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ComingSoon.net TMoS news...


Hmmm, this looks like a good sign...


Steven Beck will direct a big screen adaptation of the popular sci-fi TV series Babylon 5. The movie, titled The Memory of Shadows, is intended for theatrical release and was written by series creator J. Michael Straczynski. Production Weekly reports that the project starts filming this April in the UK.

In "Shadows," the technology of the ancient and extinct Shadow race is being unleashed upon the galaxy by an unknown force, and Earthforce intelligence officer Diane Baker, whose brother was recently killed in a mysterious explosion, it out to find out who is behind the intergalactic conspiracy.

Joining her is Galen, a techno-mage who has been charged with keeping the technology out of the hands of those who would abuse it.

Not quite sure what to make of this. How reliable do you reckon it is?
Hmmm. New character. Perhaps a good move, perhaps not...

As to reliability, I have no idea. Has WB done any official press release yet?
Not quite sure what to make of this. How reliable do you reckon it is?
Interesting, but until I hear more about the reliability of this source, or see it posted elsewhere I am withholding an opinion.
Hm, only one credit for him on IMDB, as an associate Producer for Alma Mater in 2002.

JMS' most recent post refers to "a certain director...". Doesn't sound right to me.
Using the new character makes sense plotwise. If you're looking to bring new viewers into the B5 universe, a new character can facilitate this. Everything will be written for the outsider coming and and seen from that perspective. It sounds like it will be done film noir style, with this gumshoe woman uncovering secrets and being thrust into the B5 story.

Dunno. It's a shock to me, though.
As others have said in JMSNews board, it might be typo (Ghost Ship, which is also WB movie, director Steve Beck instead of Steven Beck).
Hm, only one credit for him on IMDB, as an associate Producer for Alma Mater in 2002.

There's two of them. The director is listed as "Steve Beck".

Credits include:

The Hunt for Red October (1990) (visual effects art director: ILM)

The Abyss (1989) (effects art director: ILM)

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (1989) (visual effects art director)

Ghost Ship (2002) - Director

Thirteen Ghosts (2001) - Director

This is INDEED a bit scary.
Its still not offical, so I am still holding my breath.... (its been a while there..)

Sounds like the Crusade plot end we all want...

It bothers me that there's no source listed for the information, nor a studio. That's pretty common, afaik, isn't it?

indeed who did this information come from.


As WB are spending a lot of money on this (theoretically) wouldn't you expect them to go for a BIG NAME director or at least someone with a DECENT track record.?

As WB are spending a lot of money on this (theoretically) wouldn't you expect them to go for a BIG NAME director or at least someone with a DECENT track record.?

Well, there's big money ($20 million - $35 million) and then there's BIG money ($100 million plus). I doubt that Warner Brothers will spend anywhere close to BIG money on a B5 feature film. They always seem to have a tendency to go cheap and cut corners when it comes to respecting B5. As such, we're probably not going to see a big name director associated with the project. Warner Brothers will probably not pay for a big name director, and such a director would probably look down his/her nose on the project (since it's from "TV" and is "sci-fi."). That said, the lack of a big name director might be a good thing. They'd be likely to try to impose their ideas upon JMS, and that's not a good thing.
What happened to a possible Telepath War story? :(

Whoever said for sure it WOULD deal with Telepaths? I think it was one of the leading theories, but it was no more than that...a theory. A second theory WAS regarding a possible Crusade plotline. Heck we all wanted to see it. JMS said he would like to be able to tell the story somehow, and Crusade did deal with leftover Shadow Tech, so it fits.

There were lots of possibilities discussed in regards to TMoS. Telepath war was the popular and most talked about as JMS said he would like to do it in a Movie in a post a few years back. But that didn't mean that is what it was going to be for sure.
...and telepaths are leftover Vorlon tech. So guess what happens when you bring those two together..
Well, we've actually seen quite a lot of it. :D

Perhaps they even have a bit to learn from each other, the leftovers do. For example, the keepers might learn something about shampoo and conditioner from the telepaths, and the telepaths could learn to not be so obnoxious from the keepers. :cool:
I have no problem with the director going off his credits as posted. If he was visual arts director for several visually impressive films, then that's great. Supreme direction, after all, will rest with JMS.
I don't have any problem with the director, and regardless I'll see the film anyway.

I was just thinking, aren't the Drakh already a force using leftover Shadow technology? I mean, hasn't this been done?

I'm hesistant of a new character as well, but if it's under the direction of JMS, then it should be excellent.
Going by what I know of how Crusade was supposed to go, I think it likely that the "unknown force" is in fact EarthGov.

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