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Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

Marketing or mistake?

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Re: Batman Begins

I really enjoyed it. They focused more on Batman than they did all his villains (which was the mistake in all the movies that came before, IMHO.) They gave all the mojo to Joker, Catwoman, Penguin, etc, (instead of to Bruce Wayne.)

Katie Holmes was just "there." Kind of like eye candy. Though I did notice things were pretty nipply through most of the movie. Good lord, girl, wear a bra!
Re: Batman Begins

I saw those as two additional highlights!!

Good call on the detective thing. I assumed Ras ah Ghul was drawn to Wayne as he was a kick ass fighter, but we did not see any major seluthing going on.
Re: Batman Begins

dunno why he would take a intrest in bruce wayne so early

The power and money and social position of Bruce Wayne would have proved invaluable had he joined with the League of Shadows.
Re: Batman Begins

I read that Batman Begins has been no.1 for two straight weeks in the US, but that overall box office take is down. Could it be because BB is actually a good film, while most of the other films are duds? :p

Re: Batman Begins

Yes, on top of the fact that despite Batman, last week was the worst week in movie ticket sales for Hollywood since 1985...
Re: Batman Begins

Yes, on top of the fact that despite Batman, last week was the worst week in movie ticket sales for Hollywood since 1985...

No kiddin'. Wow. And this during the summer blockbuster season? :eek:
Re: Batman Begins

I've personally seen more movies in the theaters in the last three months than I had in probably the last four years combined. I think it's mainly due to my work schedule now, where I work from 2:30 in the morning to 11. It gives me something to do during the day.
Re: Batman Begins

Since the human body is 70% water wouldn't that microwave emitter end up killing everyone? This has been bugging me since I saw the movie.

Strangely, when they first mentioned the microwave weapon, I thought 'Oh, did they boil all the humans on that ship?' Surprised when all it did was effect the water in the pipes.

That's the price you pay for having an engineering degree.

Loved the film. Very much more realistic than the other Batman films, which I liked. Really nice that they had a plausable source for all the cool gadgets.

Did anyone else think at times that Rachel looked exactly like Susan Ivanova?

Or have I been watching too much B5?
Re: Batman Begins

It is possible to design a microwave weapon to use the resonant frequency of iron or copper. There may be nothing in humans that reacts to the copper frequencies.

Cooking microwaves are simply tuned to the frequency of water.
Re: Batman Begins

It is possible to design a microwave weapon to use the resonant frequency of iron or copper. There may be nothing in humans that reacts to the copper frequencies.
Ah think it also got something to do with the water also has a dipole moment so the changing of magentic fields causes the \water to vibrate with the waves, and thus produce heat. And the fact that water asorbs the microwaves at 2.45 ghz frequency. Here is a good link, least they got the fact microwaves cook outside in correct. Copper and metals maybe asorb microwaves at certain frequencies but don't have the dipole moment, so they will gain some heat from asorbing but won't have the increase seen from microwaves and water since no dipole to rotate. Could put a huge amount of power into and have it asorb by the metal and maybe get enough heat but that would be kilowatts to gigawatts

The power and money and social position of Bruce Wayne would have proved invaluable had he joined with the League of Shadows.
Now still don't see why Al ghul be intrested in wayne, the power and money is nothing for the league Al ghul been around for centuries if not more so he has all the money and power he needs, hell the league had enough power and money to put gotham into a depression. So other than the the son of a former nemisis someone that thwarted his efforts before, still don't see the intrest in Bruce. Still say movie Al Ghul goal in him is still the same as the comic as a apprentice or someone to take over for him. Funny part is that the guy who trained Bruce to be the detective in the comics is Ducard the character Al ghul pretended to be .
Re: Batman Begins

I thought this was a VERY good movie. I couldn't find many faults in it, if any, from my point of view. I liked how it felt that both Ra's and Scarecrow could return in the future at SOME point. I'm actually hoping both show up again, since Cillian Murphy and Liam Neesom were both great in this. Plus, I still need to hear Ra's refer to Batman as "detective" at some point. That'd just be nice.

