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B5LR: Disappointment

Pilots generally aren't as good as the series. One thing that's nagging at me though is the damn uniforms! What happened to the brown on brown robe/trenchcoat looking things?! G'kar managed to keep his old uniform (or a close reproduction) why not the rangers?! Maybe those are more of a dress uniform since we didn't see them often on White Stars. Ah well enough ranting for one morening.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by A_Ranger:
KoshN, what makes you think you know what's right for JMS's story? What makes you think you can do so much better?

Because I have a degree in Engineering. Because JMS has missed some things that should have been obvious. I'm not saying that I'm omniscient, but just that I have expertise in certain areas. Naturally no one person can catch everything. The more eyes you have on something, the better, because each person has their areas of expertise. They can present the observed problems and possible solutions to JMS, and then he has the final decision, but at least it will have been brought to his attention, and won't have just slipped through the cracks.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by A_Ranger:
Quality is subjective. You might think soemthing coudl be better if it were one way, but the people that like it as it is wouldn't like your way. So why mess things up?

Let JMS handle his own baby

I'm not suggesting that JMS not handle his own baby. I'm suggesting that he enlist support to prevent certain "stick out like a sore thumb" errors. It was good that he brought on JPL for Crusade, but even they missed stuff (or maybe JMS just didn't take their advice).

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited February 07, 2002).]
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Talathanar:
One thing that's nagging at me though is the damn uniforms! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

If you haven't read the article on SciFi's web site about the costumes, you should. It might help answer some of your questions (G'Kar's costume was the real deal) and I found it fun to learn a bit about what goes on behind the scenes.

RangerWear: The Costumes of B5LR

Monica Hübinette | Abyss : B5 | Rangers Sponsor List
Pouch-sucking spawn of a bladder fish! Son of a fitch piece of smelt! Tok-swallowing fenbarger! Thrak it! --Na'Feel swearing in B5LR
The crew doesn't get jostled around during the take-off sequence because they're inside the ship, which creates it's own gravity field for propulsion purposes (as all Minbari ships do). This field would certainly negate (for the crew) any small amount of movement the ship happens to be making. It may be a different matter when they're getting pounded by weapons' fire, but I think a few stumbles during take-off would be fine.

Alec McClymont
3D Artist - GVFX
"Something is only impossible until it's not."
This post could reveal information about LOTR.

My first thought after seeing LOTR was that it stunk. After reading some of these posts, I see that it wasn't that bad. Some things still must be fixed.

1. The Ranger code during B5 had nothing in it involving combat. That crap about not retreating was made up for LOTR!

2. The weapon systems were stupid at best.

3. The chronology was messed up.

4. Raiders beat a ranger ship. (raider ships are pieces of junk in B5 and even if they got better, they still shouldn't have been able to beat a modern ship. Besides they don't look any different.

5. If the Hand ships destroyed the Valen's engines, why didn't the Valen defend itself?

6. Ancient and super powerful ships are blown up by weak weapons (grenades). This holds true to B5 as well. After 1,000,000 years I would hope that we would have a way of protecting ourselfs from nukes.

7. Consistency. Narns and Drazi can't get on ships. In season 5, the Rangers can't deal with a Pakmara!

8. What about people from 3rd Space? How do they compare to this Hand? Why couldn't that have just used the people from 3rd Space to begin with instead of making up a new race.

9. Hand ships look weak and stupid. Shadow ships cut up other ships like a knife through butter. Vorlon ships are rarely seen in battle but they are fast and strong. 3rd Space ships have shields and the big ones looked like they were on fire. Membari ships were graceful and deadly. Why could't the Hand ships look neat.

10. The people on board the hand ships looked dumb as well. A guy in a black cape. Ooh. Scary.

11. Spirits not able to rest. There are Soul hunters and Sheridan came back from the dead but a haunted ship! Get real!

12. David Martel is a boring character. He seems like a cross between Sheridan, Garibaldi and Marcus. He possses none of the traits that make any of those other characters neat.

13. Good vs Evil is neat. Pure evil vs pure good isn't.

14. The Hand of G-d! What type of a name is that? Saying something like we are what we are is better. It puts them on par with G-d (G-d said to Moshe at the burning bush "I am that I am" and it makes the Hand seem more ancient and mysterious).

15. The mines looked dumb when they were deployed.

These are just a few problems that I had with the film. I understand that I might be assuming things. Another thing, LOTR should not be compared to The Gathering! The Gathering created a setting. LOTR took a knife and cut that setting up.

