Hyp, you tellin' me you can watch that episode and conclude Gairbaldi wasn't attracted to Dodger? Oh, he was attracted to Dodger.
And, you know, again- he specifically told her why he didn't want to do anything. Lise, Talia, blah blah.
But that's hardly the worst part of the episode, in my opinion. One of the hardest parts of the episode for me to believe is how helpless Delen acts when some soldiers start getting rough with her. Isn't she the same Delen who broke a man's finger for getting too inquisitive? Isn't she trained in self-defense? And aren't Minbari (male and female alike) physically stronger than humans? I'd have to think she'd put up a bit of a fear-inspiring fight rather than to just look meek and helpless in a situation like that.
If I'm getting my B5 timeline straight, this was shortly after her transformation into a human, so no, she wouldn't be stronger than any other human female.
But Delenn was just very unsure of herself at that time- the traumatic physical transformation, the rejection of some of her people and government, etc. If the events of Gropos had happened in say, season 3.5+, then yeah, she'd react differently. That's why that her big coming to the rescue scene with the Minbari war ships was so effective.
People talk about Londo's and G'Kar's character transformations all the time, but I think Delenn's is actually the most interesting. To go from this assured place in the world, with this "destiny" and these seemingly complete and perfect beliefs, than have to sacrifice practically everything for it, be broken down, transformed mentally, physically, rebuild yourself.
She was one ballsy lady