (if I read it right) to ambassadors from the various races, but ambassadors from the Alliance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, since the Alliance is made up of various races, this would seem to be a distinction without a difference.
A group of Ambassadors from the Alliance might all be Human or all be Minbari, but they are just as likely to be any other race or combination of races.

Besides, they could be the Ambassadors from various races to the Alliance, who are being shuttled by the Alliance to some planet.


How many Vorlons can dance on the head of a pin?

Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joseph DeMartino:
AICN is a fan (or "fanboy"
) run site, and gets a lot of its information from folks who are far from professional writers, but who happen upon information. Some of it is accurate, some of it isn't. They don't do much in the way of editing submissions, either, they just post them as-is.

I used to supply them with stories myself, in the early days of the DVD format, when I knew some people who knew some people who could get me information from the studios.

Their TV stuff used to be much better when a guy named Glen was in charge. (He was also a B5 fan, so my view may be a bit biased.) But AICN broke the story about the infamous "TNT/Crusade Memo", the one that contributed to the first production shut down, and Glen ran very favorable reviews of "Racing the Night" and (I think) "The Path of Sorrows" when he saw them in rough-cut form.

The current editors seem to have taken one look at B5, noticed that it wasn't Star Trek and reached for the remote. This review is actually a pertty good sign, maybe if Rangers makes enough noise generally they'll be forced to cover it.




An excellent point, vis a vis the current attitudes taken over at AICN by certain individuals there. Harry is certainly a fan of the series, one of the very few TeeVee projects he even confesses to watch, much less love, but a couple of other people contributing to the site rub me ever-so-slightly in the wrong direction regarding their attitudes.

For starters, I have also heard about the extreme anti-B5 bias exhibited by "Hercules the Strong," a frequent denizen of the site, whom, as Joe pointed out in another posting, has apparently gone well out of his way to purposefully avoid giving major coverage to the new project, denigrating JMS, and essentially once again escalating the entire affair into Yet-Another-Babylon 5-Versus-Star Trek-Holy-War over outmoded, old-school sentiment and whatnot.

(Nota bene: Also keep track of how much bloody bandwidth has been devoted by "Hercules" to the new Enterprise series on AICN, and a much broader picture begins to emerge.)

"Robogeek," apart from engaging in a few shady dealings a year or so back with the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, spewed forth many ill-conceived comments concerning the quality of Crusade a couple of moons ago, with very little informed opinion backing up his assertions. Indeed, on occasion, he comes across as nothing more than a hyper-winded fanboy, riding hard upon whichever trendy bandwagon is au courant at any given moment. But enough grousing upon this, methinks.

Glen, the former proprietor of the "Coaxial" section of AICN was quite (I believe) even-handed and fair in his dealings with Babylon 5...even if Fiona Avery did once rake him across the coals in her column in the Official Magazine for something minor.
He always approached episodes and suchlike with an open mind; even when I did not agree with his reviews, I knew that they were at least founded upon some measure of acroamaic insight, unlike those of one "Robogeek."

So, we shall see what the future bodes for the saga on Ain't It Cool News, and I certainly hope that Harry Knowles will put his (quite massive) foot down and permit a bit more news to be disseminated there despite the efforts of certain overzealous individuals to sandbag the proceedings.


[This message has been edited by Leto II (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Jobuca:
I'm interested to see how the dead crew ties into the ancient race plot line and whether they keep the Liandra at the end of the movie or get a new ship.
Anyway that my 2 cents.

My guess is that the dead crew mystery will be the "Apocolypse Box" of B5LR. In other words, it is a mystery that will not be solved until the series proper is well underway. Therefore, I can't image that the Liandra will be replaced in the movie.

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

One question, if this guy (who did the review) has never seen an episode of Babylon 5 then how does he know

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> the ship that attacks the Valen looked like a Shadow ship? </font></td></tr></table>

"Faith Manages"
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>Maybe one of the characters in the movie sees the ship and says "it looks like a Shadow ship".</font></td></tr></table>


[This message has been edited by Bester (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

Yes it could be as simple as that....
Of course you should have hid that response in a spoiler box

"Faith Manages"

[This message has been edited by The One Who Was (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bester:
Maybe one of the characters in the movie sees the ship and says "it looks like a Shadow ship".<HR></BLOCKQUOTE></font></td></tr></table>

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

LOL, good, now go edit the first

BTW, the simple answer is usually the correct one so I'd imagine you were correct and it was as simple as that....

Thanks for being my common sense since I seem to have none today....LOL
"Faith Manages"

[This message has been edited by The One Who Was (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

Right.......I think that's it.......sorry!!!

Please ignore the double post above...I somehow confused "edit" with "quote"!!! (don't ask how)


[This message has been edited by Bester (edited July 21, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

Or an even simpler explanation, already given above:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>"Moriarty" is one of the staff at "AICN" He wrote the introduction to the review, and he's the one who mentioned never having watched B5. The review itself is written (badly) by someone named "Reflux" <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

In other words, the guy who actually wrote the review has seen B5 and would recognize a Shadow ship.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

True....but I never go for the easy answer

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by hypatia:
Why put into spoiler quotes what we are just speculating about? I doubt its much of a spoiler now that shadow vessels have been seen in B5.

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> I disagree. Ships suddenly appear in the movie that could be using Shadow tech - many people would consider this spoiler material. If you were waiting for Crusade to be released, and someone told you that the series contains ships that look like Shadow vessels, would you not consider that a spoiler? I certainly would. Bare in mind that the Shadow-tech vessels in Crusade and the Shadow-like ships in B5LR may or may not be one of the same. </font></td></tr></table>

Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bakana:
And, as far as the "shadow ship" appearance of certain ships in this movie, we have a Huge Clue in Crusade. The "mysterious" ships that destroyed Gidean's ship when he was an Ensign and left him stranded until Galen eventually rescued him.
Of course, I could be totally wrong about that, too.

Possible. But it is implied in the review that the ships in B5LR...

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> come from an "alternate dimension".</font></td></tr></table>

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black> Why am I STILL using spoiler boxes????? </font></td></tr></table>



[This message has been edited by Bester (edited July 22, 2001).]
Re: Ain\'t It Cool News Has A Review Of B5:Rangers!!!!!!

<table bgcolor=black><tr><td bgcolor=black><font size=1 color=white>Spoiler:</font></td></tr><tr><td><font size=2 color=black>I wouldn't consider the presence of "Shadow-like" ships in Crusade a spoiler if I have seen B5 - and therefore had seen the Shadow-hybrid Advanced destroyer squadron. I do agree the the review makes it sound like the ships concerned come from that "alternate dimension", and are therefore unrelated to anything previously seen. We also have to remember that this is one man's perception. These things may not look anything like Shadow ships. That may just have been the closest comparison he could think of, or he's noticed one similarity somewhere and exaggerated it.


Can't accuse me of posting spoilers

Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division
