Re: JMS\'s 12/1 post
By the way, for those keeping score at home, the ISA was founded at the end of Season 4--December 2261.
There is some question about what is considered the anniversary of the IA. The organization may have celebrated the date the charter was ratifiied by a sufficient number of races/states in December 2261, or they may instead celebrate the day that the government actually began, when Sheridan took the oath of office as president.
There is historical precedent for this. In the United States July 4th was not universally celebrated as the
national anniversary. Escpecially after the Constitution was ratified and came into effect, there was considerable sentiment for dating the country's birth from that doucment instead of the Declaration. In part this had to do with sectional rivalries. The south tended to prefer the Constitution because it tacitly acknowledged the existance of slavery - without ever mentioning the word - while the Declaration had the annoying business about "all men are created equal" in it. The 4th tended to be celebrated in the North. Dates associated with the ratification of the Constitution or the Washington's Inauguration in the South. Lincoln very deliberately referred to 1176 in his Gettysburg Address - "Four score and seven years ago" - to show where he came down on the issue. A few months earlier the Confederate commander of the garrison at Vicksburg, Mississippi, who originally hailed from Pennsylvania, had chosen the day to surrender the city to U.S. Grant after an 87 day siege. "I am a northern man," he reminded his friends and nieghbors, "I know my people. I know we can get better terms from them on the 4th of July than on any other day of the year." it was only after the Civil War that the 4th started to become a really universal American holiday. (Except in Vicksburg, where it would be several decades before the date was publicly celebrated again.

So conclusively dating events based on the anniversary is tricky at best. It is true that
A Call to Arms is generally dated to December 2266 by fans, and that preparations are under way for the celebration of the IA's fifth anniversary, but it is also true that no celebration is seen in the film. Delenn is getting ready for it, Sheridan is out of the spotlight and reportedly fighting a flu bug. Major events like that usually take weeks or months to plan, so I'd lay odds that they date they were getting ready to celebrate in December 2266 was going to fall in January 2267. (Given the events on Earth, the celebration would have probably been slightly muted, but sitll held.)