Too much stuff to comment on in this thread so far.
I've been rewatching Buffy and Angel as my wife had never watched it and I thought she'd enjoy it. When it came the Angel spin-off I found a list on wikipedia of the order of the episodes to make sure we watched them in the right order. Yes I am that anal.
I don't tink Buffy (the show) has aged well.
By the way, Angel starts of really shakily, but I recommend you perservere with it as I personally enjoyed it on the whole a little bit more than I enjoyed Buffy overall.
I think it's kind of inevitable for a show centered around hip and trendy teenage life to become dated very quickly, I guess. Fortunately for myelf, I've become such an old fogey that's so completely out of touch with what is trendy and hip right now that most of this will pass me right by. Buffy's high school years precede mine by two years. If you factor in the time difference (There's a joke in Germany - What would you do if you found out that the world was to end tomorrow? Get in a car and drive to Austria, those guys are always a few years behind everyone else), it pretty much lines up with my highschool time, so the oddness of it doesn't srike me on the head too much when I watch Buffy now. I like to pretend that my high school time wasn't a long time ago.
(unless you're not even talking about the hipness and the pop culture, but of the production values/effects/etc.