Please correct me if I am wrong about any of these things.

I can be emailed at mshichtman@btfiloh.org

Hashem natan viHashem Lakach. (G-d gives and G-d takes)
First of all, I humbly request that we all refrain from abbreviating it as LOTR, since that is more commonly used for Lord of the Rings. B5LR, the Rangers movies, TLADIS, etc avoids any confusion.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>1. The Ranger code during B5 had nothing in it involving combat. That crap about not retreating was made up for LOTR!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The Ranger code had a lot to do with combat. Rangers are warriors. We got an insight into the Rangers in that 5th season episode that had the trainee fight the thugs. Even though Sheridan and company didn't want that to happend, Delenn and the older Ranger teacher insisted upon it. It was a clear difference of philosophy between how humans think and how Rangers and Minbari behave. This gels with the actions of Marcus, that Malcolm In the Middle Guy, and Delenn herself: never back away from a fight.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>2. The weapon systems were stupid at best. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is only an opinion, and has been argued to death. I personally feel that the concept was good, but it ended up looking stupid. IMO, it was the weakest thing in the movie because it broke up the otherwise smooth and engaging flow of the movie.

But again, it's just a matter of taste.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>3. The chronology was messed up.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

No, it wasn't. Please explain how you think this is so.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>4. Raiders beat a ranger ship. (raider ships are pieces of junk in B5 and even if they got better, they still shouldn't have been able to beat a modern ship. Besides they don't look any different.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

So you're saying that a smaller weaker force could never defeat a tactically superior one? I suggest you read some history.

Also, the Raiders had greater numbers. That is a major tactical advantage. It's kind of like a pack of jackals attacking a rhino.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>5. If the Hand ships destroyed the Valen's engines, why didn't the Valen defend itself?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

We didn't see the whole battle. We only saw the end. It looked like a quick, decisive sneek attack.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>6. Ancient and super powerful ships are blown up by weak weapons (grenades). This holds true to B5 as well. After 1,000,000 years I would hope that we would have a way of protecting ourselfs from nukes.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The ship was blown up from the inside. No armor to protect against the explosion.
Just as protection against nukes improves in times, the nukes would increase in power. The ones used by Sheridan are probably a lot more powerful than the ones used in Japan at the end of Word War II. It's a matter of scale.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>7. Consistency. Narns and Drazi can't get on ships. In season 5, the Rangers can't deal with a Pakmara!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It was obvious at the end of B5 that they were starting to include various races into the Rangers but were having problems. Two years later, in B5LR, we see a slight improvement, but the same problems are there. One couldn't ask for better consistency.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>8. What about people from 3rd Space? How do they compare to this Hand? Why couldn't that have just used the people from 3rd Space to begin with instead of making up a new race.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Because this is a different story which has nothing to do with 3rd space. You're making assumptions and guesses and treating them as absolute truth. I would say JMS and the writers know a little bit more about the story than you do.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>9. Hand ships look weak and stupid. Shadow ships cut up other ships like a knife through butter. Vorlon ships are rarely seen in battle but they are fast and strong. 3rd Space ships have shields and the big ones looked like they were on fire. Membari ships were graceful and deadly. Why could't the Hand ships look neat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Again, its only your opinion that they didn't "look neat." I thought they looked fine. Then again, I tend to place more emphasis on story and character and such.
Besides, those ships were "toys given to their servants," to paraphrase Minister Kafta. Those weren't even the Hand.

You're assuming the Hand is on the level or somehow related to Shadows or other First Ones. That is a huge assumption.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>10. The people on board the hand ships looked dumb as well. A guy in a black cape. Ooh. Scary.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought Londo looked pretty retarded. Still do, actually. And Minbari with that rediculous bone on their bald head? Come on. While we're at it, what about Star Trek aliens with those ridges on their heads and pointy ears?

