Quite frankly, it isn't worth my time trying to back-read and figure out if you, Thinker, mean B5 or BSG.
If you do mean B5 then... all I can say is that it's funnier than hell seeing Jan reply to you.
I'd not tout the expert label you give yourself (if indeed it is for B5) around her. Unless you like the experience of being hit by an experiential-semitruck.
And while Jan is here, and if she returns, thanks for all of the JMS updates you come over here to post for us. I lost track of how to get to/read the moderated JMS newsgroup, and your updates are very interesting and helpful. Especially when keeping up with the goings-on of a guy who apparantly never eats or sleeps.
I've done the same for Babylon-5 my friend. Bring on your so called truck. I'm sure you actually have some experienced Fiver backgrounders like Brandon Bray and Chris Sapiano or others. I've been a FIVER a very LONG time. Argued story, plot character, and fictional tech longer than some of you have even known the show existed-since 1996 has it been?
Longer than some of you have been functioning adults in fact.
The title of this thread is "Battlestar Galactica the greatest Show Ever; or Babylon 5?"
Some here tried to defend the premise that GINO was even in the same league when its patently not. If all I had to say was that single sentence, then I would say it and be done. But someone posted one of my critiques without clearing it with me first, and then told me. I followed the track here to see what I would find. I found some who challenged my opinion and credentials to discuss that show and attacked me PERSONALLY in absentia,
The mark of intellectual cowards.
I came aboard, defended my viewpoint, expecting peer debate instead of this nonsense.
If you bothered to read instead of emotionally attack me, my position was quite clear and on point. GINO is not a good series and it will be forgotten, much like the majority of the Berman Drek product.
I just am astonished that a community of Fivers are so close minded, bigoted and unwilling to discuss
when challenged.
As for you Vacant, I've yet to read one coherent thought from you. Do you actually have anything to say, beside "neaner neaner?" That is the behavior of a child.
As I said to Gavo- if you want to discuss Rob Moore's show in another thread, I'm game but
this thread is where the discussion started.
For those of you who can't tell what I discuss here, either you don't want to wade through the posts or you didn't show the interest, this one post should make QUITE clear that I discuss Ron Moore's show specifically as being an inferior product of no merit, and that it will never threaten B-5's position as a premier science fiction show.