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Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

And so Galen and the others will only be in a couple of scenes together, to transit us to the second story. I gather the entire second story is all-Galen, then?

Not necessarily. Remember, they don't shoot scenes in order. More depends on what sets are used for scenes, usually. What we know is that there are a couple of scenes that have all three main characters that will cross segments. We still don't know what the mix per segment will be.

Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

You lads are just sooo cruel :) On a more serious note, who are these dogs from my side of the pond who have a beef with Bruce? Damn them, I mean, what possible reason could they have for this antipathy and animosity for Mr B? is It serious?
Ok I'll bite, and I know this one could get tricky as there could be a million reasons, but why do all JMS's posts specifically deny reprinting rights to SFX? must admit I have to smile every time I see that.
Maybe they are the disaffected Brits? Nah, that would be too easy...
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

They're a group of former fans who've taken a virulent dislike of JMS and delight in slagging him. In the process they don't mind dragging in cast members. Actually the poster seems to like Bruce B...in a warped sort of way.

No, the SFX thing is different. I'll find some background and post it if people are interested.

Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

Thanks for the info, Jan. :)

And yes, please, it would be interesting to read that story again (why JMS has that in his signature).
Re: Ancient history

LOL! :beer:

I have that page bookmarked on my home PC, for ready linking when this question inevitably comes up, but I hadn't looked at it in ages and forgot that it was written by the now foaming-at-the-mouth Paul Harper. Irony doesn't begin to cover this situation. :D


Re: Ancient history

Don't forget JMS's infamous reply to Harper, Joe. The one and only time he's ever proposed on a public newsgroup (that I know of, at least). Hell hath no fury like a fiance' scorned, huh? <g>

Re: Ancient history

Yeah, the whole thing is just...absurd and sublime. Funny -- and bizarre! -- to remember how things used to be, sometimes. I had that same experience when working on the rastb5mod maps yesterday; I'm amazed, looking at the names there, how many of the 'old guard' have dropped off the face of the earth in the past five or so years. Maybe the new material will bring some of them out of the woodwork.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

And so Galen and the others will only be in a couple of scenes together, to transit us to the second story. I gather the entire second story is all-Galen, then?

Probably not. At some point (perhaps it was in the Dreamwatch interview, I don't remember), JMS specifically mentioned having one of the TLT trilogies (presumably the first one) including a set of stories that focuses on Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley. Now that the Garibaldi story has been bumped, it looks like the first volume of TLT will feature one story focusing on Sheridan, and one on Lochley. So I'm assuming that Galen is just a supporting character. Of course, a supporting character could potentially appear in every scene, but I don't think Galen is going to be the main protagonist in either of these stories. One will focus on Lochley, and the other on Sheridan....I think....if I'm reading JMS's previous statements correctly.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

:LOL: Oh, that is perfect. :)

Thanks, Jan! :cool:

As far as the stories go, I thought it was known for sure the first story has BB and TS in it, with some important cross-over scenes for Galen. The second story will focus on Galen then.

Now, that's only if I read it right. :LOL:
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

Really, the only thing we know is that there are going to be some crossover scenes that involve Peter Woodward and the other two actors, either separately or together. That's all we know, right, guys? (And when I say "guys," I actually mean "Jan" and "Joe," who pay more attention to the details than I do. <g>)
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

Really, the only thing we know is that there are going to be some crossover scenes that involve Peter Woodward and the other two actors, either separately or together. That's all we know, right, guys? (And when I say "guys," I actually mean "Jan" and "Joe," who pay more attention to the details than I do. <g>)

Almost....except that's not quite *all* we know. We also have this from the Dreamwatch interview as transcribed by Andrew here:


One episode would concern itself with issues of command, and thus feature Sheridan, Lochley and Garibaldi; another would concern the Psi Corps, and we'd have Lyta, Bester, and someone else; another would be a strong Minbari theme, so we would have Delenn, Lennier and Sheridan (in his role as head of the Interstellar Alliance); a Centauri sequence with Londo, Vir and someone else; and we'd mix it up a bit.

That bit about one of the trilogies (this was before the Garibaldi segment got separated out from the first disk) featuring "Sheridan, Lochley, and Garibaldi" is why, in my previous post, I suggested that the most likely explanation is that this now Garibaldi-less DVD will feature one story focusing on Sheridan and one focusing on Lochley, with Galen being a supporting character in one or both stories. (And of course, Sheridan and Lochley can each appear in each others' stories as well.)

That is my working assumption at the moment.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

Oh, and that assumption also squares with JMS's previous statement (before the Garibaldi segment was separated out), that the first disk would take us to "Minbar, Mars, and B5", which happens to be exactly where Sheridan, Garibaldi, and Lochley are living, respectively, after Objects at Rest. I don't think we're going to have a Galen-centric story.
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

That would be a shame. He was a very popular character.

We shall see. I'm glad the filming is going on schedule. :LOL: :beer:
Re: Actual B5:TLT News from JMS!

Well, just because he isn't the *main* character doesn't mean he couldn't get a lot of screen time. He could still end up in every scene, but just not be the protagonist.