I think the blame for the cancellation of "space and alien"-based science fiction shows should fall on Star Trek. They've flooded the market with what 26 seasons of drivel (well maybe 20 seasons of drivel if u're being picky). They've probably used up all the genre ideas that are out there. People must be sick of seeing all these alien shows. They've forgotten that scifi can be used to comment on everyday issues (what with all this reinitialising the tachyon emitters nonsense).
I can only hope that people get similarly jaded with all these terrible hospital/cop/lawyer shows, but I can't see it ever happening. Everytime I turn on the tv there's another one of these shows on.
I can only hope that people get similarly jaded with all these terrible hospital/cop/lawyer shows, but I can't see it ever happening. Everytime I turn on the tv there's another one of these shows on.