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Any chance we'll get to see the ship soon?


Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I remember about a year before CRUSADE came out they released a pre-production sketch of the Excalibur. I would really like to see something similar happen with the Liandra, especially since the CGI is pretty much completed...anybody have any pull with JMS here? I just wanna know if it looks like a fish like all other Minbari designs...

“Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!”

Eat More Goat.
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I highly doubt that...sorry...You will have to wait until January 2002 my friend!

Once again, I am truly sorry! You have my sympathy...Cheers! -Warren- "Kit"

Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I just posted a message to JMS at the moderated B5 newsgroup about this. I'd like to see the Liandra, too!



"We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
"I hear you." [giggle, laugh]
"In here!"
"We are here." [giggle, laugh]
-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Convictions"

Tammy's Station
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

Heh, heh. JMS is making us wait.

But that's nothing new, is it?

Come on- that'll make the viewing just a tad bit sweeter, won't it?

Channe, Freelance Writer Extraordinaire and The Next JMS
B5 Synchroninity of the Day: I just found out that the new dorm I'm living in next year has been named Breen Hall.
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

grrr...oh well. Patience is one of my better qualities...It would still be nice though.

“Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad. Why we fought and why we died. All that matters is that today, two stood against many. Valor pleases you, so grant me this one request. Grant me revenge! And if you do not listen, the HELL with you!”

Eat More Goat.
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?


If the ship is of wonderful design, and the pilot movie is of impecable quality... we will go into sensory overload and our heads will collectively explode.

Whereas, if the ship sux and the movie is good; or if the movie is great but the ship belongs in a Talxian junkyard, the bad will make the good look less impressive.

Now... if we get a preview of the ship before the movie comes out, we will neither go into Scanners overload, nor will we be struck down by the posibility of an anti-kewl nexus.


~Sech of the An`Mapa`Shok~"

With luck, they may never find you, but if they do, you will know pain .."
".. and you will know fear .."
".. and then you will die. Have a pleasant flight."
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I suspect the decision about When to show What belongs to SciFi, not to anyone else.

Since JMS is careful never to tread on other people's toes, the most he is likely to do is tell someone at SciFi that lots of fans are clamoring for Publicity.

But, hey, maybe they'll listen.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

When was the last time you saw a promotional campaign for a TV or film project in which the strategy was to show as little as possible, so as to get people's imaginations running wild? It doesn't happen very often. What's far more common is an ad campaign in which snippets of all of the most visually exciting scenes from the project are seen.

Thus, I would be shocked if we didn't see quite a few CGI shots from TLaDiS in ads before January. And I'm guessing that that will include images of the Liandra. I don't know that TPTB really have anything to lose by revealing the design. Rather, they have something to gain by showing people enough to get them excited about the show.

I don't know when promos that include CGI from the movie will begin, but I guess it could happen anytime now that they're basically done making the TV movie. I might even go out on a limb and predict that we might see something during next month's Crusade marathon.

Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

Id love to see it, but Ill wait till the movie for more of a surprise.

I'll tell them that we're declaring war on earth. That'll give them something positive to think about." Delenn-The Ragged Edge

Oh, School and Mundanes Suck.
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

Those of you following the build-up to the launch of Enterprise will know that they've been holding off on revealing too much of the ship. Okay, they've shown the main sets, but for externals there's only been one or maybe two shots released, and the main one is a simple plan view rather than an "action" shot. Why do this, when so many people are clamouring to see the new ship? For that very reason, so that the unveiling of the ship in the pilot episode has impact.

Of course, it has been said that the Liandra herself is not the core of B5LR, unlike the Enterprise. And we also do not have the existing attachment to the ship that many people seem to have with anything bearing the name "Enterprise".

Yes, I'd love to see the Liandra, and the Valen, and whole shebang! But I guess I'll just have to wait, and watch, and tape the show so that I can go back and watch it again to catch all the things that I missed first time through!

Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I hope the Liandra at least has some weapons on it.

Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by War-Demon:
I hope the Liandra at least has some weapons on it.



so do I.
I doubt that they could protect themselves from an attack otherwise.

No one here is exactly what he appears.
Babylon 5
G'Kar - Andreas Katsulas
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I think I may have read what was JMS's response to Tammy's question on the moderated group's messageboard.

In answer to "will we get to see a picture of the ship soon?" or something to that effect, JMS answered "I imagine someone will leak it eventually".

Hmmm. Maybe there are no plans to show the ship before the tv-movie airs. Maybe he's just teasing.

"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

I misquoted, here is what the messages really said:

Is there any chance that we'll get to see what the Liandra looks like
>before the Rangers movie airs in January?

I'm sure it'll leak out eventually.


"I do not believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense,
reason, and intellect has intended us to forgo their use."-- Galileo
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>I don't care if the Liandra looks like a three-footed duck with purple feathers<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

"We weren't even planning on introducing the duck until late in season two. I suspect a leak. Nothing worse than a leaky duck." - jms May 17, 1994. Man, he really does plan this stuff way in advance, doesn't he?

BTW, Sci-Fi had wanted to include CGI from the movie in the "Summer of Sci-Fi and Beyond" promo that ran the week The Chronicle debuted, remember? They used shots of Victory and Exaclibur because they had them on hand and the Rangers CGI was just coming in as the final cut of the promo was due. So I fully expect to see the ship well in advance of January.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division

Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

Well, you know...What I am about to say about the "Liandra design" will really be no help to the curious ones...in fact, I think that it might be irritating for some...but...

The "Liandra" is absolutely awesome looking! With all due respect to 'Star Trek' fans out there (Enterprise)...And I really mean that, with all due respect...The "Liandra" kicks some serious ass! This ship is something that no one has ever seen before on the screen...let alone on television! And for that matter, the entire "To Live and Die in Starlight"...No one will have ever seen a movie like this until this show airs in January!

Keep your heads on folks because you will all be blown away!

Cheers! -Warren T. Takeuchi- 'Kit'-Ranger

ps- I fly the damn thing so I should know how awesome and really, beautiful the "Liandra" is...just look at the name of the ship...BEAUTIFUL...

Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>This ship is something that no one has ever seen before on the screen...let alone on television! And for that matter, the entire "To Live and Die in Starlight"...No one will have ever seen a movie like this until this show airs in January!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Warren my friend you have officially crash landed onto the planet of COMPLETELY BIASED!!! I'm all for enthusiasm, but let's not lose ALL credibility here...

You know I'm just teasing buddy. Sort of.


Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR> You know I'm just teasing buddy. Sort of. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[sarcasm]Thanks Dylan, that is so encouraging. Sort of.[/sarcasm]


Sheridan: Are you trying to cheer me up?
Ivanova: No sir, wouldn't dream of it.
Sheridan: Good, I hate being cheered up. It's depressing.
Ivanova: So in that case we're all going to die horrible, painful, lingering deaths.
Sheridan: Thank you, I feel so much better now.
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

Yes, that was my question JMS responded to. It made me laugh because these things *do* seem to leak out, don't they? *Someone* will probably post a picture of the Liandra online before SFC does.



"We're in here! Can anyone hear us?"
"I hear you." [giggle, laugh]
"In here!"
"We are here." [giggle, laugh]
-- Londo and G'Kar in Babylon 5:"Convictions"

Tammy's Station
Re: Any chance we\'ll get to see the ship soon?

Well, we can't be Sure anything will leak.

After all, "Sleeping in Light" was filmed a full Year or more before it was shown.
And, as far as I know, there wasn't a Single Leak about anything that happened in that episode.

Considering how many people were involved in making SIL, that was quite an achievement.

People in the B5 universe CAN keep secrets when there is good reason to keep them.

Yes, I like cats too.
Shall we exchange Recipes?