Yes, aliens look dumb. That's why they're aliens.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>11. Spirits not able to rest. There are Soul hunters and Sheridan came back from the dead but a haunted ship! Get real!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't understand your point. A common them throughout Babylon 5 is the possibility of spirituality or "souls." In every situation, the door was left open for an acceptable scientific explanation. It was always purposefully left vague to be interpretted both ways. The "ghosts" of the Liandra in B5LR was a setup to be explored further in the series.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>12. David Martel is a boring character. He seems like a cross between Sheridan, Garibaldi and Marcus. He possses none of the traits that make any of those other characters neat.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sounds like a cross between those fantastic characters is interesting to me. The "traits that made them neat" took years to develop. It's absurd that you expect the same to happend in 90+ minutes.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>13. Good vs Evil is neat. Pure evil vs pure good isn't.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

There you go, assuming you know everything again. You don't know the motivation of the Hand or their allies fully, or barely at all.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>14. The Hand of G-d! What type of a name is that? Saying something like we are what we are is better. It puts them on par with G-d (G-d said to Moshe at the burning bush "I am that I am" and it makes the Hand seem more ancient and mysterious).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Again, what's your point? They call themselves the "Hand of God" or the "Hand of Death." It is not unusual for a group to give themselves self-important glorifying names.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>15. The mines looked dumb when they were deployed.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I thought they looked fine. Again, it's just a matter of opinion. I've seen mines used in Trek and other shows, and this looked better than them.

"You do not make history. You can only hope to survive it."
I wonder if KoshN will get involved with this one. Nah he's busy arguing with me on Deconstuction of Falling Stars.

Garibaldi: "Someone's trying to frame me for the explosion in the Cobra bay. They planted a schematic of the bay and a pouch of Centauri ducats in my quarters."
Londo: "Cen-tar-ri?"
Garibaldi: "Cen-tau-ri."
Londo: "Po-tay-to?"
Garibaldi: "Po-tah-to."
Londo: "To-may-to?"
Garibaldi: "To-mah-to."
Londo: "(and Garibaldi) Let's call the whole thing off!" Downbelow Sound Archive
I'm guessing you didn't read most of the other posts in this thread, since almost every point you raised has already been addressed. And if you post a message on a public board, you can expect the replies to appear on that board, not in your private e-mail. If you can come here to ask the question, you can come back to get the answer.

1. The Ranger code during B5 had nothing in it involving combat. That crap about not retreating was made up for LOTR!

What makes you think we saw every aspect of the Rangers in B5? Someone could equally say that their vigilante approach in "Learning Curve" was something made up for that episode. And obviously the Rangers don't have an absolute ban on retreating, because 2/3 of the movie is one long attempt to escape and retreat - an action not only approved of but ordered by Tannier - who objected to their retreating under other circumstances. Obviously the "no retreat" order is limited to certain circumstances and/or missions.

2. The weapon systems were stupid at best.

The weapons system was a compromise because the system originally planned couldn't be built within the film's budget.

3. The chronology was messed up.

How? Examples, please.

4. Raiders beat a ranger ship.

A badly damaged and heavily outnumbered Ranger ship. Also the Rangers are spread very thin and using whatever ships they can get their hands on while they construct new ones. This is obvious from the fact that they are using the Liandra. This isn't a mistake, it is a plot point.

5. If the Hand ships destroyed the Valen's engines, why didn't the Valen defend itself?

If you'd listened to the dialogue, you would have learned that the internal damaged from the attack on the engines damaged the weapons control system. While the enemy didn't target the guns themselves, they got lucky and disabled them anyway.

6. Ancient and super powerful ships are blown up by weak weapons (grenades).

What "ancient and superpowerful" ships?

7. Consistency. Narns and Drazi can't get on ships. In season 5, the Rangers can't deal with a Pakmara!

Huh? In S5 Delenn orders the Rangers to recruit Pakmara as spies. In Rangers all we know is that the Narn and the Drazi are the first members of their races to volunteer for the Rangers and make it through training. It is not clear how well each of them did in training, so there may be good reason for other Rangers captains to be reluctant about taking them on as crew.

8. What about people from 3rd Space? How do they compare to this Hand?

We don't know. Maybe the Hand are the people from Thirdspace. A pilot film is not about answering all the questions. We didn't find out about the hole in Sinclair's mind or the reason for the Minbari surrender in The Gathering, after all. Was this a "flaw"?

9. Hand ships look weak and stupid.

There were no Hand ships in the movie. Let's all say that again one more time, "There were no Hand ships in the movie." The ships we saw belonged to the Hand's minions, "mere toys" compared to the Hand's own ships. Again, listen to the dialogue.

10. The people on board the hand ships looked dumb as well.

*shrug* Personal opinion. They didn't want us to get a good look at them because that's part of the mystery. No big deal as far as I'm concerned.

11. Spirits not able to rest. There are Soul hunters and Sheridan came back from the dead but a haunted ship! Get real!

We don't know exactly what it is that Dulann was in contact with.

