Re: Babylon 5 \"I\'ve Found Her\" is ready for downlo
This game is *impressive*.
Barely passed the first training mission. Starfuries are more complex than model helicopters. Luckily space is big -- no things to crash into.
Barely manouvered through the jump gate... barely avoided getting lost in hyperspace -- heavy use of autopilot, coupled with considering a manouver before executing it.
They have really made hyperspace a place... where human perception falls short... and human instict leads astray. A spooky place which wise people recognize as dangerous... which pilots must learn to stop fearing, yet still respect. A place where finding your way... would automatically grant superiority over an opponent.
Also barely passed the combat training. Since I found myself too limited to properly evade fire... I did a rather unlikely thing. I parked my Starfury in the middle of nothing, told the computer to hold relative position... and waited for the opponent squads.
Basically, I admitted defeat in manouvering. Left manouvering to them... and boosted whatever accuracy I had. Sorted them out on third attempt, with great difficulty. Then almost crashed into the station (too slow, luckily bounced off) instead of following proper docking procedure.
More remains to be seen.
I am quite thankful to the development team for creating such a wonderful thing. I got bored of computer games several years ago... but this one does interest me.