I think I may have found a really obscure B5 reference. Ok, it wasn't me who found it really but my husband but he wanted me to share it with y'all.
We have started watching Buffy since they started re-running it from the beginning on FX. So, now we think it is worth watching ... especially since we have seen some of the meatier eps later on in the series.
Well, we also recently watched The Gathering on DVD and while viewing it, my husband took notice of the console in MedBay (when "Lyta" tries to sabotage the recovering Kosh and attacks Dr. Kyle).
Turns out he also watched an episode of Buffy (I Robot, You Jane) where the same console appears! It is shown from almost the opposite angle so you tell me if we are right or not. It is pretty hard to imagine that they made more than one of these...
We took some screen shots of the Buffy ep (sorry for the poor quality but we don't record Buffy at high quality) and you can compare it to the scene in The Gathering. My husband is still going to try to capture the B5 console but capturing things from the DVD is a bit more complicated.
Full screen shot #1 (kinda blurry)
Full screen shot #2 (less blurry)
Prop only shot #1
Prop only shot #2
Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat

We have started watching Buffy since they started re-running it from the beginning on FX. So, now we think it is worth watching ... especially since we have seen some of the meatier eps later on in the series.
Well, we also recently watched The Gathering on DVD and while viewing it, my husband took notice of the console in MedBay (when "Lyta" tries to sabotage the recovering Kosh and attacks Dr. Kyle).
Turns out he also watched an episode of Buffy (I Robot, You Jane) where the same console appears! It is shown from almost the opposite angle so you tell me if we are right or not. It is pretty hard to imagine that they made more than one of these...
We took some screen shots of the Buffy ep (sorry for the poor quality but we don't record Buffy at high quality) and you can compare it to the scene in The Gathering. My husband is still going to try to capture the B5 console but capturing things from the DVD is a bit more complicated.
Full screen shot #1 (kinda blurry)
Full screen shot #2 (less blurry)
Prop only shot #1
Prop only shot #2
Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 <- New & Improved!
There is nothing to fear in the dreaming, only that which we bring with us. --Dukhat