12. David Martel is a boring character. He seems like a cross between Sheridan, Garibaldi and Marcus.

Yeah, and when Sheridan was introduced everybody said the same thing about him. "All he does is smile. He's a gung-ho military type; bring back Sinclair." I don't think Garibaldi or Marcus stood out all that much in their first appearances, either. You're comparing your impression of chararcters after seeing them in dozens of episodes to your impression of one you saw in a 90 minute film.

13. Good vs Evil is neat. Pure evil vs pure good isn't.

How about impure good vs. pure evil? Because nobody on the Alliance side is "pure good." They all have their flaws.

14. The Hand of G-d! What type of a name is that? Saying something like we are what we are is better.

Gee, maybe the aliens haven't read the Torah. So sorry they picked a name that doesn't fit your personal theological prejudices. By the way, they are also known as "The Hand of Death." Maybe their name doesn't translate very well.

15. The mines looked dumb when they were deployed.

No, you thought the mines looked dumb. Others didn't. This is not a statement of fact.



Joseph DeMartino
Sigh Corps
Pat Tallman Division


[This message has been edited by Joseph DeMartino (edited February 09, 2002).]
Next up to bat...Lennier :::cheers::: :::applause:::

Garibaldi: "Someone's trying to frame me for the explosion in the Cobra bay. They planted a schematic of the bay and a pouch of Centauri ducats in my quarters."
Londo: "Cen-tar-ri?"
Garibaldi: "Cen-tau-ri."
Londo: "Po-tay-to?"
Garibaldi: "Po-tah-to."
Londo: "To-may-to?"
Garibaldi: "To-mah-to."
Londo: "(and Garibaldi) Let's call the whole thing off!" Downbelow Sound Archive
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Hamelech:
This post could reveal information about LOTR.

...unfortunately it reveals a lot about you as well... none of it good...

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Hamelech:

Please correct me if I am wrong about any of these things.

I can be emailed at mshichtman@btfiloh.org

...correct you? CORRECT you?! there isn't enough time in the world...

suffice to say the majority of your 'points' are opinions, and opinions that have been discussed time and over...

they're not even well argued opinions (that could at least be excused...) and your 'facts' are dubious in the extreme, where did you arrive at a figure of 1,000,000 years?

oh dear, oh dear, oh dear...

- as an aside, i managed to get a copy of LOTR over here (the UK) and have to say i thoroughly enjoyed it. there were a few holes and nitpicking points (all covered elsewhere) but generally it shaped up well and was very entertaining...

and me, i just *loved* the VR weaponry pod, i thought it was cool as bollox...


...and hats off to GKars Eye and Joe DeMartino for actually wading thru that entire post correcting him...


<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KoshN:
KoshN, what makes you think you know what's right for JMS's story? What makes you think you can do so much better?

Because I have a degree in Engineering.

Babylon 5, Crusade, and Rangers were not science texts, nor should they have been.

Star Trek's warp drive, B5's jumpgates, Dune's guild navigators are all examples of implausible devices writers use to get around vast distance between the stars. I don't buy into the validity of any of the above examples for a second. Do they diminish my enjoyment of a storyline? not a bit.

Meaning no disrespect at all to the time, effort and intelligence it takes to earn an engineering degree, I don't see anything wrong with Rangers that an engineering degree would fix.

"We are (not) all Kosh."
I was lucky enough to see LOR today, and I have to say it's excellent. A far stronger beginning than any B5 series before it, and considerably stronger than many series full stop.

I felt that the characters (although the pilot could only really focus on a couple in any depth) were well drawn and well acted. I can't wait to see how they grow.

The special effects were photo realistic as opposed to the plasticy look of B5 and Crusade. While a few have commented that the direction of the scenes was a bit flat, I would agree, yet add that I think that's the point. B5 did have intricate battle scenes which were highly frenetic, no arguments there, but they only really came at the end of the 3rd season, this is EPISODE 1! If we have the most intricate battle scenes ever devised in this episode there would be no room for plot or character, and no room to suprise us when we do see intricate FX in LOR's later seasons. Remember "the gathering" was hardly an explosion a minute kind of deal.

I found LOR's FX to be of a much higher standard than any of B5's. They were amazing in the "wow, things blowing up" way (which I loved) but things move much more naturally in LOR, they are textured better, and everything feels "real". B5 suffered from camera moves which were mathmatically calculated and looked it, too smooth, losing the sense of "being there". LOR makes you feel like you're there, and drives it home by adding the control interface to put you "in" the battle.