I also really liked the fact that the true identity of Ra's actually caught me by surprise. Not sure if it was just really well done, or I just never caught onto it.
Re: Batman Begins

The success of Al Ghul's plan depended on his ability to smuggle in the toxin. Had Wayne been loyal to him, they wouldn't have had to use mafia muscle which always complicates things, nor would they have to bother stealing the microwave emitter from Wayne Enterprises. Remember, Al Ghul I said he was "ideally placed." They still got far without him, which is a credit to their resourcefulness.

I am actually hoping that Al Ghul comes back as a new character- that anyone who is the current leader of the League of Shadows is called Ras Al Ghul (which is something meaningful in some language or something). Bringing back Neeson or Watanabe would be a cheap soap-opera thing, but having Batman finally bring down the League would be cool. New Ras would be older and have a hot daughter and call Batman "Detective."
Re: Batman Begins

Yeah Ra Al Ghul mean like "Demon Head". Think the league of shadows also already had Wayne Enterprises, fairly sure the ceo was corrupt and in cahoots with the mafia anyways. Just maybe a little eaiser.

Well hope they bring back Al ghul, doubht they are going to have a new character for Al Ghul maybe change of actor but a new al ghul would cheapen the character, yeah he still has the league of shadows but part of al ghul power is the fact he been around for centuries and has a lot of experince.
Re: Batman Begins

I am actually hoping that Al Ghul comes back as a new character- that anyone who is the current leader of the League of Shadows is called Ras Al Ghul (which is something meaningful in some language or something). Bringing back Neeson or Watanabe would be a cheap soap-opera thing,

Well, I disagree. I like Neeson alot, and the fact that Wayne saved his life brings an interesting dimension to the interplay between the characters that would be missing if he was replaced.
Re: Batman Begins

Saw it over the weekend, very good flick. The only problem with resurecting Al Ghul as the same individual is the "fact" that he knows Batman's secret identity, which pretty much ruins the secret identity concept. :p It worked out in this installment, but if stately Wayne Manor has to be rebuilt every 6 mnths/year it might draw unwanted attention. :D
Re: Batman Begins

So, you assume that the League of Shadows has no institutional memory, that everyone else who attacked Bruce/Batman will also die promptly, forget, or was too dumb to know in the first place? You assume that an organization like that doesn't keep records? You assume that they don't have the ability to find out on their own, if they didn't already know? All that makes no sense to me. the LoS knows who he is, and when they want to confront him again, or vice versa, they will, despite who plays Al Ghul. Or, they could just come up with another plan to destroy Gotham, see if they can sneak it by him, or, wait until then to attack him. Remember, they are really a vigilante organization, who doesn't really disapprove of Batman, per se, they just think Gotham is beyond saving. They aren't necessarily trying to run a continuing criminal enterprise there. I also wouldn't be suprised to see Rutger Hauer back. I thought from the beginning that he must be corrupt, and under their sway.
Re: Batman Begins

I am actually hoping that Al Ghul comes back as a new character- that anyone who is the current leader of the League of Shadows is called Ras Al Ghul (which is something meaningful in some language or something). Bringing back Neeson or Watanabe would be a cheap soap-opera thing,

Well, I disagree. I like Neeson alot, and the fact that Wayne saved his life brings an interesting dimension to the interplay between the characters that would be missing if he was replaced.

Yeah but the dude was on a train that fell and exploded. It would be too cheesy for him to be back somehow (unless maybe they bring in the Lazarus pits).
Re: Batman Begins

I'm not sure how I'd like Ra's brought back, if at all. I'd like Neeson to reprise the role if for no other reason than I thought he did a great job with it. Besides, how many other villains, at least in the comics, suffered similar defeats, yet managed to survive regardless of how impossible it may have been? Of course, I suppose it would all depend on just HOW he was reintroduced.
Re: Batman Begins

Well Al ghul suppose to basicly have always known Bruce = Batman.

Who knows they could bring in the lazerus pit along with Talia , though they tried to keep stuff releastic, have Talia come to gotham look for the body of her father to bring to the pit.