I'm just doin' my job... or, technically, Joe D's job.
And I do appreciate it.

Sorry, have been a little distracted of late. In the past few weeks my dad has suffered:
A broken wrist and bruised leg (fall)
Another fall, two weeks later, no apparent injury. (He then spent 30 minutes on his recumbant exercise bike, which is where he was headed when he got out of bed and seemingly fainted.)
Breathing difficulties, later the same night. Also complained his leg hurt when the EMTs were putting him on the stretcher to take him to the ambulance.
Edema. The breathing problem turned out to be due to fluid in the chest cavity, which was also pushing him towards congestive heart failure. A chest tube and drugs took care of the fluid. But his leg pain was getting worse.
X-rays and an ultrasound failed to find the cause of the leg pain, and after two days he was finally convinced to do an MRI in the hospital. (He's mildly claustrophobic and the hospital doesn't have an open MRI, so the choice was do it there or wait a week or so until he could be transported to a facility that did have an open MRI.) That's when they found out about the fractured hip. (Apparently sustained in the fall that had preceded the breathing problems.)
They decide to do an operation to put a couple of pins in his hip, but before they do they have to give him a stress test to make sure his heart is up to it. He passes the stress test, and they do the surgery. They leave a heart monitor on him after the surgery, just to be on the safe side, and the following day they detect a previously undiagnosed arrythmia, which could be the underlying cause of his falls (irregular heartbeat causing a drop in blood pressure) and even the edema. So they transfer him to the best cardiac hospital in the area for further tests. A day after that the doctors there implant a pacemaker.
Yesterday he was released from the hospital and transferred to a rehab facility where he'll probably be for the next week or ten days.
The only thing missing was locusts and the slaying of the firstborn.
So honestly, I haven't been around here a lot.
And yes, there
will be more news coming on
TLT. Jan will be reporting from ComicCon days before the official release and there will almost certainly be legitimate news from that event.
BTW, my copy is costing me $5.19, 2nd day air shipping included, thanks to a $10.00 credit on my account, a special discount code and my Amazon Prime membership. Suck it, Recoil!