Lorien said that all of the first ones and ancient races had left our galaxy. This is consistent with "The Hand" being banished aeons ago. What's intiguing is, with the first ones gone, there is just us standing between them and their return. JMS is a master at misdirection so we'll see how much "is not exactly as it appears" if it makes it to a series.

B5 was an amazing series, but it took 3 years to get it to the point where everyone's jaws dropped. The amazing seasons 3 and 4 were only amazing because the groundwork had been buit and the scene staged. It couldn't have suprised us if we weren't already secure with what was. Season 1 and 2 were like moving into a new home, odd at first then you accept what you see around you. Season 3 was like coming home to find all the rooms had changed. You're off balance, suprised and uncertain. Season 4 was like your house was gone. Things have to be established before they can be broken.

Crusade never had a chance. All the suprises that were to be revealed over 5 years are lost. We know now that there was to be a link between the shadows and the technomages, and that the cure would have been found early on, and was not the point of the series.

90 minutes in to this (potential) series, it's wrong to start tearing it to pieces for not being in an hour and a half what B5 was in almost 5000 minutes spanning 5 years. LOR has so much potential. Don't forget that jms gave us B5, and I'm sure his imagination will give us a lot more yet if we just judge it on what it is, not on what came before it. It uses the same universe, but that is where the similarities end. In all the universe it is right that we do not know everything or the mystery that jms built before would be lost. Even jms can't concieve an entire universe's mysteries, but he knows more about the B5 universe than any of us so I say, be patient, and don't view LOR with blinkered eyes.

It's not B5, and I think that's the point.

First of all, I'll just say that even though some of the previous posts have pretty much torn yours to pieces, David, don't think that negative opinions are not welcome here.

It's just that many people actually liked the movie (as did I) and are therefore eager to jump into its defense.

Most of the points I would have made have already been made by GKarsEye and Joe, so I'll just add a few opinions of my own.

As far as the looks of either the Hand minions' ships or the caped minion go, well, that's your opinion. I thought that the 'snowflake' ships looked cool - interesting and mysterious, in any case. And the caped figure... so they didn't want the Liandra crew to know what they looked like, so what? Perhaps they had a reason? Perhaps it's another race that's also represented in the Alliance and they didn't want to blow their cover yet?

And as for Martell... OK, I know I go against the majority of B5 fans but I personally hated Sheridan, didn't care too much about Garibaldi and was constantly annoyed by Marcus. That's my opinion - I understand though why many people liked them and I'm fine with that.

However, David seemed to me like a thoroughly likable character right from the very first moments - he was intriguing, he wasn't such a clear-cut 'perfect' Ranger, he seems to have a mind of his own - and he seemed to have growth potential.

I'm not saying you have to like Martell - just as I'd hate to be told that I have to like Sheridan (sorry, I can't). Just understand that Martell being boring is your opinion, not a fact, and if there are plenty of those who liked him, then JMS succeeded in creating the character and Dylan Neal succeeded in bringing him to life.

"There are things out there beyond imagination, and I have a rather healthy imagination." - G'Kar, B5: Rangers
Kribu's Lounge | kribu@ranger.b5lr.com | Kribu.net
Hm. These are very interesting posts. A lot of htem too. Maybe I should start selling popcorn to the people like me who just sit and read. Ya that's it! POPCORN! Get your popcorn as you read these incredibly good posts!

Garibaldi: "Someone's trying to frame me for the explosion in the Cobra bay. They planted a schematic of the bay and a pouch of Centauri ducats in my quarters."
Londo: "Cen-tar-ri?"
Garibaldi: "Cen-tau-ri."
Londo: "Po-tay-to?"
Garibaldi: "Po-tah-to."
Londo: "To-may-to?"
Garibaldi: "To-mah-to."
Londo: "(and Garibaldi) Let's call the whole thing off!" Downbelow Sound Archive
As for the "Hand of God" pointless argument. I am a Christian and am not offended by it. Many belief systems either acting in accordance with (or subverting) their beliefs have considered this an appropriate term. I think the key that jms is at is not that they think they're God, but his servants. jms uses symbolism a lot, the Hands of God are only one part and serve the mind and heart and soul. Will we see these other parts? Who knows... well jms most likely. So far we've only seen the servant of the Hand of God (Probably just the fingers of a hang nail of something), what the hand is like is any ones guess.

