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Batman Begins (SPOILERS)

Marketing or mistake?

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Re: Batman Begins

Yeah but the dude was on a train that fell and exploded. It would be too cheesy for him to be back somehow (unless maybe they bring in the Lazarus pits).

He probably jumped when we weren't looking. That's pretty standard for the genre... :D

By the way, the IMDb says that the microwaves were designed to only affect water under pressure, and that's why they didn't cook the people... :rolleyes:
Re: Batman Begins

By the way, the IMDb says that the microwaves were designed to only affect water under pressure, and that's why they didn't cook the people... :rolleyes:

Microwaves cannot tell the difference. Also I am not sure that the water pressure in the pipes is higher that the water pressure in the human body. The heart is a very powerful pump. They should have blamed the copper/lead pipes.
Re: Batman Begins

Neeson could easily come back as Al Ghul. We saw the train crash, but we weren't close on him when it did. This is someone who's supposedly lived for centuries and has extensive talent in escaping and fighting. He could've easily gotten away. Wayne/Batman did. I agree with JJ, the relationship between Neeson's Al Ghul and Batman was too well developed to replace the actor.

Of course, it may all be moot if the two geniuses behind this film don't return for the next one, they being Nolan and Goyer. The reason this film was so tightly written and brilliantly directed was because of them...without them, I would shudder to think what would happen. Just look at what's happening with X3.

Re: Batman Begins

So, you assume that the League of Shadows has no institutional memory, that everyone else who attacked Bruce/Batman will also die promptly, forget, or was too dumb to know in the first place? You assume that an organization like that doesn't keep records? You assume that they don't have the ability to find out on their own, if they didn't already know? All that makes no sense to me. the LoS knows who he is, and when they want to confront him again, or vice versa, they will, despite who plays Al Ghul. Or, they could just come up with another plan to destroy Gotham, see if they can sneak it by him, or, wait until then to attack him. Remember, they are really a vigilante organization, who doesn't really disapprove of Batman, per se, they just think Gotham is beyond saving. They aren't necessarily trying to run a continuing criminal enterprise there. I also wouldn't be suprised to see Rutger Hauer back. I thought from the beginning that he must be corrupt, and under their sway.

I'm not sure the organization really had any grip on "Batman" as yet, they were interested in Bruce Wayne. I could be wrong :D, but think Raz recognized his pupil because of his past intense relationship with Bruce, not because of any reports or through the orginization. The "secret identity" is very important in the Batman mythos, much more than putting on a pair of glasses. :rolleyes: It opens the duality of the character and allows "the Dark Knight" to be more exagerated in his manner. So far it seems that the only characters in the video versions who realize that Bruce is the Bat are personally very close, Catwoman in the first set, Raz, the Morgan Freeman character, and his old playmate/girlfriend. If it were That apparent, why have a secret identity? And every mid to large size criminal organization/governmental unit should be able to figure it out But they don't, at least according to the mythos.

It will be interesting to see how the League plays out in the series, whether it becomes an arc that plays out over the next few flicks or becomes a "dead' storyline. I dont see the Joker as part of the League, not unless he's in charge. That will be a tough casting choice. Cesar Romero and Jack Nicholson are really tough acts to follow. :devil:
Re: Batman Begins

Frankly I think the the secret identity angle is the weakest hole in the Batman story, and especially this version.

A vigilante hits the streets right after Gotham's most famous celebrity citizen returns from the "dead." He also uses the most advanced technology ever seen which must costs lots and lots of money. Hmm...
Re: Batman Begins

Superman fans have argued that the glasses is the most brilliant disguise because people won't even think that Clark could be Superman- the ol' "not noticing what's right in front of you" gag.
Re: Batman Begins

Yeah, but anybody with brain one would put 2 and 2 together as soon as they noticed a pattern of Clark always coming up missing whenever Superman is around. It reminds me of a Lois & Clark episode where some badguy came back from the future and told Lois she's commonly regarded as "galactically stupid" for not recognizing Superman through Clark's weak disguise. :)