Wouldn't it be cool if G'Kar fought in the war? I doubt he would, but maybe he could give Lyta a few hints -- he was in the Narn resistance long ago, wasn't he?
**Possible Spoilers to the movie from the books**
Yes, but the telepath war wont be fought the same way the Narn war of independence was, so i don´t think he could give any useful hints. Gkar will be somehow involved though, that´s for sure. Actually im afraid all the cast, even unnecesary ones to the story, will be in the movie. Not sure if that´s good or not, since i i think ITB was the worst of them all because of just that. Gkar is a must, though
Anyways, back to your question. If you read the teep trilogy, you´ll see how the teep war is going to be mostly the resistance using bombs, i made that assumption with the flashback of Lyta and Lennier in Crusade (or rather, the flashback that was meant to be), and the fact that near the end of the third book i think Bester states something like that the resistance was considered an organization of terrorists at the time.
Still not sure about how Sheridan, the IA and the Rangers fit into the picture. only JMS knows.
**Big, big spoiler from the trilogy**
We also know that at some point in the war, i imagine towards the end, Bester and (was it 200?) of his Soldiers/P12s whatever you want to call it, are going to fall into a trap, and Bester will somehow sense it just in time, and make it out but his soldiers die to the explosion.
I think everything indicates it will not be the usual kind of war we see in the B5 universe (battle cruisers and all that). Hence the need for a relatively "huge" budget to b5 standars, JMS would have to show EARTH in 2264. That includes Geneva, teeptown, etc. and it´s important that it doesn´t look CHEAP.
And we know the Psi Corps battleships weren´t used in the war, from a script by Fiona Avery.
i want a movie...