When Kosh spoke to Sheridan in a vision one of the messages he sent was "You are the hand". Delenn pointed out that it was an odd image as you have "2 hands do you not?" an equal and opposite. Just as Sheridan was to Justin (the middleman), and the shadows were to the Vorlons.

People who watched the LOR pilot are trying to make conclusions about a series which will be based on questions. B5 was "Who are you?" "What do you want?" and Crusade's was "who do you serve" and "who do you trust". As those last two never really got answered I'd expect to have echos of that in LOR. There will no doubt be new questions in LOR, and I look forward to having my mind opened by them, not closed by being force fed answers.

I serve jms (in a non biblical way!) and I also trust him. I think anyone who laughed, cried, or invested in B5 owes him that. He did after all give us so much.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tigara:
I wonder if KoshN will get involved with this one. Nah he's busy arguing with me on Deconstuction of Falling Stars.

In the Least Favorite Episode thread in the Babylon 5 forum, yes. Plus my screen caps for the Room for Rangers thread.

When I first read David Hamelech's 15-point post, my first reaction was the same as Joe DeMartino's:

I'm guessing you didn't read most of the other posts in this thread, since almost every point you raised has already been addressed.

David Hamelech's stuff is in "all italics" below:

1. The Ranger code during B5 had nothing in it involving combat. That crap about not retreating was made up for LOTR!

Well, we've seen Rangers retreat before. In The Long Night, we see:

While the League watches, Sheridan calls up the White Star scout ship again and instructs her captain to attack a Shadow base near one of their main staging areas. The Shadow response will be instant--and deadly. Sheridan asks this crew to leak news of a nonexistant coalition base near Coriana 6 to the Shadows, and to die in apparent defense of this false intelligence. Ericsson, the captain of the Whitestar with the info. covers the other Whitestars so they can escape. Admittedly, this was all a ploy to get the Shadows to take the bait, but the other two Whitestars did retreat.

However, the no retreat "rule" may have come about between 2261 (The Long Night) and 2265 (TLaDiS).

2. The weapon systems were stupid at best.

Needs refinement. The method of firing was over-the-top. With a few minor changes, the weapons system could be made much better.

3. The chronology was messed up.

Specifics, please!

4. Raiders beat a ranger ship. (raider ships are pieces of junk in B5 and even if they got better, they still shouldn't have been able to beat a modern ship. Besides they don't look any different.

That was one of my first coments to JMS. Here's what he said:

>The Enfali is in a firefight with some raider fighters. Since when have
>raiders ever been able to do serious damage to a Minbari vessel, and why are
>no Nials around?

Even a lion can be brought down by a pack of smaller predators. The Enfalli
was alone and the pursuit was a long one, and they just kept taking hit after

> Since when do raider fighters have aft guns?

Raider fighter craft come in as many variations as human fighter craft. The
error is in thinking monolithically.

>The wheel had already been invented and perfected in Lightwave. *Use* the
>wheel. If necessary, tweak it some more, but *don't* go to different
>software. To change to Maya is to incur additional work and expense, and
>leave yourself open to the possibility of errors and inconsistancies. This
>kind of thing really pisses me off. The change makes no sense. There are
>times to be conservative, and this was one of them.

Understand, however, that we did not *have* that software, or those images. WB
had literally lost all the CGI archives we gave them every season. All we were
able to get, at the very last moment, was a copy of the ship files we had
given Sierra for the B5 game. That's it.


(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)

5. If the Hand ships destroyed the Valen's engines, why didn't the Valen defend itself?

Another one I asked JMS:

>The Valen has weapons, so why were they never fired? Maybe they were fired
>but we never saw them fired.

The Valen never had time to fire; they were hit within a second of the hand
ships coming out of hyperspace (actually *as* they were coming out)...the hits
disabled most of the systems on the new ship (you can see eruptions all over
the bridge). The weapons systems were intact elsewhere, but the control
mechanisms were down. That's why they kept hammering the Valen, to make sure
it wouldn't be able to fire.


(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)

6. Ancient and super powerful ships are blown up by weak weapons (grenades). This holds true to B5 as well. After 1,000,000 years I would hope that we would have a way of protecting ourselfs from nukes.

These are not ancient and super-powerful ships (the snowflake ships).

>I can't see the Liandra making any
>headway against a Shadow Battlecrab. "Seems" inconsistent.

