Hi. I'm Tony Lee, the chap who's most likely going to be writing the Babylon 5 story...
I just wanted to pop on the forum and try to quell some fears.
Firstly, there are no pre-written stories. There were and are areas of the Babylon 5 universe that Mongoose have concentrated in, that they've suggested might be areas that would work as stories.
That's right. Suggested. IMHO If JMS goes 'hmm - not sure about that one - hey what about THIS area', then thats where it goes.
Some people on other forums have mentioned that Joe has a GN he wants to write. If JMS has a graphic novel he wants to write, if he hasn't already been talking to Mongoose about it (as believe it or not, they DO talk to each other) email him - suggest to him to write it. I really can't see Mongoose/Warner turning THAT baby down, can you? ;-)
I might not be the BIGGEST BABYLON 5 FAN EVER. But I know my Vorlons from my Centauri. I know the relevance of Green or Purple. I liked Sinclair, wept for Marcus at the end of Season 5, I've had the War without End conversations that many of you have had, cheered when Vir waved to Morden and I sat there with all the others in Pages sci fi bar in London with the TV on, screaming at the end of season three when the cliffhanger hit the UK.
I'm (in my own opinion) a good writer. You want proof? Buy STARSHIP TROOPERS - BLAZE OF GLORY, out now. Buy THE GLOOM out next month.
I can't give you the facts as I don't know them all - this came out before the t's were crossed and the i's were dotted when mongoose's little news bit on their website was picked up by an Internet gossip hack (and it wasn't Rich Johnson, THE PULSE or NEWSARAMA) who threatened to spill. I pre-empted it to stop the story being twisted - but the full answers will be given sometime in the next month.
But on a personal basis? As far as I am concerned, JMS IS Babylon 5.
JMS has to and WILL be involved in any Babylon 5 story I write - and I don't mean 'gets a copy of the final draft as a courtesy' by involvement -
or I won't write it. I'll walk off the project.
Simple as that.
Hope that helps.
Tony Lee