It wasn't a shadow battlecrab. It was tough, but it wasn't one of those. The
hand wouldn't give out that kind of power to flunkies.


(all message content (c) 2001 by synthetic worlds, ltd.,
permission to reprint specifically denied to SFX Magazine
and don't send me story ideas)

7. Consistency. Narns and Drazi can't get on ships. In season 5, the Rangers can't deal with a Pakmara!

The Narn and Drazi may have fallen out of favor when they attacked Centauri Prime against Sheridan's direct orders not to do so. The Pak'ma'ra already had Ranger recruits in B5S5, but the Minbari didn't know what to do with them. Delenn came up with a solution.

8. What about people from 3rd Space? How do they compare to this Hand? Why couldn't that have just used the people from 3rd Space to begin with instead of making up a new race.

Now this comment makes no sense at all. Why do people try to make this association? It is possible that the Thirdspace aliens and The Hand are completely unrelated, in any way. I don't know where JMS is going with this, and while I see no real need for either race in TLaDiS, I'm going to wait to see how this pans out.

I think that the Drakh and the shadowtech they have, and other Shadow allies and other shadowtech they may have, make for more than enough bad guys and dramatic tension in B5:LotR. Just read the Centauri Prime and Technomage trilogies to see what I mean.

9. Hand ships look weak and stupid. Shadow ships cut up other ships like a knife through butter. Vorlon ships are rarely seen in battle but they are fast and strong. 3rd Space ships have shields and the big ones looked like they were on fire. Membari ships were graceful and deadly. Why could't the Hand ships look neat.

Those were not the Hand ships. Those were obsolete Hand designs from who knows how long ago, given to cronies of the Hand (like Kafta's race). It's probably similar to the USA today selling a World War II LST to another country. You don't see us selling our leading edge stuff, just the older stuff.

10. The people on board the hand ships looked dumb as well. A guy in a black cape. Ooh. Scary.

I guess you thought that the Walkers of Sigma 957 looked silly too. How about the Vorlons and the Shadows? How many let their true form be easily seen? How about the Gray Council?

There are lots of reasons why the alien captains might with to remain disguised. Maybe they're of Kafta's race.

11. Spirits not able to rest. There are Soul hunters and Sheridan came back from the dead but a haunted ship! Get real!

Lyta saw the dead Ranger before he went into the light. Was that silly as well? What about Bester's deathbed scans in the Psi Corps trilogy? Maybe these spirits just hung around for a little while because they have some unfinished business.

12. David Martel is a boring character. He seems like a cross between Sheridan, Garibaldi and Marcus. He possses none of the traits that make any of those other characters neat.

You've only seen 90 minutes of one pilot. Give him a little time. I thought he was fine in TLaDiS.

13. Good vs Evil is neat. Pure evil vs pure good isn't.

Who really knows where JMS is going here? I don't. I just thought he should have put more contrast between The Hand and The Shadows. G'Kar's comments muddle things, and lead a lot of people to think that The Hand are a ripoff of The Shadows. A greater distinction could have been made.

14. The Hand of G-d! What type of a name is that? Saying something like we are what we are is better. It puts them on par with G-d (G-d said to Moshe at the burning bush "I am that I am" and it makes the Hand seem more ancient and mysterious).

I don't know where JMS is going here, and I think Kafta was just trying to make The Hand sound "awe inspiring." Kafta did compare them to the Shadows, but who knows how much Kafta saw of the Shadows, and how much he's just repeating Hand propaganda?

15. The mines looked dumb when they were deployed.

I thought the mines, both as they came out of the ship, and when they dispersed and then sought the Liandra, looked great.
It was a nice effect, and reminiscent of how Shadow Battlecrabs launched fighters in The Long, Twilight Struggle.

These are just a few problems that I had with the film. I understand that I might be assuming things. Another thing, LOTR should not be compared to The Gathering! The Gathering created a setting. LOTR took a knife and cut that setting up.

It should be compared to The Gathering. Both are pilots, and set-up a new show with a different cast of main characters.

If they'd just get rid of the most objectionable parts of TLaDiS if and when it goes to series, e.g.:

<LI> the weapons firing antics. Weapons interface needs refined, so that no wire work is needed. Move the VR scene, not the Weapons Officer.

<LI> the lack of familiar B5 universe ships, planets, nebulae, planetary ground scenes (e.g. Centauri Prime, Minbar, Earthdome, Mars Dome, etc. (CURSES on WB for losing the CGI files)

<LI> too subtle jumppoint colors. Go back to Crusade's jumppoint look.

<LI> the new hyperspace look. Go back to Crusade's hyperspace look.


Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

[This message has been edited by KoshN (edited February 10, 2002).]
And also...

Lennier (or Delenn, I can't remember exactly) said that "some" of Minbar's major cities were cut out of crystal formations. Not all.

On Earth, Moscow looks nothing like London, which in turn looks nothing like New York or Rome. I'm sure Minbar is as varied in architecture and style as any other world. I'm not sure that in B5LR there was any mention that the city they were in was the same as the city we saw in B5.

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by newstarinthesky:
And also...

Lennier (or Delenn, I can't remember exactly) said that "some" of Minbar's major cities were cut out of crystal formations. Not all.

On Earth, Moscow looks nothing like London, which in turn looks nothing like New York or Rome. I'm sure Minbar is as varied in architecture and style as any other world. I'm not sure that in B5LR there was any mention that the city they were in was the same as the city we saw in B5.


Go look at The Summoning, where Vir and Londo are out in the garden on Centauri prime (the scene that ends with Cartagia washing G'Kar's blood off his hands and watering the plants with it). There was an amazing amount of detail in those comp shots (the tile floor, the background, the plants in the garden, etc.). That's the kind of stuff I love to see.

Vorlon Empire

Crusade (reruns) starting 03/26/2002 at 1PM EST on the Sci-Fi Channel

Probably all discussed before, but here is my belated thoughts on the Rangers pilot (better late than never, or is that better never than late, oh well

I have to say the LoTR series is going to be top notch, since no series, that I have ever seen, hit the ground running at best form, not Star Trek NG, not even the original Babylon 5 series was tightened up til the second half of Season 1.
But I also need to say that anyone who has nothing bad to say, isn't really saying anything. This movie was only OK, but good enough for me and my friends to eagerly look for a series from it. But it did have some glaring problems:

The Grey Council does not deal directly with the Rangers, that is Ranger one, who is Delenn and Sheridan, or if my hunch is correct, it would now be Susan Ivonova (It seems like this is happening right around the time of Asleep in the Light, or what ever the title of the last B5 episode is) I know everbody thinks they got the time frame nailed down, but I don't think it is that certain a thing yet.
But if anyone has a movie, book, or show quote that puts it dead to rights, I would appreciate hearing about it. I even have some interest in David "Martell"s lineage. I think he has more to be proud of than even he knows, but G'kar knows.

The Ghost Crew is truely original, but I can only hope it will only come into the plot once in a great while, because if it plays a part in every episode, it will hang around the shows neck, cluttering it up, and holding it back. The ghosts would be a repetitious occurance that would grow old quickly. It has excellent potential, but needs to be handled carefully, like Q in Star Trek TNG, a very popular presence, but only when used sparingly.

The firing system is impressive, but needs to be choreographed with more care and reserve. But I enjoyed it, seems like the next logical step in tech. after the Minbari 3D viewing system on white stars and Minbari crusiers, and if anyone doesn't know what it is doing on an older ship, the Minbari have had these kinds of tech. for a long time (gravity and viewers on Minbari Crusiers "for some time now").

What is a pre white star ship, that small, doing with the ability to open a jump point?! Very big opps there. Especially with all the talk about "only larger ships can open their own jump point" from the original B5 series.

Also, PLEASE, DO NOT use the new computer graphics for "opening jump points", it looks flat, doesn't mesh with the jump gate structure, just use the classic style, even the different ones in Call to Arms were a bit too slick, I believe. Oh and the city backgrounds on Minbar, I know they can be justified by the rebuild after the civil war, but they were rather cheesy, and if the series goes on, I hope there will be more care taken with the future look, since we are likely to see a lot of it, since my guess is this series would be regularly returning to Minbar (don't need another Voyeger feel, too inflexible)

One last rant, please, never, ever, let a ranger use the word "Stupidly" again. It grated on me like nails on a chalk board every time I heard the commercial quoting David. The phrase had so much potential and ended up sounding like it came from a 5th grader. And I would like to put in a request for some more reserved style of acting from the Ranger characters. I had hoped for a series focusing on a ranger or two as they move through training, with periodic side missions, but I like the current style of story ok.

"Humanity IS my business"
or the always popular
"You can get farther with a kind word and a 2 b four, than you can with just a kind word"

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